Topic: Can you add your own drivers?


First, i'd like to thank the owner of this site for taking the time to make this driver packs.

My question:

If a specific driver i am looking for is not in any of the packs, can i add it myself?
If yes, would it require anything special or just simply add the .inf files into a new folder?

Thank you for your help.

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

welcome to DriverPacks.

the short answer is.. It depends.
In DriverPack MassStorage, NO. For DriverPack MassStorage and textmode support, you need the know-how. But a seasoned IT guy can do it after reading the FAQ.
For other DriverPacks, it could and should most likely work, but it may not.
You will probably not pick up the knowhow for building a dp like DriverPack Graphics A and DriverPack Graphics B overnight.
But, most other DriverPacks and 3rd party DriverPacks can be edited and added to by a savvy user..
(actualy, every DriverPacks can be edited. How else would we be able to update them, eh?)

We do like to see the link to the driver you need, though.
Think about it for a second.
When you add it for personal need and it fixes your need and it works for you, then it should be put in a future release so that all our users can benefit later on.

When the larger user base finds it creates no issue, we are happy, and you don't have to fix our newest release each time we release without your driver.
(OK, it took two seconds.)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

and I am a mecanic.. not an IT guy.. grinz.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

Thank you.
I've been in IT for about 7 years, so i wouldn't call myself a noob.
However this was just a question, i don't have any drivers right now that are missing when i install my cd with the various Dells, lenovos, HP-s in our corporate enviroment.
If i do find i driver on a specific laptop/desktop model i will add them and will let you know of the result.

Thanks again.

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

This driver: … wk-15944-2 was missing.

I have added this driver using this method here:

Thanks again Bashrat for taking the time and putting all these drivers together.

I do have another question for you Bashrat (if you're still visting this forum), do you have any objections if i use these packs in a corporate enviroment.
Contact me via pm if i need to do anything special.

If these drivers are completley free and you don't have any objections, i will do everything i can to persuade my supervisor to make a donation for your efforts and time.

Thank you.

Last edited by engert100 (2008-07-05 10:42:08)

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

Bâshrat the Sneaky is still with us and last thing he told me is he is working hard to get the new site a fact.
There are several people helping at DriverPacks now, and team members help those people make this project get better.
When you run DriverPacks BASE and get to the "credits", you will also see the words he wrote about this.
They actually form a link to the donation page.

I'll look at those links you just provided, and will see what we can do.

hehe, I forgot to say "Welcome".

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Can you add your own drivers?

Jaak wrote:

hehe, I forgot to say "Welcome".

Thank you Jaak.

In that case (after reading the credits in the program itselft) i will try to get my supervisor to make a donation to this site.
100 Euros is nothing for a corporate environment.
If they're cheap and don't want to pay, i will make a donation myself.

Thanks again.