Re: Looking for a good DriverPacks Tutorial...
pulled first version because of huge edits
the second posting of noobie txt tute is updated
Kind regards, Jaak.
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pulled first version because of huge edits
the second posting of noobie txt tute is updated
Or is there any specific reason why you'd want to do any of the above after integrating the drivers?
I am building a manual unattended that is a evolving work in process. I asked because I had earlier success with the driverpacks but the last two times I tried the lastest packs my unattended disk failed. I may or may not have now found out why.
I did, before I got around to using nLite which greatly speeds up the process.
If you need further info on that (you can also do the drivers manually but it's a real PITA), check out
A really great guide and comes in three "difficulty" levels
Yes I have used that guide and done the drives manually.
One way off topic question. Can you set up an unattended disk to work on 3 different home computers that each have their own different product keys or do you have to put in the product keys on each install making it not a true unattended install?
One way off topic question. Can you set up an unattended disk to work on 3 different home computers that each have their own different product keys or do you have to put in the product keys on each install making it not a true unattended install?
That's a tough question.
I have had a similar discussion on the German nlite forum and the general consensus was it's not possible.
I'm not so sure this is a final answer, however, it certainly does not work by simply adding three keys to your WINNT.SIF.
What I could image is that you create an exception for the finisher that would re-write the key to the registry after installation based on a specific hardware found only on one of the PCs (ie each one must provide at least one piece of HW that is unique).
Else I wouldn't know how to distinguish between the PCs.
What certainly does not work is auto-activation.
You either need to use a Corporate Edition of XP where you do not have to activate at all or you will have to do that manually after installation for each system.
You could, however, save the activation file and copy it over when you reinstall, but that requires exactly the same HW configuration.
Not entirely too practical.
Another idea is to simply use the same key for all three machines.
That's how it's most likely done in most businesses (obviously, if you have the Corporate Edition, you'd also make it fully unattended compatible).
After all, to legally use the OS, you only need to have a valid licence for each machine, and that is the only thing MS cares about.
You could even buy a licence without a CD and obtain that elsewhere, that wouldn't even be illegal.
Therefore, the key isn't what makes it legal, it's the licence - one for every machine.
However, unless you own a CE, MS will at least get suspicious on activation if the same key is used (obviously they couldn't know whether you own the licences or not...).
How you deal with that I cannot tell you, however, I have heared, using phone activation and answering "only one" to the questions on how many PCs you have installed will get your system properly activated.
Again, you NEED to own three licences for three PCs or this will be illegal.
If you do, it might be morally wrong but legally it should be ok.
Then again IANAL, so take this all with a grain of salt.
Thanks for answer. I would be nice if you could set it up to auto activate them unattended or at least to give you an option to select which system you installing on and have it auto activate that one. That is beyond me for now. I still haven't been able to get my auto-activation to even work yet for just one install
Siginet is working on something like it, check it out->
Again, once you intergrate drivers with the DriverPacks BASE you can no longer do anything to your source? (e.g. edit text, add or remove programs, add remove hotfixes etc). Does that mess something up?
Another question..Does anyone make their own unattended source disk manually without using others program/tools? I just ask because I am trying to learn this and feel the only way to get a true understanding of what you are doing is do it yourself hands on.
You should make those changes before slipstreaming the DriverPacks. If you still want to make changes, make them to both the current txtsetup.sif and the backed up file, If you don't, you'll lose your changes the next time you use the DriverPacks BASE on the same installation files.
And yes, I make my unattended installation discs manually. But only as far manually is relevant. It'd be incredibly stupid to not use the DriverPacks BASE or the RVM Integrator, for example.
Just download the DriverPack Sound B, download all DriverPacks, extract the DriverPack Sound B, put the DriverPacks in the 'DriverPacks' directory, start the BASE, configure it to suit your needs and click the Slipstream!-button. That's it.
Please forgive my ignorance to ask you a simple question .
What do i have to do to put the DriverPacks in the 'DriverPacks' directory ( quote from you sir )
Thanks you
Last edited by xpnewbie (2006-12-28 04:27:13)
That depends on the method you will be using. Method 1 will require about 600 MB, method 2 290.
Sorry for my ignorance , but what is method 1 or method 2 , where can i read them in detail . Thanks so much
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:Just download the DriverPack Sound B, download all DriverPacks, extract the DriverPack Sound B, put the DriverPacks in the 'DriverPacks' directory, start the BASE, configure it to suit your needs and click the Slipstream!-button. That's it.
Please forgive my ignorance to ask you a simple question .
What do i have to do to put the DriverPacks in the 'DriverPacks' directory ( quote from you sir )
Thanks you
The Driver Packs! (d'oh!)
(The ones you DL'ed, basically, everything except for the BASE).
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:That depends on the method you will be using. Method 1 will require about 600 MB, method 2 290.
Sorry for my ignorance , but what is method 1 or method 2 , where can i read them in detail . Thanks so much
M1: Add drivers to XP's CAB archive.
Takes up a lot of space on the source and will result in an error when too many drivers are included.
M2: Include drivers as 7zip archives.
Much smaller, more compatible, however, may take a bit longer to install.
I'm new to all this stuff. So far I only have slipstreamed SP2 into WinXP a year ago. Because of malware I have to reinstall three PC's at home (PIII-450 - PIV-253). Looking for a way to slipstream post-SP2 updates I found RVM Integrator and a link to DriverPacks. It seems a great way to save the trouble searching for actual drivers for a variety of hardware. I spent hours reading the forum to find out how to do this. At least one problem remaines:
Including all driverpacks takes 266MB (uncompressed). The WinXPsp2 directory takes 453 MB (after deleting LANG, WINNTUPG, WIN9XMIG and WIN9XUPG, yet add-ons excluded). This won't fit on a CD. I understood this can be solves in different ways:
-use DVD (no option, because only two PC's have one);
-put drivers on network (seems complicated);
-put drivers on a seperate CD (needs 3th party software and seems complicated);
-delete more from the WinXPsp2 directory (however, I haven't the knowledge what to -safely- delete furthermore);
-remove drivers I won't need, like SCSI, RAID (however, I can't figure out how to do this).
?perhaps put drivers on a USB harddisk (however, don't know how).
What is the best -simple- way to benefit from DriverPacks?
Make your own is another option... Its easy
Use this tool … 60&hl=
most people do not need ALL driverpacks.
I seldom include graphics C, for instance...
deleting LANG folder, is not the way to go?
NLite can remove a lot of languages and keyboards, but I still find files in that folder afterwards, so I leave it...
@ricktendo64: Thanks for the links; I will try it.
@jtdoom: got the idea from ( … sparen.htm). That's why it's quite confusing...
You CAN delete the LANG folder without any problems if you don't need support for Eastern languages. I've always done so.
I done a test with removed LANG folder and had no issues.
IE still displays chinese and cyrillic.
Simply Integrating The SimHei font will let IE display the Chinese chars...
When you use my Vista RTM fonts addon this happens... Its a really cool side effect
here is a sneak preview to Mr Smartepants tutorial.
After some collaboration work was done on it, it got to revision 6
V6 Looks good.
I put it up personal space
if you need more clarification, or spot errors, your suggestions and corrections are welcomed.
Last edited by jtdoom (2007-05-18 19:06:24)
Please forgive my ignorance; it's the first time I'm working with the driver pack.
1. Can I extract the different driver packs into one directory "Driver Packs" (with only one D subfolder and C, M, L, S, etc. subfolders) or do I have to extract each driver pack into its own subdirectory'("DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_612" with D\C\... and "DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_7011" with D\M\... in it)?
2. After having deleted the subdirs of the drivers I don't need, do I have to 7zip the driver pack dir(s) -in accordance with the answer on my first question- and then run DPs_BASE or leave them extracted?
if you want to modify a driverpack, you do that in a separate folder, because you have to repack it along with its INI. ( you will also have to look at the INI, because if you remove folders what got referenced in the INI, finisher would throw an error)
DPs_base uses the packs, not the extracted folders.
Don't merge the packs into a single archive.
Thanks jtdoom,
It's clear about unpacking in seperate folders. However I don't understand the INI-part. I found none in the driver packs. The only INI I could find is DPs_BASE.ini. I don't see references to folders. Could you please explain what I'm missing?
remember, it is a preview.. it was intended to just explain the basics.
To answer your question, most packs will have an INI soon enough.
At the moment, only a few have an INI.
When the New Base version comes out, most packs will have it.
The only INI I could find is DPs_BASE.ini. I don't see references to folders. Could you please explain what I'm missing?
Thing is, Jaak and others including me are already used to working with the nightlies, which do feature those INIs already for quite some time that we sometimes overlook the fact that the non-testers still work with the "old" DriverPacks.
Previously, when a new DP was released, it required an update for the BASE, too.
In the future, those INIs will take care of that and also allow you to mix DP version as you please (eg. you could use an old DPMS with all-new other packs because that very combination works best for you).
As testing made a big progress recently, I think those packs aren't too far from a public release now
yep, current public release of mass storage 7.01.1 has an INI, and current release of base7016 actually uses it.
(I had looked at this before I let a mass storage be tested by guys who could do tests on silicon image. And the edit in the INI worked for them.)
most other packs will have an INI too, but not all of them.
I have not seen INI for 3rd partypacks, for instance.
the INI files handle exceptions, so that is why they will make life easier.
To jtdoom: you might need to adjust your tutorial to reflect the remove of the ?:\I386\WINNTUPG folder. It's needed for the Windows Recovery Console on a winxp sp1a with sp2 slipstreamed. The other *UPG can be removed but for some reason the WRC needs that folder. I'd figure I'd pass that along. That folder has been needed on my end for some reason now for a long while so I've been including it since I need WRC.
Last edited by Ton80 (2007-06-09 02:15:39)
To jtdoom: you might need to adjust your tutorial to reflect the remove of the ?:\I386\WINNTUPG folder.
I don't think I mentioned the removal of those upgrade folders. If I did, it was unintentional since that is not the objective of the tutorial. The tutorial is meant as a basic introduction into the workings of the DriverPacks system.
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