Re: Graphics B x86
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I haven't forgotten about this, but I've been tied up with the nt5 dpms for the past week.
I'll update these packs when I get a chance, unless someone else updates them first.
Microsoft Update is sometimes a good source, but not always. We always evaluate the drivers on their merits, as well as their source. If that's the only driver for your card, I'm sure it'll make it into the pack.
Thanks for reporting it!
thank you
all ok
I discovered it's a card that isn't supported by nVidia for Vista or 7 (Quadro NVS 280). The driver that I ended up using was found on Microsoft Update on the link below. … 9276aa5f58
Wow, I totally missed this post. Sorry, this did not make it into 11.04. DriverPack Graphics B is getting massive. I'll try squeezing the M$ .inf into the Nvidia SHOULD work.
Link is dead BTW.
Do you have a HWID for this card? A possible match is PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0165 for a NVS 285
Yeah it looks like Microsoft has pulled that driver from their catalog... On a fresh install there is no longer a driver offered through Windows Update. The HWID for this card is as follows.
PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00FD&SUBSYS_021510DE&REV_A2\4&E264267&0&0008: Standard VGA Graphics Adapter
I've done some poking around and on Dell's website … mp;cat=sup the second item is for 32-bit Vista, and the description says 64MB PCI-Express Quadro NVS 280, but it doesn't work. If you open the inf there are no entries for the NVS 280 card in it. If there is anything you'd like me to try let me know.
Here's quick update. I added my HWID right above the NVS 285 card in the 267.79 driver inf. Then I tried forcing that driver. After a restart it said that the driver was disabled because it reported problems. Then I did the same thing with that with the Dell driver and it loads and appears to work. Aero works fine as well. If you want a copy of the MS signed driver I still have it in my collection. The signed MS driver detects my card as "NVIDIA Quadro PCI-E Series". Driver date is 10/9/2006 and is driver version That Dell driver that I put that HWID in has a Driver date of 12/7/2006 and is driver version In terms of functionality I'm not sure of any differences but I'll let you know if I find any.
Last edited by eethball (2011-04-06 04:13:56)
The NVS 280 is an odd duck. I've only been able to find XP drivers on other sites and like you said, M$ pulled their support through their site. So if both Nvidia & M$ don't support that card, I think you may be out of luck. Even if I manage to cobble together a driver (near impossible from an XP driver source), it wouldn't install properly in Vista/Win7 because of their enforced driver signing model and the requirement of the GDDM driver code required.
I'll see what I can do with an up-to-date Win7 driver source. But there's no guarantee that it will work at all.
I completely understand. Like I said, now I have two drivers that work in 32-bit Windows 7. The MS one that I downloaded while they offered it, and now this hacked up version of that I put together. Since the MS driver that I have is signed it will install fine after the fact, or using DISM ahead of time. I even installed my unsigned driver to my image using DISM /add-driver with the /ForceUnsigned switch and it installed fine on a fresh reload. I removed it later in favor the MS Driver, but it still worked. Anyways, I wouldn't waste time on trying to get this into a DriverPack anymore if nobody is supporting the driver. I would have to think the odds of someone else needing this card to work in Windows 7 in a production environment is pretty slim. MS obviously took it down for a reason, and the card is pretty old. The only reason I came across it in the first place was when I testing Windows 7 on some hardware that's probably too old to run Windows 7 well in the first place. Thanks for your time.
You can use it to make your own Third Party DriverPack. But you're right. The need to add something like that to the main DriverPacks is rare.
Updated to 11.10
Is this still an issue with DP_Graphics_B x86 & x64?
Known errors:
Integrating into Win7 will cause x64\G_B\ATI\1\CH112275.inf: Error - An error occurred. The driver package could not be installed.
Reason: That .INF is designed for Vista install only.
(now x86\G_B\ATI\1\CL125179.inf & x64\G_B\ATI\1\Display\CH125180.inf) If so, could the DP_Graphics_B x86 & x64 changelogs be updated as time permits?
Last edited by TechDud (2011-11-08 17:43:40)
Tests were clean for me. If there's a problem, post it here and I'll update the changelog.
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