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TechDud wrote:I am truly sorry for the lack of respect, Deathbot70.
Such undeserving commentary may not violate the rules of this forum, 'per se', yet after re-reading them, i realize that it doesn't live up to the 'spirit' of the rules. In fact it appears to be rather ignorant, and as such adds nothing to an air of 'positive discussion', nor does it demonstrate 'mutual respect'. I was embarrassed by what i read. I would much rather remember that i will learn nothing by whatever it is that i post, only through what i read from other registered member's posts. I will return to a 'less is sometimes more' philosophy.
Thank you for retaining a good sense of humour. I don't want to be called DeafDud, or TechButt either, although i have earned such titles.
Forgive me for posting this in a [SLVD] topic, i came within a 'whisker's breadth' of doing something terribly egregious and i needed to recompense of my own volition.
Nothing to forgive TechDud, I am sure it was all in fun and nothing personal was ment by it.
And yes mr_smartepants, the issue was resolved and many thanks to you and TechDud for your help.
Okay, I'm not sure what is going on here anymore. The discussion is a tad bit out of my relatively small range as far your driver speak is going. All I know is that I downloaded the Driver Link that Mr_Smartiepants had posted in message 6.( … pe=Drivers ) I used RAR to extracted it all from the .EXE. Went into the Device Manager and told it to look for the driver in the folder. It found it and updated the driver. It gave me no thank you or anything, just took the driver and went on it's merry way. So far I have recived no conflicts of any kind.
That is as far as I have gone with it. As far as massive holes in my security or what not. Whelp, I have yet to have Morpheous blank out my screen and tell me to follow the white rabbit.
But, as I said, if there is any information you need, just ask and I will answer it the best I can.
Not Deafbutt
or Deafbot
or Deathbutt
Thanks TechDud 
Bingo, the Extracting of the drivers manually let me get the one I needed it was the HECIx64.sys, which is I belive what you had stated. Everything is up and running now. Thank you very much for your time and expertise!
Yes and Yes. Before I came here, I did a search for HECI Drivers pertaining to my board specifically and for any reference to the ID # I could find. I even looked past the second page!
I searched the Driver Lists on here as well. Doing a general search and then look at specific folders. With no luck. I also did try the Driver which mr_smartepants posted, which returned the result of operating system not supported.
I should also let you know, that every instance that I could find on line stated that the Driver wasn't supported, but I wanted to see if anyone had figured a work around for it. My computer seems to be running fine, so leaving the driver alone probably won't be all that bad. But I hate having a item sitting there doing nothing. Lazy peripherals!
TechDud wrote:Experience is a prescient teacher, you learn by doing. The more you learn, the more you experience. Learn from all of your successes, and only learn the hard way from somebody else's mistakes, except when it pertains to driving!
I am a firm believer in this statement. Well I also believe in learning from your own mistakes as well. I also believe "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask."
TechDud wrote:Has he tried the driver in DP_Chipset that matches his HW?
I ran a update with all the various drivers for Win 7 offered on this board, with nothing tweaking Windows interest.
TechDud wrote:Does he still think it is a HECI Controller?
As far as know it is the HECI Controller. When I looked up the Hardware ID, that is what it stated it was. I followed someones link to a site that listed the ID's as such. Although, it dose state in the Device Manager that it is a "PCI Simple Communications Controllers". The computer has no Modem that I am aware of and all other drivers either loaded with Windows 7 install or updated with Vista drivers without errors other then this one. So I am stumped on what it is. If there is any other info that you can think of that might help narrow this bastage down, don't hesitate to ask.
Those are the same drivers as Techdud had me look at.
Operating System not supported. 
As for the Bios, yes it is the drab Gateway Bios. Also, yes, I ALMOST bricked it, but I had backed up the old bios and re flashed it back to the old settings. I'm not a top programmer, which is why I came to y'all. But I do know my way around a board.
But this one has me stumped. So, I'll try any other suggestions you may have barring a hammer and chisel.
Correct, they stated that they were not for this board, even tho the board is listed.....
I also did a lot of searching on Google to no avail. I just looked at the link site that you listed <downloadwindowsdrivers> but it lists nothing for the Gateway or anything like that. Which is why I was curious if you would have any clue where else I could look. I saw several posts that stated that they no longer support this board. But sometimes there can be a work around that someone came up with a while back....
As I said before, any help and useful suggestions that anyone can offer would be GREATLY appreciated.
I have been scouring the web trying to find the drivers for this, but with no luck. Then I remembered all the slipstreaming I did for XP and figured I would give your packs a try, but no luck. So I figured I would just ask if you know of any drivers for this item.
The info I do know is that it is a HECI Controller driver. But it looks like intel has decied not to make any drivers for it. The board model number is DG965OT. I have even gone as far as trying the Vista x64 drivers from Gateway.
I appreciate any time you take into answering this conundrum for me!
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