Topic: Unknown Devices v1.4-20 Beta - "fixed" HID & USB detection & updated
I always liked this program, i just wished that the HID & USB detection would work properly.
I figured it out & decided to share.
I took the liberty of updating the devicelists from: 2009-11-27 & (from Ray Hinchliffe's SIV - System Information Viewer)
The last file must be modified to "fix" the HID & USB detection. First add a comment character at the beginning of the file. ";" Next copy the file & remove all but one commented line at the beginning. Use Notepad++ or similar & lower-case all lines. Paste that into the original file at the end of file. zip all files into "". Done.
here --> UKD_14-20_Beta_Updated_05-15-2012.7z
edit: link removed - updated below
My tribute to the creator of this essential driver-related software at Halfdone Development.
Works with all versions of windows AFIK. edit: Win7-max
Note: Since the 'updated' chpsdev.txt file is from 2009-11-27, newer chipsets will not detect properly.
Also, Windows Key detection is wonky in NT6.
Last edited by TechDud (2012-05-16 02:30:56)
MemTest86+ Video Memory Stress Test D-P-C Driver Latency Tester (Win7-max)