Topic: Network drivers missing in Sysprep Mini-setup

Hi Guys

Firstly I would like to mention what a fantastic resource this site is. I've been gradually building a hardware independent image using particular posts from Overflow, Somebody, Jack_F and of course Galapo who have helped me massively so thank you very much

OK so im new to the forums.  I have successfully built a universal image using mysysprep and ghost/WDS which I thought was running perfectly on many machines in my domain and assumed I had reached Universal Image heaven. This was using the excellent driver packs from this site. Then last week I came to deploy an image on a SATA configured computer and of course got the lovely BSOD 0x7b. I went down the route of tweaking the BIOS without much luck so got into researching Galapos Offlinesysprep with the view of injecting the MassStorage Drivers

I already had a working BARTPE CD so decided to add the plugin and formulate a method of integrating the Mass storage to include SATA. After a few weeks of reading all posts I have managed to compile a method which I think might just work. The problem I have come up against I don’t believe is offlinesysprep based but I could be wrong.


1. Ready configured windows image to sysprep
2. Compile Bartpe CD with offline sysprep plugin and mass storage plugin
3. Create SAD folder using BASE and method 1 for cpu and the manuall extract all other driver packs
4. Copy D (all extracted drive packs inside) directory to C route of sysprep machine (Inlcuded routeDP_Install_Tool.cmd and Devpath etc)
5. Run c:\devpath.exe c:\d
6. Add call in gui runonce to run dp_inst_tool (this was carried out before compile of bartpe)
7. Now I boot bartpe and run offlinesysprep

General config
- User profile - Admin
- Optional select extra drivers - Blank

-Inject HWIDs supported out of box
-Install standard IE mass storage devices
-Install all non IDE drivers (SATA)
-Suppress Driver signing warnings

8. Then for sysprep
-Don’t reset grace period
- Use Mini Setup
- Detect Non-plug and play hardware
- reseal

9. Then after reboot I go through sysprep and normally I would insert the Windows key and add local admin password and the network drivers would install and then I would join to the domain manually. For some reason the network drivers "install" very quickly/too quickly and then sysprep skips domain joining and finalises. As a test I removed the runonce dp_inst_tool and let the computer boot into windows after not joining to domain and noticed I had no IP address (network driver issues!)

10. Once this process finishes computer reboots and dp_inst_tool runs fine installing all drivers

My question is once I have run c:\devpath.exe c:\d, should this not be sufficient for mini setup to grab all necessary drivers? Do I need select Detect Non-plug and play hardware in sysprep or is the line in my inf file below “InstallDefaultComponents=Yes” also sufficient.

here is a copy of my sysprep.inf file:



    FullName="Seventeen Group Staff"
    OrgName="Seventeen Group Limited"




    Command0="\\\klshare\Packages\NetAgent 8.0.2090\lsexec.exe"



Everything else seems to be working well so im hoping this is a simple fix
On a side note im a using latest driver packs, XP SP3 (all updates) the recommended version of sysprep in Galapos help file and the latest version of sysprep.

If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be massively appreciative and I hope I articulated this well enough

Re: Network drivers missing in Sysprep Mini-setup

In my testing, dp_inst_tool was not even needed. Devpath alone was sufficient for Mini-Setup with UpdateInstalledDrivers=Yes and DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore. It was not necessary to select Detect Non-plug and play hardware. That extra step just took more time and made no difference.

Re: Network drivers missing in Sysprep Mini-setup

I’ve checked that the reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,DevicePath' is populated correctly starting with %SystemRoot%\Inf;.........................

I’m am using latest driver packs and BASE 10.06. I’ve read a few posts mentioning to use 9.1 driver packs. Can anyone else recommend this or am I good to use latest and greatest?

Re: Network drivers missing in Sysprep Mini-setup

Hi Guys

I have found a resolution to my problem although im still not 100% as to what the issue is. Ive basically used an older version of driver packs 10.5 or 7 depending on the pack and still using SAD 1 and devpath in conjunction with offlinesysprep. The drivers (most importantly LAN) install correctly during minisetup. I understand that device drivers sometimes do not install correctly if chipset drivers fail in mini setup so im not sure how to find out weather its a chipset failure or LAN or maybe something else. Im going to test using working driver packs but use the latest LAN pack and see if it still works.

Will let you know the result

Re: Network drivers missing in Sysprep Mini-setup

Further testing: I carried out exact same steps as above except this time sysprep'd using sysprep files on local c and bypassed using bartpe and offlinesysprep. The result was the correct drivers loaded during mini steup. Therefore somewhere during offlinesysprep/sysprep in bartpe something goes wrong. If the driverpacks are confirmed as working fine without offlinesysprep then im guessing this its not a driverpack issue.

I am now testing the following. Devpath.exe, D on C etc, Sysprep on local c and reseal. Then reboot into bartpe and use all offlinesysprep functions required (mass storage and hal etc) but dont use sysprep afterwards. Then reboot. Will posts results