(6 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)

yacker. my co-worker used it. It's easy to use.

bigfoot wrote:

That happens because it installs a driver and then tries to install a driver that is newer. You would have to remove the either the old or newer driver. I just end up clicking continue anyway.

bigfoot. thank you very much.
everything is working properly in XP.
I tried single and dual cores. Hal switching is good.
thank you again

bigfoot wrote:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/ep33ppd6z … storage.7z
Here is the stripped down version of the mass storage pack that I use with sysprep. Make sure that you put the M folder in C:\D otherwise it wont find the driver files. I have included my sysprep.inf so you can just copy and past it into yours.

bigfoot. thank you. it works :"D
When resealing the windows, it keeps pop up a hardware installation question to click "continue anyway" or "stop installation'
I have to click "continue anyway" many times.
i already added :
in sysprep.inf files. do you know how to make it not poping up the annoying question when i syspreping it???

source: http://www.vernalex.com/guides/sysprep/hal.shtml
ACPI Uniprocessor PC
DLL: halaacpi.dll
Kernel: ntoskrnl.exe
PAE: ntkrnlpa.exe

ACPI Multiprocessor PC
DLL: halmacpi.dll
Kernel: ntkrnlmp.exe
PAE: ntkrpamp.exe

Hi. My reference computer is laptop with AMD turion 64 x2.
I am making xp pro sp3.
i researched the resource about half switching. Many people have great success to downgrade from ACPI multiprocess to uniprocess with the following:

Source computer: ACPI Multiprocessor (ACPI APIC MP)
Destination computer: ACPI Uniprocessor (ACPI APIC UP)
To force the Uniprocessor HAL, use the following entry:
UpdateUPHal=ACPIAPIC_UP, %windir%\inf\hal.inf

People said it will work on both type of computers(single core and dual core). Multiprocess PC use halmacpi.dll and uniprocess pc use halaacpi.dll. Many ppl didn't mention the following question:
do i have to extract 3 files DLL, kernel and PAE in %windir%\inf\hal.inf?????????? where do i find these 3 files?
can i extract them from my xp sp3 cd?? i mean does this step require?

Another quick question: Since i build the image on AMD computer, do i have to disable intelppm with:
sc config intelppm start= disabled

Then few mins later, i check the HAL files at driver detail in device manager. I find something interesting:
the ACPI multiprocess PC using these 3 files:

why multiproces hal using uniprocess hal files?? that's weird.
The reason i asked because it maybe works, but i am not sure if it degrade performance or cause any blue screen in the future. That's why i ask if it is required to add those 3 ppl to %windir%\inf\hal.inf and which 3 files i should add.

There are many ways to add driverpack to sysprep.
? "SysPrep Guide."  Vernalex.com.  <http://www.vernalex.com/guides/sysprep/index.shtml>.
? "Using DriverPacks with Sysprep."  DriverPacks.net.  <http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1682>.
is driver pack scanner's method same as " [HOWTO] Using DriverPacks w/ Sysprep (Updated for BASE 7.04)"???
Are these 2 methods doing same job??? which one do you guys prefer and easy to use?

Hi. does anyone have stable mass storage(sata) driverpack and already tested for most dell, hp, toshiba, lenovo computer? i mean if it is stable, works for most 70% of computer and not create BSOD, its' all good :"D
i only needs IDE/SATA drivers for sysprep. The lastest mass storage driver pack is too huge.
i need it to slim down.

bigfoot wrote:

I will post the pack and sysprep file on when I get back from holiday vacation. If you are repairing only oem brands than there is no reason not to use pre-activation. You don't have to worry about entering keys from coa stickers and your image will stay intact indefinitely( ie no expiration after 30 days).

As for my image process, I use Vmware workstation for the building of my images. I create a virtual machine, install xp, do all the updates, remove all the leftover crap from the updates, install the software that I want ( openoffice, pdf reader, free av , etc.), install my tweaks, copy sysprep folder and driverpack folder over and then run the sysprep process. Once it shuts down, I run Bart PE and choose offlinesysprep, hal detection at first boot. Then I create a disk image with ghost. I then repeat this process for XP home and XP media center.

For oemscan, I've seen it but never used it. I use another one called Oembios changer. Its more manual and I only really use it after I have a good dell image.( I clone the vm, change it from dell to another oem and then capture the image).I hope to eventually work on a automatic solution, but I may just not bother with it as windows 7 becomes more widely used.

thank you. bigfoot. please post the guide when you back from vacation.
thank you very much.

bigfoot wrote:

1:  If the intelppm does not appear in the registry then you should not have to have a script to disable it. It wont be a problem if you restore it on an amd computer. You should also be looking in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\intelppm. This bug with intelppm is more suited for amd computers that were upgraded with sp2/3 and that the original image was created on an intel pc. I would assume that since you are going with an image that you would have SP3 and the latest servicepack already integrated, thereby negating the problem. (Of all the images that I have created and the thousands of computers that I have restored, I have never seen this error).

2:I use disk to image with ghost. Partition to image does not work.

3: You can only use offlinesysprep if you wish to integrate all of the drivers from the driverpacks mass storage. If you don't want to use offlinesysprep, you can use sysprep's way of loading drivers but you are limited in how many drivers can be loaded. The drivers in the driver pack consist of ide, sata, scsi and fibre channel drivers. For the desktops that I encounter, I only use ide and sata. My images use the sysprep way and only load the ide/sata drivers. If you choose to go this way I can provide the sysprep entries and modified mass storage pack.

4: Since you are fixing mostly major oem brands of computers ( dell, HP, etc) you should be using Oem pre-activated XP. All major oems use this kind of XP. You should not be using the COA sticker key. Since the OEM XP is preactivated, you will not run into the 30 day issue. ( If you dont believe me, grab a Dell XP restore cd, load it up on your inspiron b120. You will see that its activated once windows is finished. Grab magicjellybean keyfinder and you will see that the xp key doesnt match the coa sticker) Explaining OEM pre-activation is best for another post.

Other thoughts: You can't change sata to ide mode on every computer so you definitely need to integrated the drivers somehow. There is also a performance hit if you go that route.
As for the hal changing, I use the offlinesysprep to do the hal change. It works most (95%) of the time. I always use the base image with the ACPI PC hal.

Hi. bigfoot. thank you
2. Ya. someone told me to use disk to image. thank you.
3. Most customer's computer are either IDE or SATA. can you provide the sysprep entries and mofied mass storage pack? can you upload or post your sysprep.inf and mass storage pack? please :"D  thank you
If possible, please provide the step you use to make sysprep. I follow vernalx.com's guide and also use ACPI PC HAL.
4. My company does have DELL XP CD or HP XP CD, but the problem is that after install the xp, it requires to install drivers and update. That's why i want to use sysprep. The time that we spent to fix a computer is a consideration in these business. Another example is that our company use vista installation dvd to reinstall customer's computer. The security update and software reinstallation takes few hours. But now i want to focus on xp. I will check out vista sysprep in the future. I do have generic OEM XP cd. However, using DELL OEM cd doesn't make difference. Pre-activation is good, but i think spending less time to fix a computer is also important.
When deploy sysprep image on regular computer and all the drivers are installed, activation takes less than 1 min.

hi. someone posted a video for mysysprep and findHWIDS.
according to his instruction in the video, he runs findHWIDS.
if i skip the findHWIDS step, does my sysprep image?????????????
I don't really need sata control driver support. i just change the SATA mode to IDE. i really don't see the performance difference.
For now, i just want to make a regular sysprep for IDE controller and support intelppm and HAL auto-switching. that's all i want. I am trying mysysprep :"D. wish me luck plz. haha

2 hours later:
before sysprep, the hal is acpi pc.
after deploy the image on the same computer, it is the same acpi pc, but a driver come up as error in the first reboot. This driver is intel CPU celeron M and it is yellow exclamation point. that's not good. Then i restart the computer and it's gone. all the drivers are pick up. The computer pick up the driver correctly. Thanks to the driverpack from driverpack.net.

Should i change the ACPI PC to ACPI uniprocess? People said ACPI PC is more compatible than ACPI uniprocess. i mean should i change back to the original HAL?? When i first installed xp home on this laptop, it was ACPI Uniprocessor. i follow volnex's guide to change it to ACPI PC.

Half hour later, i deploy the image on a AMD Turion 64 X2 laptop, it doesn't pick up multiprocess HAL. I check task manager and it only shows one processor.
failed :"(
anyone know why?

hi. someone post a video for mysysprep and findHWIDS.
according to his instruction in the video, he runs findHWIDS.
if i skip the findHWIDS step, does my sysprep image?????????????
I don't really need sata control driver support.
For now, i just want to make a regular sysprep for IDE controller and support intelppm and HAL auto-switching. that's all i want.


another problem:
@echo off


devcon.exe /find @ROOT\ACPI_HAL000 | find /i "Multiprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=ACPIAPIC_UP
devcon.exe /find @ROOT\PCI_HAL000 | find /i "Multiprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=MPS_UP
) ELSE (
devcon.exe /find @ROOT\ACPI_HAL000 | find /i "Uniprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=ACPIAPIC_MP
devcon.exe /find @ROOT\PCI_HAL000 | find /i "Uniprocessor" > NUL && SET HAL=MPS_MP

IF NOT "%HAL%"=="" (
ECHO ----------------------------------------
ECHO Installing %HAL% HAL
ECHO ----------------------------------------

devcon.exe sethwid @ROOT\PCI_HAL000 := +%HAL%
devcon.exe sethwid @ROOT\ACPI_HAL000 := +%HAL%
devcon.exe update %windir%\inf\hal.inf %HAL%
devcon.exe ReScan

ECHO ----------------------------------------
ECHO Rebooting
ECHO ----------------------------------------
devcon.exe Reboot
) ELSE (
ECHO ----------------------------------------
ECHO Correct HAL Detected
ECHO ----------------------------------------

This batch file doesn't update my AMD Turion 64 X2 CPU
I made the sysprep with intel single core CPU and i use ACPI PC
I even run the command after reboot couple time and still doesn't update the HAL. it should be dual cores.
i failed.

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 789B-B5B4

Directory of C:\tools\deleteThis

12/21/2010 12:36 AM <DIR> .
12/21/2010 12:36 AM <DIR> ..
11/14/2002 10:32 PM 55,808 devcon.exe
12/18/2010 11:31 PM 1,348 Hal_Update.bat
2 File(s) 57,156 bytes
2 Dir(s) 110,912,729,088 bytes free


Correct HAL Detected


' CheckForIntel.vbs
' Checks if the processor is an Intel and re-enables the power managment driver if it is.
' Written by Ryan D - based off the WMI sample script by Guy Thomas http://computerperformance.co.uk/
' ===Version History===
' 1.0 - Initial release
' 1.1 - Changed the way that the script checks for Intel machines. Now it looks at the CPU type and looks
'         to see if the string "GenuineIntel" is present.
' --------------------------------------------------------------'
option explicit
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
dim objWMIService, objItem, colItems, strComputer, compModel, strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue, oReg

strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\intelppm"
strValueName = "Start"
strValue = "1"
strComputer = "."

' WMI connection to Root CIM and get the computer type
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(_
"Select Manufacturer from Win32_Processor")

'Loop through the results and store the type in compModel
for each objItem in colItems
compModel = objItem.Manufacturer

'Get a registry object
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

'Check the computer type. If the processor is an Intel, then re-enable the driver
if compModel = "GenuineIntel" then
    oReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
end if

wmic cpu get Manufacturer | findstr /i intel
if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (sc config intelppm start= system)

' Exit
first, i ran a script to disable intelppm and it said "invalid key name". so the key isn't existed in my registry

echo Enabling image for AMD and Intel processors
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\intelppm" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f

so, the above command isn't working. So i worry about intelppm. then i run this before i sysprep it:

sc config intelppm start= disabled

This will disable intelppm.

Then i used above script and add these 2 lines:
wmic cpu get Manufacturer | findstr /i intel
if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (sc config intelppm start= system)

basically these 2 lines are doing the same. i add it because i use "sc config intelppm start= disabled"

so after i deploy the image and run the script, it said error in end of file.
i think those 2 lines cause errors. anyone know how to fix the 2 lines.
I found those 2 lines from other site and it is used to disable the intelppm.

The error message is "expected end of statement"
Please help me correct the last 2 lines. does it needs endif?

OverFlow wrote:

instruction for OffLineSysPrep is provided... see the sticky in this forum http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=3312 there is a link to the instructions in the first post.

1 don't know... We will wait and see if anyone responds.

2 Yes you must do Disk to Image to get boot sector with Ghost.
   (logicaly... Partitions don't include boot sectors)

3 Use OffLineSysPrep to add mass storage to image... it's the best way big_smile.

4 Questions related to Bypassing Licensing and that would violate the MS EULA are not appropriate here. Obviously the only correct thing to do is to activate each machine with a proper / valid key.

OverFlow, i really wanna thank you that you reply my post. i am happy. hahaha
4. The reason i ask about reset the trial to give 3 days because i don't like to call microsoft to activiate the product. I love to use internet activation with few clicks. I work in a computer repair center and definitenly use legitimate product and it's legitimate business. I understand each machine has product key to use to activiate.
Sometimes, the sysprep image is not able to grab all the driver and is not able to activiate over the internet. It just happens sometimes. In that case, i have to call microsoft.
That's why it's always good to have windows remain 3 days to use. So i can login windows and install the remaining driver. then activiate the windows over the internet.

3.i am working on offlinesysprep and i just made livexp. i am testing them. i will come back to this forum very soon.

i believe the registry key isn't exist before sysprep because i didn't install audio driver. But the intelppm.sys is still there. It still may cause blue screen when deploy to AMD. I think it might be good idea to rename the file. i duno.

thank you. overflow

has anyone tested a stable massStorage driverpack with xp sysprep?

i tested the sysprep on the same computer and ran the same command, reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\intelppm" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f

it works and disable intelppm.
i believe the entry doesn't exist before. That could be error with invalid key name because i didn't install audio driver.

I am a computer technician and working in a computer repair store.
I am making sysyrep and ghost the image for customer's computer. Definitely, it needs universal image.
I make my image using dell inspiron b120, intel single core. i didn't install any driver in the reference computer.

I followed the instruction in the website http://www.vernalex.com/guides/sysprep/index.shtml
i love this site. If the owner rewrite the instruction with mysysprep and offlinesysprep, it would be great.
Unfortunately,  i can't find any instruction about offlinesysprep. All they talk in that website is the release, some error, and etc.

Lastly, i ran this script and i got from QuadDamage's website.

@echo off

echo Enabling image for AMD and Intel processors
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\intelppm" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f

echo Running sysprep and shutting down.
sysprep.exe -forceshutdown -mini -reseal -quiet -activated

Question #1. Then a error message said "invalid key name"
why is that? anyone know??? it seems that the registry isn't exist.
But the re-seal is successful. i need to fix intelppm problem when i ghost to AMD computer

Question #2. I made sysprep with the vernalex instruction a year ago. when i capture the image, i use "partition to image". THERE'S A PROBLEM WITH THIS. The ghost image works fine, but it doesn't work with brand new IDE hard drive. It only worked on used hard drive with existing OS. I believe "partition to image" didn't capture the MBR. Please correct me if i am wrong.  How do you guys capture it with ghost? do you guys use "disk to image"???

Question #3. I used a script and got it from this website. It's HWIDS.cmd. it's nice script.
i use "DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1011" with this script.
it populates few thousand of entries. Is it way too many entries? does it affect the computer slow in mini-setup? will it work if i use so many entries? does it generate error? anyone tested it so far? haha. i am sorry. i got too many question.
Most customer's computer are DELL, HP, ACER, ASUS, LENOVO, COMPAQ, TOSHIBA, like these big brand.
So, i only needs the sata control for these computer included laptop and desktop.
In a year ago, i used some trick that solve sata controller problem. I change the sata mode to ide mode and the image works. I would like to add sata controller to the newly made image and make it better.

Question #4: how to always reset the activation with 30 days after deploy the image? I made the image a year ago, and the windows xp said trial expires and requires to activate before you can login. I would like the xp gives 30 days or 3 days no matter how old the image is.