Topic: [IMPL] Update INPROCOMM IPN2220 from V2 to V3 (XP SP3 Compatiblity)
The INPROCOMM IPN2220 Driver in the WLAN Driver Pack contains only different Versions of the older V2 but
with this Version there are very often problems when SP3 is installed and WEP or WPA crypted WLAN (you will get no ip).
Driver Ver: 02/24/2005,
Sorry i don't know any official downloadsite, since INPROCOMM doesn't exist anymore.
But here is a dl link that works: … st-driver/
I have testet it succesfully on 3 old Acer Aspire from 2002 and 2004
The old one works until you install SP3.
You can google around there are many confirmations.
HWID from my devices are:
sorry this time no log.