So you're just proving that even an amateur can do such a cool and useful stuff, hehe. By the way, if you have a new version or feature to test on another system than yours one day, I'ld be pleased to be of any help.

It's ok. As you know it's just a detail. I really wanted to test it so I did it with my own PC. This app is really great and all my first impressions are confirmed smile
It doesn't recognize the ATT 1001 pack from the DriverPacks team's 3rd party drivers (those hosted on and keeps a "?" icon. But in fact I don't know myself what it is, lol. So apart of this, I've not encountered any problem during my use. Romeo91 you're a great and inspired programmer, that's what I think. big_smile

Sure I will follow the future and promising evolutions of this tool

Does Driver Installer Assistant allow us to generate database from already uncompressed drivers for users to save some time if they have no disk space problem ? For example in case of use from a USB key...

Good for my use as most of the drivers I need under Se7en are downloadable through Windows Update or, and it's rare that my customers doesn't already have the web at home (I'm a "door-to-door" computer maintenance tech). Maybe it will become a problem to make a Multi-OS drivers DVD when the first final Seven DriverPacks release will be shared on DP's portal. But I'll have a look to DriverForge too, for sure.
Thank you sudo_root for sharing your experience...  wink

Edit: Impossible to download DriverForge from Softpedia or MSFN. I'll search more when I'll have some time for it.

Seems really great. Tested DriverPack Solution but it's too big (CPUz and other unuseful bull****s) for what I have to do with it, even if the graphics are awesome. I need efficiency and quickness rather than a beautiful skin, that's why, for the least I can see now in this topic, I like your simple interface, command-line options, silent mode and your efforts to automize tasks. I will test your app with my next XP installation then will report my feedback here. Thanks a lot for your work!  smile

Great ! Thanks for your quick help. It helps a lot. This packs are not just cool, they're really needed !

Seems to be the same problem as here but I'm not convinced by the answer as I'm trying since a few days before coming here and annoying you with with my problems :

I hope that I will not be forced to download this DVD to extract the latest versions of your packs. … opic=19390

Any reliable mirror would be very appreciated. If you don't know where, try zShare

I don't know what is the problem with the links at but it's impossible for me to get your packs. I've tried with IE or Firefox. Example with the Chipset page :

It contains no size, nothing in changlog and the "Download DriverPack !" link redirects me to
I've downloaded your packs 2 months ago and it was working. Could you help me ? Is there another mirror ?
Thanks in advance