Topic: [SOLVED] Little splash screen while finishing DriverPack installation

Hello World,

As I continue to update my Windows unattend (next issue in the few months, see work in progress below)), I try to TOTALLY remove DOS windows or any message/windows which could stare at the installation. It must be clean AND beautiful. So, when on windows desktop I see such window ...

... I'm in the mood for crying !

Bâshrat, please my boy, REMOVE THAT, it's ugly and you don't need it to finish installation ... And as I said in a previous topic, you are THE ONE which provides such great tool to slipstream drivers, so you don't need to say "Hello, I'm here" at screen !

However, a solution would be to not compress exec DPsFnshr.exe in order to include our own logo if we want (for example with Reshacker) instead of yours !

Well, I'm french and my english is not as good as I would, but I hope to be understood !

Kisses from France ....

Last edited by Coccinelle (2006-09-25 01:31:44)

Re: [SOLVED] Little splash screen while finishing DriverPack installation

As I said before, it's NOT a nag screen, it's just a small splash screen that only remains active for the duration of the DriverPacks Finisher. It shows the current action.

I know it's not beautiful... I wish I had your graphics skills wink Probably I'll make it a manual option in the next version to disable it - so those who feel so annoyed when they see it, can disable it. In the future, you'll be able to configure it from within the DriverPack Sound B, but not just yet.

Founder of —

Re: [SOLVED] Little splash screen while finishing DriverPack installation

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

As I said before, it's NOT a nag screen, it's just a small splash screen that only remains active for the duration of the DriverPacks Finisher. It shows the current action.

I know it's not beautiful... I wish I had your graphics skills wink Probably I'll make it a manual option in the next version to disable it - so those who feel so annoyed when they see it, can disable it. In the future, you'll be able to configure it from within the DriverPack Sound B, but not just yet.

Yes I know it's not "nag", but I didn't find another word with my online dictionnary smile !
So I'm waiting for you to remove the splash (yes, better than "nag") screen. I will be patient ....
Thanks once more ...

Re: [SOLVED] Little splash screen while finishing DriverPack installation

Coccinelle wrote:

<message deleted, as requested>

Thanks! I've made you a member of the Donators usergroup now wink

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