(5 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Yeah I figured there was, another way and I figured it was probably a lot of editing and name changing etc. within .inf files etc. 

I was just posting a QUICK fix to get by and if people already made the mistake they could fix their systems by getting rid of those 2300 files from their systems and replace with newer 2400 files.  We found the issue when going from 2300 series cards to 2400 series and I noticed good old QLogic didn't change their naming scheme and this was during Sysprep where it caused all kinds of issues when having all the drivers in a folder then running the old bmsd switch then all h*ll would break loose...  LOL. 

We fixed by removing the 2300 altogether and instead of using the bmsd switch and just added the old device path in the registry instead for the right drivers etc.

Anyway here are the 2400 drivers link: 

http://driverdownloads.qlogic.com/QLogi … docid=5126


(5 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

I've used your Mass Storage pack which I'm sure many others have as well.   With the latest version of cards from QLogic being in the 24xx series a problem arises thanks to QLogic.

First their latest drivers use the same files names as older drivers and use the same names for their sys files and inf.  Now if you were to use your current Mass Storage Driver Pack then add additions for say the newer cards you'll run into some serious issues with any version of PE or RIS and even Sysprep. 

The problem is the files end up conflicting, which will result in almost a half hour reboot, sysprep run, and so on.  Somehow the older version Sys file and or inf file combine with the newer to create one terrible mix.

Now to fix this issue if anyone else has seen this is to REMOVE the older drivers altogether and download and use the latest 2460 version of drivers for XP/2003 from QLogic. 

You can leave the 2100, 2200 but have to remove the 2300 from the drivers packs that is currently there and use what really should be 2400 but as I mentioned thanks to QLogic uses 2300 naming scheme for the 2400 instead of stepping them up, they do seem to be backward compatible with the 2300 series - but you can NOT combine them both or you'll have some serious boot times and hangs... 

Just a little heads up for those that need QLogic Mass Storage Drivers etc. to work and are using these Driver Packs.

Will this be included into a newer driver pack for mass storage that can be used with UBCD4WIN or BartPE???  I was going to submit the exact same request requesting the PERC drivers for all their mass storage versions.  I was shocked that they hadn't been included earlier considering how many people do Dell servers.  I assumed these were included but when I finally came across a Dell server with my latest version of UBCD4WIN with the latest pack that the PERC drivers did NOT exist and that even the LSI didn't load anything to allow me to see the array or drives period.

We were able to simply download the latest PERC pack from Dell which had 2000 and 2003 drivers for every version 3's and 4's and do an F6 before the CD booted and installed the drivers. 

Please include these into latest driverpacks for UBCD4WIN and BartPE...


Ok everyone the downloading of the RIS drivers for the Broadcom NetXtreme II and editing of the inf file and changing class=net to class=Net allowed the project to finally add the driver.  I was then able to test today on the system in question and it finally saw the HPC373i as a Broadcom NetXtreme II which was my goal.  Now at this point everything seems to be functioning fine.  Thank you all for your posts and the quick responses. 

This could be something added to the driver packs to allow everything to function properly and keep the HP and Broadcoms from overwriting or conflicting with one another. 

I'll be waiting anxiously for you and UBCD4WIN to get all the packs as a standard for their project and thanks for all the hard work both your teams have done thus far on getting the mass storage devices finally included now to move onto the network and then we all can be happy... Thanks again. 

On another note the P400 and P400i drivers for Mass Storage (Are they included on your driver packs?) - I know that the Windows 2003 versions do not work it will blow up every time looking for a sys file, but I have been able to work around this by adding a Windows 2000 version of the driver that works with UBCD4WIN and BartPE...

Well we do so many of these servers it's so hard trying to remember or figure out exactly which driver or onboard isn't working.  I do know that it equates to the NetXtreme II card at least that's what the floppy boots always see them as and they work fine that way.

For whatever reason no matter what version of driver used from Broadcom, HP for the NetXtreme II's or 373i they just don't work. 

I just checked another server and this is if I'm correct is truly the one causing the issue and is the 373i.  Sorry about the confusing item posted previously, that was a different onboard.  Seems these combo HP/Broadcoms are just nothing  but issues with PE. 


I've yet to be able to test what I've done which is that class=net to class=Net thing which I did find while searching the internet over the last week.  This may fix the issues overall.  I'll post back with my findings on doing what was on 911cd.  Thanks to everyone for your information but I've seen all of that and keep testing each item.  As I said the editing of the inf is where I stand right now and it may work as they posted on the other site only time will tell.  I'll keep you posted, problem at this moment is waiting for more servers to come in to test the boot CD on.  Once this happens I'll see if my newly created disk will work with the editing of the inf. 

Thanks again.

My goal is to get these onboads to work with UBCD4WIN or BartPE to pull images to the servers. 

I create a boot disk as normal and we then use the network to pull an image down to the systems, but no matter what driver I've tried in UBCD4WIN comes back with network adapter can not be installed but yet it shows them in Device Manager as the Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE adapters and are yellow exclamationed.  When trying to manually change to the HP373i they just don't work, they won't install. 

Yes the special plugin supposedly only works with the Mass Storage but what is weird is how or why is it working with all the other items?  When you look in the log file it shows that it finds the Lan, Chipset, and 3rd Party that I've put there.  The strangest thing was it loaded all of them up and everything was there and on my project.

Unless it's simply pulling all the drivers from Windows\source and I'm getting confused on that?  This could be the case because I've emptied out the Net and SCSIAdapter folders but it pulled in my 3rd party pack I made at least the first day I tried it but then didn't the next day when adding others trying to resolve my issue with these drivers. 

I thought your driver packs have always worked with BartPE? I remember setting up the plugins years ago and since UBCD4WIN is just another version of BartPE with additional plugins it should just work straight out of the box or is it not working that way? 

These are all the items I've tried to get these working period.  I've used the latest broadcom netxtreme II drivers, I've used the latest HP 373i drivers, I've even used the RIS only broadcom driver b06nd.inf / b06nd50x.sys.  I've done them all seperately and I've tried with them all included.  Something keeps them from working.

The Dos boot disks keep finding these cards as the Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE and it works fine, but we don't want to use a boot floppy and want a single CD to use so that we have all the other tools for troubleshooting.   We also need the regular broadcom drivers and all other drivers due to the different systems we have from IBM, Dell, HP... 

I used Littlebugers drivers, I've used the old BartPE way of putting them in manually and now tried to use the Driverpack way.  Either way I've tried nothing seems to work.   

This is what shows up once Windows 2003 Server is installed for what the onboards are: HPNC7782 - q57xp32.sys


This driver is on or included with your driverpacks and with LittleBugers and is on the project but somehow gets crossed off or conflicts with others included somehow because the HP and Broadcoms come back as all the same or something... 

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks for the quick reply...  I can't believe I'm the only one with this kind of issue with how many companies use HP servers and DL380 G5's...

I've downloaded the special plugin for UBCD4WIN.  Installed all the driverpacks I wanted.  LAN, Chipset, and Mass_Storage.  I then also created a pack myself and placed it under the 3rd party yesterday enabled and configured and built my CD and every driver was placed onto the project and everything seemed fine.  I disabled or removed all drivers from the normal Net and SCSIAdapter folders before hand.  All Lan, my 3rd party and of course the mass storage all where there and worked the way it should.   

Today I tried creating again but this time no matter what I do, the additional files I created would not get added to the project.  Even if I configured again, disabled/enabled and tried again no matter what, they would not add my 3rd party drivers.

Now onto a driver issue that seems to have been here and I can not get it working.  We have HP DL380 G5 machines at work and they have HP373i Multifunction onboard on them which also can equate to Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE cards.  The only problem is no matter whom has created packs or even when you add these drivers yourself they will not work and always get picked up as ordinary Broadcom NetXtreme cards not II.  Of course if you even add the HP373i drivers the cards are still found as ordinary Broadcom NetXtreme. 

Littlbugger's drivers would also not work and now that I've come back to using the DriverPacks which I used to use in the past these NetXtreme II cards are never identified properly either as the proper HP373i's or Broadcom II.

I was able to finally get my files I mentioned above incorporated again, but I had to manually put them into the Net and SCSIAdapter folders as you would in the past for BartPE but why would they work one day but not the next doing it the proper way of building 3rd party packs??? 

I will test at work tomorrow and report if this new build will work or not. 

Seems no matter whom creates driver packs for the NetXtreme II or HP373i they never seem to work and always seem to overwrite each other or simply just do not work.  Maybe after testing tomorrow this will change?  The strangest thing though if you use a DOS boot disk it finds the HP373i as a Broadcom NetXtreme II and works perfectly fine but when trying to get these incorporated into say RIS, PE etc. just do not function.  Please help if you can and thanks in advance.