

(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

5eraph wrote:

I can't find the confirmation email I got from PayPal at the moment, but you would have received it from … ntry416605

I still find your DriverPacks extremely useful.  Thanks for all your hard work!

I remembered by heart that you made a donation smile wink You were already in the group! But now I've set the option that every member of the Donators group has a custom member title, so you'll notice it.;

Thanks again for your donation! smile


(26 replies, posted in Other)

5eraph wrote:

Everything looks great!  And now you have a real bugtracker. cool

Yes indeed. smile

The only thing I've got to do now is getting my users to USE it tongue

Eh... please attach your txtsetup.sif when you submit the nvraid bug to the bugtracker.

razormoon wrote: there any way to REMOVE certain controllers...for example JAHCI drivers, since Intel seems to have a hard time with them?

Just uncomment the jahci entry in the [SCSI.Load] section of \I386\txtsetup.sif by putting a semi-colon (";") in front of it. wink

Ah crap... I rewrote the entire DP MasStorage text mode drivers slipstreaming system today and I manually checked it, but did not test it... Is that the only invalid line?


(26 replies, posted in Other)

dumpydooby wrote:

Huzzah for PunBB.

I agree smile

And as I said, I'll 'pimp' this forum after my exams smile


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

If you've made a donation already, just let me know here and I'll add you to the usergroup 'donator'.


(26 replies, posted in Other)

hehe smile

Thanks smile

The looks and functionality will be improved after my exams.

Hehe... It's online for less than an hour and already a bug found tongue

I'm glad it's such a tiny one!


(58 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)

So you are using my DriverPacks, but want to make some additions for yourself? Because you have a VERY special driver, or just because I haven't added this particular driver YET? Well, then this small tutorial will show you how you can make your own DriverPack, you'll see, it's very easy, all the hard work is put in the DriverPacks BASE that does almost all work for you!

Note: this works only for drivers that don't need anything special, i.e. that only need: to be copied to the systemdrive and the necessary entries in the winnt.sif file.

1. Get the drivers
Obviously, you have to obtain your drivers first. First check the site of the manufacturer of your hardware, if you can't find the driver there, try to find it with Google.

2. Extract the drivers
a) Now we have to get the drivers themselves OUT of the installer/archive. Personally I prefer 7-zip to do that, but any (well, almost any) archiving program should be capable of doing this. Right-click the driver archive or setup and choose the option "Extract files...", or something similar. Choose a folder to extract them to and that's that.

b) This part might scare of some beginning users, but it's definetely worth it in the end. Instead of just using everything you extracted, we have to select the files we need, in other words: removing the garbage... So how do you do that? In 95% of the cases this works: open the ''.inf'' file of your driver, then search for the section that's marked by ''[SourceDisksFiles]'' and make sure you KEEP all the files listed here!

Note: if you don't want to void the WHQL signing, do NOT remove the included .cat files!

3. Creating the DriverPack
a) Now it's VERY easy: just create a ''D'' folder and put your drivers in any subfolder below it. Any subfolder, but I recommend you use as short names as possible for these subfolders: else the ''OemPnPDriversPath'' in your ''winnt.sif'' file might become to long (the maximum is 4096 characters, for ''winnt.exe''/''winnt32.exe'' initiated installations it's even only 1024 characters!) and corrupt your installation! After creating the desired folder structure, move your drivers into the correct subfolders (the extracted files, the ''.inf'' files, not the archives or setups, remember?). So create it like this:

+ D
|--+ 3
   |--+ DriverPack root dir
      |--+ sub1
         |--+ subsubA
         |--+ subsubB
      |--+ sub2
         |--+ subsubX

A real world example:

+ D                                                     => root directory for ALL DriverPacks
|--+ 3                                                  => root directory for 3rd party DriverPacks
   |--+ B                                                 => *B*roadband
      |--+ M                                                => *M*otorola
         |--+ 1                                               => first Motorola broadband driver
         |--+ 2                                               => second Motorola broandband driver
         |--+ n                                               => n-th Motorola broandband driver
      |--+ W                                               => *W*hatever
         |--+ RoxorBroadBandModem                             => you can use names too if you prefer that

Note: in the past you didn't have to use the "3" subdirectory. This is now a requirement, to make the KTD functionality compatible with the Third Party DriverPacks

This Should be the new layout:
------+B = Broadband Pack
------+BT = Bluetooth Pack
------+D = Display/Monitor Pack
------+H = Human Input Device Pack (aka HID)
------+M = Modem Pack
------+P = Printer & Phone Packs
------+S = Scanner Pack
------+T = TV Pack
------+TS = Touch Screen
------+U = USB Pack
------+V = Virtual Pack (aka VMware)
------+W = WebCam Pack
------+X = Misc Pack

b) You're almost there! Right-click the "D" folder and select Add files to archive..., then you have to choose your settings:
  *Archive (file name): DP_myDriverPacksNameWithoutSpaces_wnt5_x86-32_YY.MM.DD.subversion.7z, where Y stands for year (last two figures), M for months (leading zero, if applicable) and D for day (leading zero, if applicable). The subversion is optional, ususally only required when you create more than one version of the same pack on the same day
  *Archive format: ''7z''
  *Compression level: ''Ultra'' (For the best result, you can choose a lower compression level if you want.)
  *Compression method: ''LZMA'' by default. (Don't change this.)
  *Dictionary size: ''32 MB'' by default. If you choose a higher value, you'll get a better compression ratio, at the cost of more CPU time needed. It will also consume more RAM, both for compression as well as decompressing.
If your system's RAM allows it, bump it up as far as possible for best compression results.
  *Word size: ''256'' by default. Changing this value does not have any noticable effect on the size of the compressed file.
  *Solid Archive: Definately enable this to achive optimal compression results. It means you won't be able to extract single files without decompressing the entire archive, but we aren't going to do that anyway.
*Multithreading: Utilizies the second or further cores of you CPU (SMP).
Definately lowers compressing time on systems that support it. It's disabled by default on others. Does not have any effect on the compression size.

3. Using the DriverPack

And as last, using the DriverPack. In fact it's even ridiculous that I added this paragraph... So easy... But here it goes: the last step is putting your own DriverPack in the "3rd party DriverPacks" directory of the DriverPacks BASE. Then all you have to do is run the batch files, choose the method you wish to use and that's that! No more "winnt.sif" editing, no more "txtsetup.sif" hacking, NOTHING else you have to do!

1. Read the forum rules and guidelines

2. Check the FAQ forum

3. Use the search function

4. Choose a good topic title.

When you open a new topic title, do it according to this rule:
"[BUG/REQ][BaseVer][<GUI/slipstreamer/finisher/SAD>] <problem description / driver description>"

- Don't forget to MENTION the relevant DriverPack (or DriverPacks BASE) and its VERSION in the TITLE.

5. Don't forget to COPY/PASTE these files INSIDE CODE TAGS.

ALWAYS include in your post
- DPs_BASE.log (from the same directory as DPs_BASE.exe)
*  For Base versions 9.x or newer the Log files are also archived in the \LogFiles\ folder of BASE.
    This way you can find a Log for any previous slipstream or run of the program by date and time.
- HWID's (Hardware Identification numbers) If the issue is related to a specific machine.
HWID's Tool download

IF RELEVANT, include in your post
If you are unsure, don't worry, we will ask you for these if we need them.
{Target system}- %SystemRoot%\DPsFnshr.log  (to help us determine DriverPacks Finisher specific errors)
{Target system}- %SystemRoot%\setupapi.log  (to help us determine why a specific driver failed)

6. Tell us what you did - Could we try to reproduce your issue ourselves just based on your first post?

7. After posting in the forum if your issue turns out to be a BUG with BASE or the BASE language translations we will then ask you to please submit it to the bugtracker  Attach the relevant files there as well.


(2 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

-updated: Intel chipset drivers from to (now also with the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 specific drivers) (D\C\I)
-updated: VIA Hyperion drivers from 5.07a to 5.08a (D\C\V)

Known issues

-Not compatible with the old DriverPacks BASE (pre-6.05)!



(0 replies, posted in News)

-[GUI] new: GUI!
-[slipstreamer] new: full support for Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003
-[slipstreamer] new: QuickStream Cache
-[slipstreamer] new: several new KTD options
-[slipstreamer] new: unattended slipstreaming
-... and much more

Known issues
-[GUI] When doing the following sequence: UpdateChecker -> Overview -> UpdateChecker, there's a GUI bug
-[slipstreamer] DriverPack MassStorage text mode doesn't work properly when using Windows 2000 (NTLDR missing error)
-[slipstreamer] multiboot support is not yet operational

-Documentation in DriverPacks BASE 6.05! Just use it as-is now. It's all pretty self-explanatory...
-You have to rename the DriverPacks! An example: "DriverPack_Graphics_A_V603.7z" must be renamed to "DP_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32_603.7z".
-You should slipstream the new DriverPacks in a fresh source!
-This version may still contain bugs! (Hence 'Community Preview'.)

Direct Download (site isn't updated, this is a Community Preview, not an official release)