i'm having the same problems here, so is the solution to just have a slipstream for all other computers and another slipstream for the GX520 and GX620 (with chipset 6.05)?

lol, right but shouldn't it be included in the driver packs, or in windows? i just didn't understand why, lol

also, I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but for some reason now I get the add new hardware wizard during my RunOnceEx. It pops up wanting to install software for the standard 101/102 keyboard...? lol any ideas?

i'll look for anything more useful and post it if i find it, thanks

hello, i've been having off and on problems ever since I updated to the latest driver packs and driver pack base. I get to the "Applying KTD" screen and it says that it can't pass windows logo testing. However some times it won't give me this error. I used virtual machine to test it, it worked, then burned it to a DVD and then errored out. Sometimes it works on VM and other times it doesn't. I'm confused about this and i'm going to post the dpsfnshr.log to see if anyone can figure it out.



yeah..burnt it to a dvd and the stuck it in a machine, the problem is back :-(

well, good news is that i started all over again and from a fresh clean source, as stated to do so many times, and applied the packs with the 7.0.4 base and it works great now!  thanks for your help and keep up the great work!


it worked fine with driver base 7.0.16, why not now?   Could I just use driver base 7.0.16?

its on Virtual PC 2007, is that a possible reason for this?  and i have very little batch writing experience, but i'll try to come research to find out how to automatically press the "ignore" button. thanks.

Or is it due to to KTD? Because I have it selected to keep ALL the drivers.

First off, just want to say how awesome you guys are. Thanks for all the help you've provided me and all of the awesome driver packs!!!

Second off, I am having a problem with my unattended install. I get the following error:


I have to click continue for like every driver. I was just wondering why this is happening? Any ideas? thanks!