Re: 3rd Party DriverPacks - HOSTING provided by
We need a co-Admin with rights for doing these things and more time then Bashrat... (looking at Bashrat)
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We need a co-Admin with rights for doing these things and more time then Bashrat... (looking at Bashrat)
The problem still isn't solved ... Bashrat ?!
Sorry for the delay guys, the last 7 days have been so stressy due to school that I haven't had the chance to visit the forums ONCE. DreamHost has moved me to another server, which caused the server URL to be invalid by now. I've now changed the first post to reflect the URL that will ALWAYS work.
Sorry for the delay guys, the last 7 days have been so stressy due to school that I haven't had the chance to visit the forums ONCE. DreamHost has moved me to another server, which caused the server URL to be invalid by now. I've now changed the first post to reflect the URL that will ALWAYS work.
I am still getting: "[R] Connection failed (Connection refused)" From FlashFXP
Any status?
Works fine
Works fine
hm... I get this:
WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005
[R] Connecting to ->
[R] Connection failed (Connection refused)
[R] Delaying for 30 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
Any ideas?
FTP login:
username: dps_3p
password: IEsHDfrD
Works for me
FlashFXP v3.4.1 build 1160 [BETA]
Support Forums at
Report a Bug at
WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006
[R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to
[R] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.0rc2 Server (DreamHost FTP) []
[R] USER dps_3p
[R] 331 Password required for dps_3p.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User dps_3p logged in.
[R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[R] 211-Features:
[R] 211 End
[R] 257 "/" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (208,113,141,4,163,186).
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41914
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[R] 226 Transfer complete.
[R] List Complete: 570 bytes in 1,09 second (0,5 KB/s)
Last edited by muiz3 (2007-02-19 10:37:41)
Hmm, it works today for me...
maybe max users were on, or I was blocked or something... no matter, it works now
I get this error when trying to upload some modified packs:
552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded.
This ftp account was also exposed in the Dreamhost leakage of 3500 ftp passwords, and hence it was changed!
I've also upped the disk quote to 600 MB (from 400 MB).
I get this error when trying to upload some modified packs:
552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded.
Ok Guys I did not here back from anyone and wanted to get the updated packs up for testing so I removed 3 of the old modem packs from the old directory to create some room. I backed up the packs so if some one needs them or wants them posted back I will once someone creates extra space.
Yeah, I think if we keep at least one (guaranteed to work) legacy pack, that should be enough saveguard in case someone overwrites the main files accidentially.
Still no acces.....
Hi I am looking for a driverpack or addon called "Bashrat Driver BackGround Displayer" where can I find it?
never heard of it...
Hi I am looking for a driverpack or addon called "Bashrat Driver BackGround Displayer" where can I find it?
[Addon] Bashrat Drivers Background Displayer V2.5, Adds a background to Bashrat Drivers UnPack … entry36229
Ha! I use this myself.
All it does is display a wallpaper during fakesetup with a nice Vista orb background and the text "Installing Drivers".
It's initial concept started before we added the progress bar during .7z extraction. Before that there were no visual cues so the user would think the system had hung.
It is here:
Got it thanks a bunch.
Error: 530 Login incorrect
If you have a 3rd party DriverPack, but don't have a reliable space to host them (or if you just hate rapidshare etc, like me), then you can use the ftp provided by
FTP login:
server: username: dps_3p password: dW5QyCp23WnL
(upload into the '' (or any other platform) directory, put previous versions in the 'old' directory, so you can recover them instantly if necessary)
Abuse will not be tollerated. If you notice any files that should not be there, contact me ( download:<DriverPack name>.7z
This ftp can be freely used for hosting your 3rd Party DriverPacks.
Update (June 6, 2007)
This ftp account was also exposed in the Dreamhost leakage of 3500 ftp passwords, and hence it was changed!
Login incorrect ! Has it changed ?
Estado: A resolver o endereço de
Estado: A conectar a ...
Estado: conexão estabelecida, à espera da mensagem de boas-vindas ...
Resposta: 220 DreamHost FTP Server
Comando: USER dps_3p
Resposta: 331 Password required for dps_3p
Comando: PASS ************
Resposta: 530 Login incorrect.
Erro: Erro crítico
Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor
Confirmed. The login no longer works.
I have no idea why this happened. Changing the password seems to have fixed it. The new password is:
Confirmed working! Thanks Wim!
Woo Hoo!!! Thanks a million Bâshrat the Sneaky
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