Topic: [REQ] Updated Dell SAS 5x that also supports IBM Blade and LSI 1064

The current MassStorage contains the 11/17/2005, "Dell SAS 5x (Windows Server 2003 32-bit) driver in the D\2 Folder. This driver is for the LSI_SAS 1064 controllers.

The IBM System X Blade HS21XM also utilizes the LSI_SAS 1064 controller.

An updated version of the driver 10/18/2006, is available from the IBM site. This updated version also supports the device ids found in the Dell servers. … nd=5000020

Based on the new driver, the DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini would also change to include the newer set of hwids:


Since the updated version is available from IBM, maybe the folder should change from D\2 to I\7 (new folder).  Or maybe a new LSI folder, since it covers Dell and IBM systems.

Last edited by zookeeper (2007-11-28 08:55:21)

Re: [REQ] Updated Dell SAS 5x that also supports IBM Blade and LSI 1064

will you help me remember, so it gets into 7.12?
I'll have my plate full for a while, and don't want to forget you want this.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: [REQ] Updated Dell SAS 5x that also supports IBM Blade and LSI 1064

Friendly reminder.   Hope it made it into 7.12.