Re: Windows XP SP4 - "unofficial" work in progress
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The log at at 154KB exceeds the allowed 65KB limit and there is no provision for attaching a zipped file.
I emailed you my email address
Windows XP SP4 v3.1a is available for downloads at the Ryan forum:
The author of this service pack says it's his last.
I should hope so. There are no more updates to add at this point.
What an awesome effort...
I REALLY appreciate how tough something like that is to publish.
and how little that effort is recognized or even respected.
It's totally awesome the ryan forum is still rockin .
Thanks for updating the thread sir!
I guess BASE doesn't like SP4... grumble.
Last edited by OverFlow (2016-02-11 19:07:48)
The log at at 154KB exceeds the allowed 65KB limit and there is no provision for attaching a zipped file.
Have smartepants forwad the file and I can make sure you don't get anti-spam folder-ed
Split it in three pieces and i can delete posts that don't relate later
Windows XP SP4 v3.1a is available for downloads at the Ryan forum:
The author of this service pack says it's his last.
tried this on an unloved version of XP I have lying around, the precautionary steps was interesting, one bit you delete the other you have to manually clean up garbage to stop issues.... BUT I'd fixed a network issue with - Windows Repair 3.9.17 tool - and the folder needing manual clean up was already tip top without any erroneous garbage that needed cleaning
3.1a went on with one or two tiny messages through process, rebooted no ill effects, seems good :-)
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