I reformated the machine that I am creating the images on and now I get this error again ..where I can't copy presetup.cmd or setuporg.  Was a solution ever found for this?


The odd part of this....is I slipstreamed the driverpacks on a different PC and everything work like a charm.  So i'm not sure why that one PC skrewed stuff  up ...but thanks for the help someone else might run into that problem and who knows your solution might come in handy later on ..


I don't need to incorporate the .net stuff....but I do need the setupORG.exe and presetup.cmd files to copy over...might anyone know how to fix this isssue....is there something I need to chagne in the txtsetup.inf file?  Or any other suggestions....I would really like to get unattended filled with the driver packs as I am having trouble loading all the drivers on HP laptops (damn you HP).


I got setup.ex_ and presetup.cmd off of the site in post 7 and I still get the same error......

::Bangs Head Against Wall::

Do you mean setup.ex_ and presetup.cmd?  I don't see a setupORG.ex_ on that site.

so If I copy setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd to i386\$oem%\$$\system32.  Then I can skip the files and setup still completes

Still not sure why it can't copy these files over from the start.

When looking in the TXTSETUP.SIF file I do see some other files that still at the default value as well


agp460.sys   = 100,,,,,,,4,2       

ati2draa.dll = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

ati2mpaa.sys = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

atidrae.dll  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

atiintaa.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0

atimpae.sys  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

atirage3.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0

avmc2064.dll = 1,,,,,,,,3,3         

avmcoins.dll = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

avmen64.dll  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3         

avmisd64.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0       

cpan_w64.chq = 1,,,,,,,21,0,0,cpanel.chq

b57xp64.sys  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3,,1,4     

decem.dll    = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0,,1,2

e100b645.sys = 1,,,,,,,,3,3,,1,4     

e1000645.sys = 1,,,,,,,,3,3,,1,4     

el98xn5.sys  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3,,1,4     

fpswa.efi    = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

g200.inf     = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0   

g200d.dll    = 1,,,,,,,,3,3     

g200m.sys    = 1,,,,,,,,3,3     

g400.inf     = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0   

g400d.dll    = 1,,,,,,,,3,3     

g400m.sys    = 1,,,,,,,,3,3     

hal.dll      = 100,,,,,,3_,,3,3,,1,2

html64.iec   = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0             <-------------seems to still be at default also.

ia64ldr.efi  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

Do you know of any resources that might be able to help....is there a way to get Bâshrat to see what he thinks.


I just posted it on my site.


Let me know what you think.



Here is the my TXTSETUP.SIF file.....or most of it.. do you know where I can post a large file to a pastebin like site.

Thanks for another tip.....I copied the context of winnt.sif to unattened.txt ...double checked for setup.ex_ (it was there)<--did a new install, setuporg.exe(it was there) and presetup.cmd (it was there)

I am still getting the error Setup cannot copy file setupORG.exe


Any other hints or suggestions I"m open to ANYTHING.


Ok I took the entire folder off of the Windows XP CD ...then I integrated the Driver packs using DPs_BASE.exe  --No hotfixes were integrated for this test

I am still getting the error Setup cannot copy the file: setupORG.exe

setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd both exist on the network drive.

I do not however see setup.ex_ this time.

These driver packs are great and i'd love to have them.


setup.ex_ is there....

If I do a simple install with only integrating the hotfixes and updates using the method

kbxxxxxx.exe /integrate:c:\"path to i386"

Then the install runs through fine without any issue.

I will copy over the entire disk and then run through the the driverpacks process that I tried before.

Is there something in the driverpacks setup that needs the other files besides i386?


Thanks for the tip.  I have enabled the QSC and still receive the same error...I followed all of my steps above with the exception that you suggested.

Might there be something else that is causing this error to happen?



I am trying to integrate the driver packs into a windows install.  Below are the steps that I took to integrate them:

1.  Copy I386 folder off Windows CD
2.  Download the current driverpacks
DriverPack             version     
Chipset              7.08    
CPU                       7.04.1
Graphics A             7.06    
Graphics B              7.05    
Graphics C             7.04    
LAN                        7.08    
MassStorage            7.08    
Sound A             7.08.1    
Sound B            7.07.1
WLAN                     7.06

3. Run DPs_BASE.exe
4. Use the following settings
  Installation platform -- disc
  All Driver packs selected
  DriverPack MassStorage text mode selected
  method 2
  Enable KTD for ALL slipstreamed DriverPacks
  default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks
  Disable QSC
  ATI Catalyst Control Panel

--Everything slipstreams fine--

6. Files are uploaded to /ntinstall/install/os/xp/  ( I am using the projected Unatteded from http://unattended.sourceforge.net/)

When the install process happens I get 2 errors..

Setup cannot copy the file:  setupORG.exe
Setup cannot copy the file:  presetup.cmd

It will not let me skip these files and then install fails.

I have looked in the txtsetup.sif

When I search for setuporg.exe I find the following

mediactr.cab                   = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3
setupORG.exe= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
presetup.cmd= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

Does anyone know why  I am getting this error, have a suggestion, or ran across this before ?
