Thanks OverFlow,

I actually spent a/b 2 days searching/reading the forum and ended up more confused.

I have no real intent to NOT follow recommendations and you've helped me a great deal with my initial confusion (the tutorial could use a few additional notes :-)

Thanks again, I think I have a little playing around to do.

Thanks, I'll try it out but I don't quite see the benefit in using OLSP, other than some more options.

It seems to me that if I build XP up using a source that has had DriverPacks slipstreamed into it and with the KTD option, there is no use for the UpdateInstalledDrivers option in sysprep, regardless of whether it's run online or offline. Windows should pull drivers from the DriverPacks folders anyway, right?

Am I missing something?

The only information I've found seems to suggest that they are broken up b/c of the size but I don't understand why that would matter.

When I downloaded and extracted all three 7 zip file (actually I think it was 4 including the Graphics languages DP), I got overwrite messages for some files. Does this mean that Graphics A, B, and C have some of the same drivers in them?

I just found DriverPacks but have been a long time user of sysprep. I'm thrilled to find DriverPacks b/c I've always tried to accomplish much the same thing with drivers on my own through OEMPnpDriversPath but DriverPacks is far more complete than my own efforts.

Anyway, I'm hoping to build a near-universal XP image with DriverPacks and sysprep. I've been through the tutorial and searched/read through the forums (including this post: but there are a few things I still don't quite understand...

Would it be best to slipstream DriverPacks into an installation CD/DVD using the KTD option, then sysprep?

Or, is it better to go through the process of unpacking the DriverPacks and running sysprep with a batch file that calls DevPath.exe?

I guess what I'm asking is whether or not it is necessary to slipstream if you plan on using sysprep with UpdateInstalledDrivers and the DriverPacks'?

Also, for the SysprepMassStorage section in sysprep.inf, if I plan to manually add drivers from the MassStorage DP, do I still need to use -bmsd? If I do both, will there be duplicate entries or will it cause any problems?