Topic: video pack A has ini entries only for ati?

I was trying to trim down Video A (for windows xp), but the .ini file only contains entries for folder a, which looks to be for ATI cards. It also contains an NV folder (I'm assuming for nvidia), but this folder is not referenced in the ini. Is this an error, or are the nvidia drivers handled some other way?

I'm using an nvidia card, so I'd like to remove the other stuff, but I'm not sure the nvidia drivers aren't somehow called/referenced in the (A) section (ini actually uses square brackets instead of () ).

Re: video pack A has ini entries only for ati?

All you need to do is remove those sub-folders that you do not need (in this case \A), then repack.
To avoid conflicts, also remove any INI lines that point to the removed paths.

Besides, my DriverPack Graphics A files does contain entries for [N1] (this also being the brackets you are referring to?).
But I'm currently using a test nighly version.
Which is yours?

To check whether a file has been downloaded completely and is not corrupted, please use 7-Zip's (great packer btw, recommend to install) archve testing feature and/or check the MD5 sum given on the DL page.

Re: video pack A has ini entries only for ati?

Thanks for the info, Helmi. As for the version I'm using, I'm pretty sure it's 8.04. I just downloaded them about a week ago, and the most recent entry in the changelog is many months old. I'm also pretty sure I've got the complete archive, since I use winrar, which throws a fit if even half a dozen bytes are off.

Well, if you've got the same lack-of-reference in your .ini and they work, I'll just assume they're referenced some other way, and work from there.

Re: video pack A has ini entries only for ati?

Don't worry about the .ini dstarfire.  Even if you leave orphaned entries in there, the DriverPacks Finisher is smart enough to ignore them if the folder isn't present.  Hack away!
Your G_A DriverPacks .ini doesn't have any entries for N1 because they weren't implemented back in April when that dp was built.  Helmi and I are too used to working with the nightly builds.

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