(5 replies, posted in Other)

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

DevPath just scans for driver directories and then updates the DevicePath registry key.

So... just extract all DriverPacks onto a CD, run DevPath like this:

devpath.exe X:\

where X:\ is your CD drive and the DriverPacks are extracted into any of the subdirs inside X:\. Then just pop in that CD and it'll be very easy to install new hardware! wink


forgot to say: this 'mode' will be added after my exams.


Thats exactly what I wanted.




(5 replies, posted in Other)

Thanks Bash

Great work with the driver pack - extremely useful.

I have now sucessfully made my unattended install disk with these integrated driver packs - what I would like to know is can I now use that disk for driver installations on existing Windows Installs.

For example if I am working on a PC and it has some "unknown device" can I whack in the unattended install disk and then tell it to search that for new drivers.

I am certain that this question has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find a post on it.

Let me know.

