(14 replies, posted in Windows 7 tools)

What mr_smartepants said is completely true which means W7T needs to detect if a driver is for Windows 7 or not, not sure if that is easy or not.


(45 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

I wouldn't mind seeing Vista-Tool source code tongue


(45 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)


Thanks, glad to be here smile


VUT did manage to integrate addons (Firefox and 7-zip) but it was overly complicated and difficult to make your own addons. The latest alpha for VUT started getting messy and things started not to work properly which is why i just started again from scratch.

@Everyone (back on topic)
W7T integrates drivers for Windows 7 fine but DISM doesn't work with Vista. I am working out a way to integrate addons into vista.

Vista-Tools does sound promising though, although i have never used it.


(45 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

muiz wrote:

Doesnt Legolash his tool imports addons?

Yes, still in an alpha state though. I have managed to integrate Firefox 3.0.6 smile

Fragbert wrote:
muiz wrote:

The tool works fine here, im using this for a very long time.
So when something doesnt work for you, dont blame us or the tool.
It makes perfect sense to me and many others.
If you can make a better tool, show us.

Now if you could only have application integration tongue There's not a single tool out there that does this correctly (despite claiming they do)

Which tools claim they do?