Jeff to the rescue..
I really think we need an academy.
It is not always clear how to do basic things, and I know I don't know how to extract some of the newer installers.
Our documentation on this is poor.
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Jeff to the rescue..
I really think we need an academy.
It is not always clear how to do basic things, and I know I don't know how to extract some of the newer installers.
Our documentation on this is poor.
@ abdou
THANKS for pointing out you turned QSC OFF.
(the logs did not make that obvious.. the INI would have told us).
Come to think of it, I used so many variations and because I had not used third party, this did not show a month ago.. I really feel like a moron.
Abdou, you helped us locating a bug..
(I was telling people to turn QSC ON for many months but I had no idea that third party was also triggering a critical error. Now we know it does.)
RC2, M1, QSC OFF, one single 3rd party, NON other selected, old INI present.
it cleaned up the source, and after restoring dosnet.inf I got line-1.
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\xpcorpslipsp2_NL_FULL_LOAD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "1"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "no"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset = "no"
DP_CPU = "no"
DP_Graphics_A = "no"
DP_Graphics_B = "no"
DP_LAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage = "no"
DP_Sound_A = "no"
DP_Sound_B = "no"
DP_WLAN = "no"
DPs_3rd_party = "yes"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "no"
; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl = "CCP"
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.01.RC2 initialized.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 8.02.1!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 8.02!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 8.02!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 8.03!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8.03!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.03.C!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 8.03!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 8.03!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 8.03!
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\Base_RC2\DPs_BASE_801RC2\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - SP2 detected.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-03-08 20:35:47 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2008-03-08 20:36:05 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-03-08 20:36:05 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-03-08 20:36:05 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m1.
2008-03-08 20:36:13 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-03-08 20:37:19 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2008-03-08 20:37:20 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2008-03-08 20:37:20 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
Later that day I used it with 16 third party, RC2, method 1, QSC ON (like the poster), and it still worked.
I will do this with a clean base INI, because that was what the poster had.
we get the drivers from the official sites and extract the files.
How to extract some of those is poorly documented.
hmmm, RC2, six third party, method 1, QSC ON, and it worked.
I will add more, maybe there is a rogue name 3rd party DP or maybe it won't do more than ten 3rd party DriverPacks.
let me think aloud...
filename is 3WAREDRV.sys (this was done a good while back, when I first saw problems with case sensitivity. )
In QSC txtmode folder you will then find 3WAREDRV.SY_ (upper case extention)
in QSC mass storage pack folder you find 3WAREDRV.sy_ (lower case extention)
I will run this again with the drivername changed, and then look at the QSC content for mass storage.
for now, I suggest you rename 3WAREDRV.sy_ to 3WAREDRV.SY_ in the QSC folder
I am done with WLAN now.. whheeeew.
When we finally started to use utilityspotlight05 we found a GREAT tool.
Spotlight tool
I changed the INF readed CMD batch so it would allow me to use dragdrop.
Crude, but effective.
:: ********************************************************************************
:: Sample command shell script to demonstrate the usage of DriverInfInfo.vbs
:: ********************************************************************************
:: ********************************************************************************
:: Clear all environment variables
:: ********************************************************************************
@echo off
set CLASS=
set QUIET=
set HELP=
:: ********************************************************************************
:: Set environment variables for DriverInfInfo.vbs switch values
:: Commemt out a line to not use a switch
:: ********************************************************************************
@ECHO off
Echo Create Comma delimited CSV HWID lists from INF files.
echo This script overwrites a previous output if it were not renamed.
echo Bail out if you have to save an older file.
echo Drag extracted Driver folders from Windows Explorer into Dos-box
echo (or, Type a valid path to that folder. (eg C:\DriverPacks\extracted.)
set /P DPS_INF=
if not exist %DPS_INF% goto nonvalid
set FOLDER=/folder:"%DPS_INF%"
set OUTPUT=/format:CSV
set QUIET=/q
:: set HELP=/?
:: ********************************************************************************
:: Execute DriverInfInfo.vbs
:: ********************************************************************************
echo on
When I discovered it could not collect the hardware info from all driver INFs, I looked at the WLAN nightly testpack I was working on and found ten folders that had not been processed. (10 out of 274.. so it is NOT a bad tool.)
The end result is that I learned to use macroes in notepad++, and I manually added the HWID (pcmcia/usb/PCI...) to the worksheet for WLAN. I also spotted some human error.
a couple folders that should have been deleted weren't, and when I finished the new testpack I found that I had added five new drivers, and could delete some of the non-scanned.
Was it work? Yes. It spent nine hours on DriverPacks.
Is it worth our time? YES. Definately.
That Wlan pack is almost ready for release.
When I recently scanned some additions for WLAN I discovered utilityspotlight05 is not perfect, because it could not collect the HWIDs from some drivers.
So... Today I looked for folders it had skipped, and found ten of those.
Well, from over 270... not bad.
The good part of this excercise was that I spotted a few things I did wrong.
(like an empty folder here and there, caused while renaming the folders to shorten path.. or a folder that should have been deleted but wasn't.)
grrr.. ten drivers to manually get the hardware info from, to put in a worksheet.
I will try to contact the writer of this great tool, and hope he can fix the problem.
Anybody here good in Visual basic?
we may need a variant vbs for getting the info out of these few INF files.
you are right about one thing.. We spend a lot of time on adding drivers and fixing issues with them.
We ought to have an academy of sorts, and I think we should collect useful tips and get them together in a series of articles for the interested public.
For instance;
How do I extract a driver?
I come across a driver I cannot decompress nor extract with uniextractor quite frequently now.
What do I do when I do not have the hardware it will install on?
What do I do when technet's spotlight utility driverinfinforeader won't collect the HWIDs of a driver I let it scan?
(Which reminds me I have to look at the folder entries of all the excell sheets I made, and look for missing folders in the worksheet.)
I think Mr Smartepants can teach us many things about the graphics and soundpacks.
I know Ruudboek knows mass storage a lot better than I, and I also know I will be absent for extended periods later this year. DriverPacks should not have to rely on a handful of active developers.
When Bâshrat the Sneaky decided to go open source on this, it was because it is too much work for one person.
I know it is a humongous undertaking to keep abreast of things.
I've seen them get unfixed during transport. All was fine when machine was built and during burnin tests.
Ran hot when they got it running at home. Some people don't follow advice on how to transport and the machine was left wedged upright and then got shaken pretty hard. The pushpins wear.
I believe the design specs mention max weight. I know they specify maximum stress to mobo, and the mobo itself has to follow the design too.. It HAS to bend.
I would not use these tall and heavy monsters with pushpins. The stress to mobo during transport is directly related to the weight and tallness, and inertia in transport can cause extreme forces to the fixing points.
The manufactors of heatsinks mention this in their manuals..
Most people don't RTFM, tho. Thank goodness this no longer kills the CPU.
HINTS and hints, and a story about learning pains.
Drivers and the Mass storage Driverpack;
1; driver.INF
Information the Operating System requires to support hardware; including registry entries and files to copy.
2; driver.CAT
Security catalog. A *.CAT file can be WHQL signed but this is not always the case.
3; driver.SYS
System level support for hardware (the driver!)
Hardware identity, vendor and device.
This is the number the device reports to plug and play to match with a driver file.
5; driverpack.INI
This file is used to identify exceptions and special cases, such as, this driver only has windows 2003 support.
6; generic HWID (VendorID&deviceID, NO SUB.)
Example PCI\VEN_13C1&DEV_1002
Example PCI\VEN_1191&DEV_0006
7; SUB Specified HWID
Subversions of a chip can exist. Either proprietary made for an OEM, or an improved mask was used at the Fabrication plant. They will have SUB_SYS and sometimes Revision info after the generic ID.
Example PCI\VEN_13C1&DEV_1002&SUBSYS_100213C1
Example PCI\VEN_1191&DEV_0006&SUBSYS_00061191&REV_01
8; mask
Used in etching process at the Plant. A new mask etches different traces and a different chip is built.
9; Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Large OEMs like DELL, NEC or HP/Compaq often have proprietary chips on the motherboards.
10; Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL)
Drivers that have been submitted and successfully passed the tests at Microsoft will get the WHQL signed status.
WHQL was introduced when XP was in its infancy and you will seldom find very old WHQL signed drivers because of this.
Windows Driver Model (WDM) are most likely good drivers because this standard is still in use.
Unstable drivers do exist. Information and rants about unstable drivers can be found on the internet.
We will attempt to avoid any known unstable drivers.
Next, a reference TXT.
It was written by RuudBoek
Editing the Mass storage driverpack INI.
Q: What does the entry "ms_count = 1" mean?
A: The number next to the "ms_count =" entry represents the amount of *.sys files that are present in the current section and folder that should be used during the slipstream. This entry can also be used to exclude a driver from all OS'es during slipstreaming.
To do this, simply add a zero next to the "ms_count =" entry. For example:
"ms_count = 0"
Q: What does the "ms_1_deviceName" entry mean?
A: The "ms_1_deviceName" entry represents the full driver name (Its friendly name).
One driver can often support multiple hardware devices. For example: "IBM ServeRAID 4H Controller" and "IBM ServeRAID 3H/3L Controller" both share the same driver files. The "ms_1_deviceName" entry enables you to specify one name representing all these different hardware devices. This name is displayed during the loading of the Mass Storage drivers for textmode setup. Since this name has no impact on the proper functioning of the driver itself, it is possible to make up a name by yourself. It is however strongly advised to use a name similar to the name that is used by the driver manufacturer.
Q: What does the "ms_1_tag" entry mean?
A: Most of the time the "ms_1_tag" represents the name of the .sys file included in the driver.
This name is used to create the compressed files which are located in the I386 folder (example: SI3124.SY_).
This compressed file is decompressed during Text Mode* part of setup and loaded into memory so that mass storage media is accessible.
*Textmode setup is the blue screen part at the beginning of the installation and it enables you to partition your hard drive for example.
In some cases there are .sys files present from different driver folders that have the same file names.
They can not be compressed and placed into the I386 folder using the same filename because the resulting compressed files would bear the same filename also. When this occurs a workaround is used. The resulting compressed files get different filenames than the original .sys filename.
The "ms_1_tag" entry enables you to specify unique filenames for filenames that would have otherwise been duplicated during the copy to I386.
Q: Where can I find the "ms_1_sysFile" entry in my driver?
A:The "ms_1_sysFile" entry represents the name of the .sys file which should always be included in your driver. If there is more then one .sys file present in the driverpackage, please bear in mind that only the BUS driver is relevant. Often you will find .sys files which include the following in their names:
filter, filt, fltr, filtr, etc.
For example: xfilt.sys.
Those .sys files are called filters and are NOT bus drivers. They can therefore be ignored.
Often you will also find .sys files which includes the following in their names:
For example: videX64.sys
Most of the time that value means that the .sys file was built for the 64-bit version of Windows XP. Since the DriverPacks Mass Storage only supports the 32-bit version of Windows XP, those .sys files can also be ignored.
Q: What does the "ms_1_hwids" entry mean?
A: The "ms_1_hwids" entry represents all the hardware id's that are associated with the driver.
Q: Where can I find the correct hardware id's for my driver?
A: You can usually find the drivers hardware id's inside the txtsetup.oem file.
It is strongly recommended to always use the HWID's inside the txtsetup.oem file when available. If a txtsetup.oem file is not present you will be forced to look inside the .inf files for the driver IDs.
When looking inside a txtsetup.oem file, first Look for a section with the following in its name: HardwareIds.SCSI
For example:
id = "PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_31121095", "Si3112"
id = "PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_34238086", "Si3112"
id = "PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_311215D9", "Si3112"
id = "PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_B0021458", "Si3112"
The actual hardwareid's are located in the specified section ([HardwareIds.SCSI.Si3112_XP].
Hardwareid's always start with PCI\... In this example the correct hardwareid's are therefore the following:
Simple right! Well, there's more.
When no txtsetup.oem file is present you need to look inside the .inf files of the driver.
In this case open the .inf file(s) and look for a section called [Manufacturer] in that section you should be able to find the name of the section where the HWID's can be found.
For example:
%ITE% = ITE.Mfg
In this example, we will thefore find all the hardwareid's in the following section:
Sometimes more than one section is specified underneath [Manufacturer]. Bear in mind that if one of those sections include the value 64 that specific section can be normally be ignored. It most probably represents 64-bit Windows driver which is not currently supported.
The hardware id's themselves are located at the end of each line in the specified sections.
For this example:
%ITE.DeviceDesc0% = iteraid, PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00011283
%ITE.DeviceDesc0% = iteraid, PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00000000
Hardwareid's always start with PCI\... In this example the correct hardwareid's are therefore the following:
Hardware id's should be added to the "ms_1_hwids" entry; all on one line, with no spaces, and each HWID should be separated by a comma, the complete line should also start with double quotes and end with double quotes.
For example:
ms_1_hwids = "PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00011283,PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8212&SUBSYS_00000000"
Q:What does the entry "ms_1_isBusExtender" mean?
A:The "ms_1_isBusExtender" entry specifies wether the driver is a bus extender or not.
Q:How can I find out if my driver is a bus extender?
A:Open the .inf files which should be included in the driver. Look for a line similar to the following:
LoadOrderGroup = System Bus Extender
If that line is present then your driver is a busextender.
Q:What does the entry "ms_1_exc_skipIfOS" mean?
A:The "ms_1_exc_skipIfOS" entry represents the operating system to which the driver(s) will not be slipstreamed.
For example:
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS= "w2k"
In this example the entry will prevent the specified driver from being slipstreamed into Windows 2000.
Q:What does the entry "ms_1_exc_disableIfOS" mean?
A:The "ms_1_exc_skipIfOS" entry represents the operating system in which the driver should not be included during textmode setup.
For example:
Ms_1_exc_disableIfOS= "w2k"
In this example the entry will prevent the specified driver from being loaded into memory during textmode setup when the OS is Windows 2000. After the slipstream completes the driver will be present in txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf but the entry will be prefixed by a semi-colon which will cause setup to ignore that line and therefore the driver on that line.
Excluding a driver to be loaded during textmode setup can be quite useful. Windows 2000, for example, is very limited in the amount of memory that can be allocated for loading textmode drivers. So we can easily select some rarely used drivers to be "on hold" for text mode but still available to plug and play in windows afterwards. So far we have only needed to do this for windows 2000 and it is technically only supported for windows 2000, however, it is only a matter of time until this limit becomes a factor for XP and eventually 2003.
Q:What does the entry "ms_1_exc_replaceIfOS" mean?
A:The "ms_1_exc_replaceIfOS" entry represents the operating system in which the specified driver should replace an already existing driver.
Some operating systems already contain drivers for textmode setup by default.
For example:
Windows XP contains a driver called "Mylex AcceleRAID 160 Disk Array Controller".
This driver can be found in the I386 folder and it is named dac2w2k.sy_. If you want to overwrite this driver with a newer version you can use the following entry to tell the DPs_Base to overwrite the existing dac2w2k driver:
ms_1_exc_replaceIfOS= "wxp"
When Ruud posted this, the project had not yet gone open source.
The info is now available to you.
Let us go on about Mass storage Drivers.
First, let us mention something about the security catalog file, the CAT:
When one edits a duplicate driver's INF file to add HWIDs, its CAT is no longer valid for all HWIDs.
The supported devices in INF that do not match devices listed in the CAT are not signed when a HWID match occurs.
Yes, a CAT file actually lists HWIDs. Engineers using DDK can edit a CAT, but after that it needs to be submitted and re-signed. Signed drivers are published as "WHQL signed" at manufacturers download sites. We do not use DDK since we would not be successful in getting the drivers re-signed. Note that not all original drivers are WHQL signed and work just fine.
Working on a pack is fun.
When one looks at a driver, you will find that:
The driver.INF has info on its version, the supported HWIDs, and a section in there [sourcediskfiles] lists the files used to make a driver work.
Compare content of the unpacked driver against all "Copyfile" lines.
When you look at these entries, you know which files are essential.
You can then look whether the required files are present.
The NON essential files can be left out to save space, if you wish.
The driver.SYS file also has version info in it, and the internal name can be seen too.
This internal name is just a right-click away. One sometimes finds that it has a different internal name.
A team member found a filename error in an original driver, and fixed the issue after he had looked at that.
The supplier had used the original internal name of the SYS file in the INF, but had renamed the file so it was "wrong".
Also look at its size.
When you compare a driver against a similar driver (pretty often they use same name), you will want to look at the INF. Besides HWIDs, version, the files used, one has to compare the rest of the txt in the INF files as well.
You see, if you want to MERGE a driver, then the registry entries have to match as well.
(MERGING means adding the HWIDs of one driver into another driver's INF, so as to not have to use two sets of driver files.)
If these registry entries are different while using same GUI Class keys, you can be almost sure merging won't work.
(You can easily spot the likeness and differences.)
If its SYS file has same name but is different in size, you can be almost sure merging won't work.
There are free utilities like which can compare folder content and file content.
When you see you CAN merge, you can still choose to not merge lines into the INF already there.
You could rename and ADD the variant INF to the folder, OR you edit and add the HWIDs to the existing driver's INF. Either way, you will have to add the UNIQUE HWIDs in the corresponding section in mass storage INI.
Now, if that driver is NOT an update of the one you compare it with, and you want to add it, then you will have to make a new section entry in mass storage INI.
One of the first considerations is the name it will be given for TxtMode.
Look for existing ms_1_tag names and do not use an existing name when you add a driver.
You will have to look at supported HWIDs and compare these with the rest of the pack.
Sometimes, there are Updated Drivers which drop support for older hardware.
When you read its INF and find that new DLL files, extra SYS and extra INF files are required and used (like nodrv.inf), then one can edit out the duplicate HWIDs in the older driver's INI section, so that only the NEW one will cover these.
You do that in Mass storage INI to avoid conflicts.
(Otherwise during Txtmode stage of setup, two sys files would get loaded for the same Chip and a BSOD is likely.)
You can also edit the older driver's INF (Sometimes this is a good solution).
This is done to avoid a clash during PNP stage which could occur when both are unsigned.
Of course, you can disable the older one altogether (Do Not Delete. You may have to re-enable at a later date.), but the newer one will sometimes not support some older chip versions and we've seen that old hardware has a tendency to outlive vendor support.
To Illustrate this, let's recount a real story.
It happened in Mass storage forum.
An update for LSI was requested, and Jaak took the task.
What could a look at files and the INF tell us?
Old LSI in [L-4] did not use pseudo device.
Then Jaak looked for matching HWIDs to avoid possible conflicts. At first, Jaak forgot to look through ALL drivers and therefore he did not notice there was a DELL using HWIDs this LSI listed.
So, he had looked for double HWIDs only in LSI and found them, but saw he should not edit [L-5] because the last line there told him it was for server.
Because of that oversight, there was an unnoticed DELL driver using HWIDs this updated LSI also listed, and this was pointed out by LSe.
LSe wrote:
In PnP driver install phase (about T=38 to T=34 in WXP installation) there is a ranking for each hardware ID to find the best matching driver. Presence/absence of signature (The CAT), version, matching ID (full/generic) and others make for each matching string from a *.inf file a rank value. The driver with the lowest resulting rank value will be installed.
You can see what happened in this phase by studying setupapi.log file in %windir% after the installation.
So for the PnP the presence of more then one matching string is no problem, normally the best will "win".
The problem is the txtmode setup phase. At this stage there is no ranking, only one driver with the same name can be loaded.
So if we want to keep the Dell and the native LSI version separated we must use the older generic version in txtmode. Obviously it also supports the Dell controllers. If there is a Dell controller installed, this older unsigned driver will be replaced in the PnP phase by symmpi.sys If "only" a LSI controller is installed it will be kept in PnP.
If we would use the Dell driver in txtmode an there is only a LSI controller installed, the PnP must downgrade it. I fear this wont work, but I will try out this cenario in the next days.
Jaak replied;
Trying to make txtmode match what PnP will do is what I thought we should do, and it is not easy.
TXTmode uses the mass storage INI, and PNP uses the INF.
Some drivers are unsigned because that sys version supports several OEM INFs and they got merged/added, which broke signing.
After somebody had pointed it out, I realised that when a conflicting signed one with matching generic HWID in INF is left signed (by not removing generics) then one can get BSOD.
Because of this finding, we had to make a choice..
In our example, the OEM Dell driver [D-3] has a valid signature unlike the reference LSI [L-4].
The same Dell HWIDs were suppored in LSI [L-4].
The Dell driver has also a slightly higher version number ( and a newer date than the original LSI files.
So? What influenced our choice?
If [D-3] is signed, keep it.
If the SYS file size for the one in LSI is different, definatetly keep Dell.
Still more considerations were made.
Is there a choice between unsigned generic versus signed proprietary? Keep signed proprietary.
A choice between Subsys and 'proprietary" subsys? Keep signed 'proprietary" subsys.
The filter (mass INI) must be changed to not use non-signed LSI in [L-4] for hwid signed in [D-3]
One could say that generic HWIDs in signed driver should be kept, and unsigned generics can be tossed away if one has it covered by a signed driver. Then, Dell won. BUT... Jaak decided against.
In some cases one can make an edit to a signed driver's INF and kill the generic in there, while keeping the specified subs. You can do that if this one is proprietary and the other supports a lot more generic and SUB_sys HWIDs as well.
The LSI reference driver was not signed, older, and therefore Jaak edited the Mass storage INI for [L-4] so that it did not list DELL's HWIDs.
One "could" go as far as editing its INF as well, but since Dell was newer, it was the DELL's INF that got edited to not support the generic. (Jaak did that because he thinks Dell used a modified LSI chip. Dell, Compaq and other OEMs often use proprietary modifications of chips. And, the SYS they use is most likely specific for that proprietary chip.)
LSI's can most probably handle the generics better than Dell's prorietary sys-file.
Will this be the best solution?
Time will tell.
(hehe..This was over a year ago, and that choice seems to have worked rather well.)
If you are going to modify the Mass Storage driverpack, extract it in a separate folder, because later on you have to repack it along with its INI.
You have to look at the content of the INI, because if you remove folders what got referenced in the INI you will get an error during slipstream. Renaming a folder results in file not found (a Mismatch) if you do not change the foldername in the INI. Some SYSPREP gurus will Rename a SYS file. When you do that you have to edit the driver's INF and the packs INI to make all references match. ((that's really advanced stuff... Some SYSPREP users change the service name as well.))
You have to recompress the Pack.
DPs_base uses the driverpacks, not the extracted folders.
The name you give the repacked pack must follow the naming convention for a driverpack.
If you unpacked xxx7041, you could call it xxx7042 so as not to lose the original.
I figure you would want the original in case your modification was not succesful, and if it is its higher version number will be useful.
I let 7zip unpack it to folder so it creates a new folder wich has the name of the PACK..
Then I rename that folder, changing the version number to a higher version number.
An example, 801 (year/month) becomes 8011 (year/month/revision).
If it was 8011 to begin with it would change to 8012.
After that you do what you want to do in that new folder.
(adding a driver and its section, moving sections to change load order, pruning unwanted drivers, make it not skip a driver, disable a driver and keep it for PnP and so on).
When you are done, you select the D folder and INI file, and rightclick to use 7zip on selection.
It will automatically suggest the name of the folder, which was already renamed to higher version..
Ultra/LZMA/wordsize 256/compact.
NEVER rename the INI.
Making a pack perfect is not easy.
A testing version was put on rapidshare by Jaak.
BUT; Jaak had made an error in mass storage INI when he added a driver for servers in [c]
In [C] section, for a driver intended only for SERVER, Ms_1_exc_disableIfOS= "wxp" was used.
This had caused a long list of disabled drivers.
JSe wrote
The problem starts after [AU-3], the first commented out is [C] CPQ32FS2.
Compared to the original 704 there some changes at this point 704 also had
[AU-4] and [AU-5] but no [C].
and have found the problem:
it's the option
ms_1_exc_disableIfOS= "wxp" under the [C] header. From this point on _all_
drivers that follow will be disabled, this seems to be a bug of the Base program. I have replaced this option by
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS = "wxp"
Meanwhile, Jaak had reported what he thought was a bug at the bugtracker..
Because of this error, OverFlow wrote:
Because you don't understand something does not mean there is a bug in the
disable was not what you wanted
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS= or set ms_count = 0 are to "Disable" a driver (from
your perspective)
the ms_1_exc_disableIfOS= "wxp" means something totaly different to the Base
"load the driver for plug and play but; in a DISABLEd state during text mode
We have never needed to do this for any OS except windows 2000.
JSe (thinking that was meant for him) then wrote:
Yes, you are right, I did not completly understand this functionality, but please note:
1. It was not me, who used this ms_1_exc_disabledIfOS="wxp", I was only the one who wrote that this option caused the problem of commenting out _all_ drivers, not only that one, that had this option applied that follow this driver.
2. What I still would call a (possible) bug is that an option, regardless if it is usefull or not at the point it had been used acts on all the following drivers. And if you dont like the word bug then let's call this unpredictable behavior we should be aware of if it happens again.
Then Jeff wrote:
I disagree. It does what it was designed to do. It is neither a bug nor unpredictable.
It is used for w2k to prevent drivers from loading into ram to prevent ram from being used up and it does.
We have yet to add enough drivers to find these limits on XP or 2003 and is not needed or supported.
If you put Garbage Into the .inf file you will get Garbage Out (GIGO).
That is not a flaw with the base it's user error. The "meat" virus.
Let's agree it was just not well documented.
And then Jaak wrote
I was unaware of that too, and I made that error in [C]
One could call it "growing pains", and I really think this should be made "more robust" against such "user" error.
I would NOT have posted RUUDBOEK's text had this project not become open-source.
The end user has had the possibility to edit the INI for a while now, and little in depth information was public.
Give me the choice between PM or chat for help... Then I will choose public discussions. Always.
Long time ago, on other boards, some long discussions got summarised, and posted.
A summary like that was welcomed.
It came with all relevant links, and all posts or helpful parts of posts that got included were credited to the original poster.
You can bet there are people using snips of posted tips to write their own reference txt.
I am one of those...
So, this is how this txt came to fruition.
We've now collaborated on this, and we hope it is informative.
Some quoted text was edited for clarity or grammar.
We're an international bunch, and English is only a second language to many.
We hope this helped you.
revision seven, date 2008/03/05
Newposter, these huge monsters include a support backing plate which is put under the motherboard (because the mobo would flex too much if one did not stiffen it), and a mounting frame is bolted to this. Then fix the heatsink to the mounting frame. These things are close to one Kilogram.
thanks for the correct words
@ overFlow
The problem is that when I write it up in condensed form, I use "translated" menus.
I could use pbyford's words instead.
@ pbyford
You say you disabled the RAID controller, and connect to the sata controller.
I hope you want to find out what can be done with the controller you disabled.
I mean, it makes little sense to move the Silicon INI sections if you are not going to have hooked up anything to that controller.
What I was saying is that (most cases) a controller can be set to RAID with ONE drive hooked up to it.
I do this. My silicon chip will support removable data drives (removable drivetray) which are NOT in an array while the chip is in its default setting (RAID support ON).
OH... whichever mode it is set to, I cannot BOOT from my silicon chip as it is a tertiary chip.
In your mobo, it should be able to boot from Silicon.
You can learn a few things about the capabilities of that mobo if you are enthusiastic enough an go for a few testruns in different configurations. That way, we all learn. We like it if you help us help you, and would love to hear what your findings are. (drive connected to this or that controller in this or that mode.. and which INI load order was used.)
I wish silicon drivers would not have us do this. We chose to have all of them IN the pack because a split pack (and SFX MiniPacks) is even worse.
did it work?
new testfile posted in here … 360#p18360
DP_WLAN_wnt5_x86-32_803A.7z (link pulled after release)
NEW W5X\ atheros 01/20/2005,
NEW WBr7\ Broadcom 12/11/2007,
NEW WBR8\ Broadcom 02/11/2005,
NEW WC3\ 10/12/2006, (for compaQ C700)
NEW WR4\ Realtek (Dlink) 03/12/2005,
NEW WS7\ Sagem 10/28/2005,
WRE4\ added a Fix for toshiba notebook
WAtT\ Atheros from 04/05/2007, to 07/26/2007, for Toshiba notebooks)
WU6\ US robotics from 08/11/2004, to 11/16/2005,
Hi OverFlow,
he used 803_M1.
his LOG says:
Could not match +infFile"C:\D\S\H2\wdmaherc.inf"
the 803_M1's INI says
platform = "wnt5_x86-32"
name = "Sound B"
; version 802
rootDir = "D"
classes = "MEDIA"
driverCount = 110
decompSize = 255
compSize = 54
exc_count = 1
exc_1_tagFiles = 0
exc_1_+hwids = 0
exc_1_-hwids = 0
exc_1_+infFiles = 1
exc_1_+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\SH2\wdmaherc.inf"
exc_1_-infFiles = 0
exc_1_commands = 4
exc_1_command1 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe disable =net"
exc_1_command2 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\SH2\wdmaherc.inf "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_*""
exc_1_command3 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\SH2\wdmaherc.inf "HERCULES\*""
exc_1_command4 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe enable =net"
weird.. it did not throw an error "INF file not found "or something like that.. but it reported the old folder structure none-the-less.
very weird.
@ yiuc1
please post setupapi.log as it will tell us something we must try find out.
you do not have to build a RAID array when the chip is set to RAID mode.
I think you missed something OverFlow mentions.
You can un7zip the mass storrage Driverpack to edit its INI.
Rightclick the file, use 7zip to unzip to folder.
You will find the RAID and NON-RAID sections for Silicon Image sorted per mode, and the RAID mode drivers are below the NON-RAID sections.
When you move the section you want to use below the "other mode" of same driver it loads later during TXTmode. This works.
You then have to repack.
Select the edited INI and the D folder and make the archive.
It will suggest the name of the old pack.
You have 803B ? Make it 803C. Copy this to the folder you use with DPsBase.
If you used QSC, delete the mass storage folder from QSC cached folders.
Use a copy of source you did not slipstream DriverPacks into, and stream that one.
notes, you can delete sections in the INI and leave drivers in the folders, and that won't cause errors during slipstream. You cannot delete folders and leave the sections in INI, because that will break slipstream.
_x86-32_803B.7z pulled
changes in this,
[N-TM] I added three HWIDs to NVidia TextMode.
I got driver for the ABIT mobo, and its oemsetup.txt file lists these HWIDs, but the ABIT driver's INF does not list it..
The ABIT's driver is older, so I added the HWIDs to the Pack's INI only … 32_803B.7z
changes in this,
[N-TM] added three HWIDs to NVidia TextMode.
I got driver for an ABIT mobo, and its oemsetup.txt file lists these HWIDs, but the driver's iNF does not list it..
(Also in that TM driver we have.)
The ABIT's driver is older, so I added the HWIDs to INI only
I looked up that mobo, and see that the Sil3112 is onboard, and we cover it.
However, it seems that the problem is with NVIDIA's IDE driver.
We do not have PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0065&SUBSYS_1C00147B
(Abit's Nforce download does not have the specic subsys either.)
We do not have PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0065 (This is in the Nforce 510 driver I downloaded.)
This motherboard was built in 2003?
I figure we had updates which dropped that.
We should try fix this, but old and new Nvidia drivers are not easy to have together.
Just hang on, and we'll see what we can do.
V4 (ViPRT) says 10/18/2007,6.0.6000.230 and that is what the hyperion drivers have in the XP /2000 and Vista folder.
The one we had in V4 in mass 709.x was 03/23/2007,6.0.6000.212
BUT, look at the one in V1, VIAMRAID from hyperion, in a folder for XP.
That says 07/12/2007, 5.1.6000.562
I have a VIAMRAID from Asus 03/31/2006, 5.1.2600.530
(I know I also have a 5.1.2600.540 someplace.)
Could this be messing us up?
The systemfiles for XP/w2k/w2k3 are identical (save for the CATs in 2k3), and vista has different systemfiles.
But all have identical INF.
the next move (if this won't solve VIA install issue) is to remove the V3 section from INI
And then, if this still wont't go, also remove the V4 section.
A raid version of VIA should NOT (in theory) fight with an IDE driver, but I suspect it does. Forum » Posts by Jaak
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