Topic: [HOWTO] Remove password check from Recovery Console

If you've ever tried to debug a failed installation with the recovery console, you've probably run into the issue of your password not being accepted.

Here's how to get around it:

open spcmdcon.sys with a hex editor.
here's the search and replace bytes:

change  0F 95 85 E3 FD FF FF (setnz [ebp+var_21D])
to:     C6 85 E3 FD FF FF 00 (mov [ebp+var_21D], 0)

and then modifype your patched file and overwrite original.
Now Recovery Console won't ask for password.

Tested on: XP SP3 Recovery Console

If the bytes are different for other versions of windows just let me know and I'll make a patch for them too

Last edited by ophielx (2008-07-29 08:53:22)