
JJunior make a good work on it.
I just fixed some wrong words. Nothing serious, only simple grammatical errors.


settings_fnshrMthd_09        = "Você decidiu ajustar a execução dos DriverPacks Finisher por você mesmo, ...

eu troquei o você mesmo por si próprio para evitar repetição na frase. Mas ficou legal seu trabalho tongue .

Everything is okay.

Sorry I'm late again.
next time I will be faster. heheh

Hello o/

Added the translate of Sysprep and fix some errors ^^

Here => http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=520

Be happy big_smile

I'm late with the translation again sad
Sorry for that

Here the portuguese translation big_smile
=> http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=501

And happy 2009 to you guys ^^
cya later


(21 replies, posted in Translations Team)

I'll try it too

give me 1 day or 2 big_smile

Edited :

Less than 1 day heheh

Here is => http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=463

Cya folks ^^

Edited again:

I fix some erros in my translation of DriverPacks BASE 8.09.10 rc1 too

Here ==> http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=464


I don't understand

[ IE
&Integrar! - if you were to press << ALT >> << i >> it would start the slipstream wink
remember you can't use the same letter twice on any given page wink
slipstream = "&Integrar!"
exit = "&Sair"

I and S are not going to be available for any others to use becausse the
slipstream and exit buttons appear on every page wink

thanks ]

So I change the letters ? Don't have others using the "S" or the "I" .

How  i can enter in the team ?
i Put he file in the bugtracker

how i update the bugtracker.driverpacks.net ?
I want change the file there
I add the changes in the translation and  put the file here temporaly here

=> http://rapidshare.com/files/142474214/P … _.lng.html

take a look

And I am not in the list of translators smile

Helmi wrote:

Hey there, thanks for your contribution!

I really don't want to sound too critical here, but...

Sandrion wrote:

Because when i open the DriverPacks data base ever apear  some errors message from translation that i used (portuguese Brazilian), so i decided to fix these errors and wrong words that i find.

Sorry for my bad english, i cannot speak very well.

I'm wondering whether you only fixed spelling errors here or tried to achieve a better translation.
If you do not speak the language you try to translate from very well, it may be possible you misunderstand things which ends up with a not so perfect translation that may confuse users that make use of it.

Therefore, just to prevent any issues, did you properly understand what the English translation said?

Once again, this is with all due respect to your effords, I'm just trying to cut down a potential error source wink

I understand and speak very well, but i have some problems with some words.
Maybe i write wrong, but i understand what the english translation said.
The english of the driverpacks data base is not very complicated.
And in the more difficult words I use a dictionary. big_smile I am always learning more english .

I make a translation update of Portuguese brazilian.
I put in the bugtracker.
I hope that you like it.


I'm new to this forum but i want share my updated translation for brazilian portuguese.
Because when i open the DriverPacks data base ever apear  some errors message from translation that i used (portuguese Brazilian), so i decided to fix these errors and wrong words that i find.

Sorry for my bad english, i cannot speak very well.

I put the translation file in

thanks for atention