Ok, hopefully as I update the packs it won't happen again, but if it does, I'll know what to check first.

2 million downloads a week! That is amazing. I'm guessing when you started this project you probably didn't imagine those kind of numbers! Thanks again.

Thank you Overflow!
Wow! Of the 10 "stock" driver packs, the checksum was wrong on 9 of them! And that then explains why I would only see the progress bar of 2/10 (the CPU pack which was the only one with a correct checksum).

So...how does this happen? And have you seen it with other people? I've always used the DP_Base to update the packs, but this time I downloaded them manually and came up with the right checksums. I've got an installation going now and although it's not yet finished, I have already seen all of the driver packs decompressed, and so I'm confident it will work.

Thank you for taking the time to help me! But please, if you can, give me some direction on why that might have happened, and how I might be able to prevent it in the future.

And thanks again for providing such a helpful service for so many people like myself. smile

Thanks for the reply abdou. I don't use any third party driver packs, and have tried limiting my slipstream to only 3 or 4 of the stock driver packs, with no luck.

What do you mean by "use last pack"? Use the last DP_Base release?


First time poster here....first of all, thank you for these driver packs. They are sooo helpful to a person like myself who constantly installs Windows on different computers. I've used them for about 4 years now without issue, but have recently developed a problem.

I've read through the forum looking for issues like mine, but can't seem to find any answers. Here are some details about my problem:

The drivers seem to be slipstreamed properly and appear in the OEM folder of my installation disc.
The drivers begin to extract but that extraction seems to fail. I usually see Extraction 2/10 begin and go up to 100% but then I don't see anything else.

Here is what I've tried:
I've made sure I'm using the latest version of Base and the latest version of all driver packs.
I used to slipstream all of the driver packs (no third party packs). I let the base program remove all packs and then tried with only one or two, with no luck.
I tried redownloading the driver packs and installing from a new folder. No luck.
I install/update the DriverPacks last, using DP_Base (not NLite) and then burn the disc.

These are the same Xp installations I've been using for a long time, but somehow things have stopped working for me over the last while. I'm not sure why and am hoping some of you experts will be able to help. I hope it's not something simple, because I try to cover the basics myself, but I'll be happy to have this resolved either way.

My DPs_Base.log file: files.me.com/camputer/s3d80k
My Winnt.sif file: files.me.com/camputer/xsfmp3

Thanks for any help you can give! smile