Re: Stand Alone Driverpack utility for all OS (XP, 2k3, 2k8, Vista, Win7)
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Glad to be of assistance! Welcome to the wacky but wonderful world of DriverPacks!
Awesome batch file man!
I just stopped by for one of my (now) rare visits and found this!
Testing out v111009 I found a slight "bug" in the ":Final Message" code
(Not really a "bug" per say, it just generates a file not found error message)
This line references "<drive>" which is invalid code. I assume was just there as a mental placeholder:
Echo. & Echo The log file of this utility's progress is found in <drive>:\Windows\dpinst.log
Changing "<drive>:" to "%SystemDrive%" corrects the error:
Echo. & Echo The log file of this utility's progress is found in %SystemDrive%\Windows\dpinst.log
Keep up the good work!
... Time for me to go back into hibernation
Oops, damn pesky bugs! Thanks for the report. I'll fix it for the next update.
I guess just remove this line
set /p option=[Y,N]?
set KTD=N
if "%option%"=="Y" set KTD=Y
if "%option%"=="y" set KTD=Y
IF "%KTD%"=="Y" Echo KTD option has been enabled.
and this means no? Trying to set up as first log on command for Vista. Since I have switched over to USB Hard Drive installing, I have tons more room for all the DriverPacks now.
Last edited by laddanator (2011-11-26 17:35:17)
Sure, but leave the line "set KTD=N" because that variable used further in the code.
Sure, but leave the line "set KTD=N" because that variable used further in the code.
Cool Beans! Thanks for the fast reply, mr_smartepants.
How would I invoke this to run unattended? Say for example I want to bypass all Y/N prompts because I just want this to run in SetupComplete.cmd in a Windows 7 x64 install?
I explained this on pg 1 of this thread. … 454#p46454
To make it unattended, delete this line (162):
set /p option=[Y,N]?
and delete all the "pause" lines from the code.
Add the following to your setupcomplete.cmd
@echo off
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%
::Begin SAD2 install
echo Stand Alone Driver Installer
IF EXIST %CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd start %CDROM%\SAD2\DP_Install_Tool.cmd
When I run DP_Install_Tool.cmd, another dos window briefly pops up and nothing else happens.
Here's what I did:
Download SAD2-111009.7z
Extract SAD2-111009.7z to network share (T:)
Copy the latest Win7x64 driverpacks to T:\SAD2-111009\NT6\x64
Reinstall Win7x64 on test machine
Login as administrator
cd T:\SAD2-111009
Get the dos windows popup, but can't tell why it failed
Tried Method 1:
Delete driverpacks from T:\SAD2-111009\NT6\x64
create T:\SAD2-111009\NT6\x64\D directory
Extract DP_Chipset_wnt6-x64_1111.7z to T:\SAD2-111009\NT6\x64\D
cd T:\SAD2-111009
Get the dos windows popup, but can't tell why it failed
Looking at DP_Install_Tool.cmd, the only thing I can that would cause the problem is in the Elevate section where it tries to write a temp file to %windir%. I tried it myself, and I get "Access is denied". UAC is turned off, so not sure what the problem is.
Last edited by sugargenius (2012-01-05 01:11:15)
I'm not sure why it's failing like that. Maybe because you're trying to execute it from a command prompt.
Why not just double-click it?
mr_smartepants...AWESOME WORK MAN, U RULES DAMMIT :)
But now just a few questions (sorry about my bad english but i'm an italian guy) -->
if i understand it right, if i want to use the method 2 for my SAD disc it's correct that:
1) i can create a unique disc with both windows xp and windows vista drivers? And if yes, that he will (script) automatically determine the running system OS arch and extract the correct DriverPacks from the right directory?
2) if you look at my screenshot, they are ok and i can burn the dvd now?
3) what do you exactly mean with
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) ??
ops, sorry about that...
3) what do you mean with "The Chipset DriverPack is included for reference"? I didn't find this pack but instead this one "DP_Example_wnt6-x64_1110"...can i delete this one? And can i include the last chipset driverpack?
4) can i also put inside the appropriate folder all the x64 drivers?'s really so simple to just don't think anymore about drivers after a fresh format of my pcs??? :):)
3) Yes, ( I need to update the guide )
4) Yes (as long as you compress them and name the files DP_*.7z)
I updated the first post with the download link of the current version (11.11.18)
maybe 18012012? :-)
LOL, version numbers are YY.MM.DD
I just got round to downloading 111118
Are DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml still needed in the x86 or x64 directory's?
No. The correct files are extracted from the \bin directory now.
Hey mr_smartepants,
Thanks for this script. Being able to use the driver packs in Win7 without having them being integrated into the .wim files is great. Can the 7-zip files be updated to allow the use of LZMA2 compression, or this not a good idea? If not, why not? Wouldn't it also help to be able to use the 64bit version of 7-zip on 64bit systems? Just wondering?
Cheers and Regards
Nice to see you finally made it over here bphlpt! Welcome to DriverPacks.
The un7zip.exe utility we use was created back in 2010 and doesn't support LZMA2 compression. It's possible that it may be updated but that is beyond my capability and I don't have the source code.
I suppose I could alter the script code to peek at the host system for 7zip install and if it exists, use the built-in app instead of our older utility.
As you see I've been a lurker for a while. Good thing since new registrations were closed. I was actually an non-member lurker for a good while before that. Sorry I haven't said anything up til now, not even "Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for keeping this maintained for all our benefit!" Which is way overdue.
I thought your script just used "stock" pieces of the 7-zip package to do the unzipping. If not, I would think it could. The 7-zip Console app pieces 7z.exe and 7z.dll if necessary which are available in both x86 and x64 forms. Your script already does the checks necessary to be able to determine the current architecture, so you can take advantage of it. In the bin folder you could make two sub folders based on the system arch and put the arch dependent versions in the respective folder.
......dpinst.7z [instead of dpinst32.7z
......the necessary 7-zip x86 files and any other x86 dependent files
......dpinst.7z [instead of dpinst64.7z
......the necessary 7-zip x64 files and any other x64 dependent files
When you make your architecture checks, set a variable ,%Arch%, to either _86 or _64 as appropriate. Then instead of code like:
IF Exist "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET "M=2"
you could use things like:
IF Exist "%%i:\OEM\bin\%Arch%\un7zip.exe" SET "M=2"
This could even end up making the code simpler. Instead of having separate code sections for x86 and x64 use, with the right variables set up you could end up with one code section which might be easier to maintain and troubleshoot, while becoming more flexible at the same time.
This suggestion is from an extremely brief glance through the code, so I might very well have underestimated the impact of trying to make the changes, and if so I appologize. Anyway, it was just a thought.
Cheers and Regards
All very good ideas. I'll see about implementing them. I need to check to see if the installed versions of 7zip allow for scripted actions.
OK, I streamlined the code a bit and implemented the native 7-zip extraction.
The command line version of 7-zip doesn't have a pretty progress bar, but it has speed!
Just doing a test extraction between the old un7zip and the native 64-bit 7z.exe shaved 10 seconds off the extraction of the 64-bit audio dp.
I still have not tested LZMA2-compressed DriverPacks yet but we still need to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of SAD2.
Glad it's working out. I'll look forward to testing it out.
Cheers and Regards
Good stuff!
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