New Intel Chipset Drivers were released August 7 2007.
I tried to update them myself for my own drv pack. But actually I'm so confused on how you guys proceed. First of all why is Intel stuff is in I\ Folder and Infineon stuff in IN\ folder. A suggestion would be to swap the content of these folders, mainly because in the others drivers packs IN\ belong to Intel stuff. But this is really not a big issue.
I wonder why there's 3 folders. XP, 2K, 2K3. If you download the drivers from the Intel Website and choose from one of these OS. You will get the same Unified Intel drv Pack.
I compared all these folders together. Some inf are not updated in the 2k folder but they are in the 2k3 folder. It's really a mess. I would suggest putting all of these inf into 1 folder and caling it 1.
Also in each os's folder there's an SP folder. This SP folder contain inf files that are duplicated in 2k, 2k3 and XP folder. Another suggestion will be to get ride of all SP folders.
Also if you compare the most recent inf files (8.3.1009 version) to the 2k3 folder, you will that a tons of .inf were added to the 2k3 folder. Question is: Where does these inf come from ?
I didn't even check for duplicated HWID's trough all these .inf because there's to much questions I'm asking myself about this drvpack.
Btw, you guys are really doing an awesome job. My goal is to help you building the ultimate drivers pack.
Thanks for your further help.