in sound A, un7zip, delete (or change extention of) D\S\R1\Alcxau.inf
(I changed it to Alcxau.inx) (this inf has nothing but generics, and causes trouble)

recompress as soundA_804a
7z, ultra, max library size, max wordlenght, LZMA, SOLID

in sound B, you may want to delete D\L\S\Z2 (or not use sound B.. depends on what you need.)
I have a sound B testpack with only two HWIDs less than the release.
(the two generics in Z2, at bottom of list in INF.)

I could upload sound A testfile, but already had to spend extra money on bandwidth.

just updated again,
it was fixed.
(no false now)

the current main DriverPacks have the checksums in changelog now.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

you may not believe this, but the problem with txtsetup.oem is that DriverPacks uses the mass storage_.INI to perform the txtmode action.
edit  (txtsetup.oem files get removed by the syspreppers when we leave them in.. They swear at us when we leave dupe filenames like that in smile )

The driver.inf should have that REG stuff.
I just look at IAAHCI.INF and it has that stuff.
iastor.inf (the other mode) has different stuff.


(13 replies, posted in Hardware)

let us know, will you?

mass storage INI in [P7] missed a HWID. (we was Filtering dupes by hand back then.)
80417RC should clean source and that mass804b_promise should work on 150TXII plus.


(13 replies, posted in Hardware)

Doesn't he have to add the finisher line to his unnattend answerfile?
I had a look.

DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore ; (is present)
NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore ; (is NOT present, and is most helpful)

the settings in [display] have to have settings known to work .
(I came across TFT screens that would do Vrefresh 60 and 75 but would blackscreen on 70.. )
I currently use

and this is not in answertxt

I mentioned dotnet too.


(13 replies, posted in Hardware)

OH, Wlan 803 would break KTD.
now, there is good reason to update all downloads. smile
most are 804 now.. smile


(13 replies, posted in Hardware)


you said you use unattended, but DriverPacks BASE did not find winnt.sif when you streamed so you use another answertxt.
I wanted to see that answertxt.

This is either not processed when you run setup, or you forced yours so yours get used and then the drivers won't be properly processed.
In my signature you see links to tutorial (it is a good read), and to a HWIDS reading tool which will create a txt you can post.

I suggest you start from a source you have never ran DriverPacks on, put your answertxt in there and rename it to winnt.sif, after which you run DriverPacks BASE.
(I don't know why you need KTD.. the last lines say it set dpsfinisher to enable KYD.. this is a waste of time on laptops.)

have you added Dot_net to windows 2000?
CCC uses .net, so that choice looks wrong.

(I want to see the answertxt file you use for a particular reason. remove the key)
- - -
I just read your posts again and see it runs setup from a file from server?

DriverPacks enhanced sources can be made to run from RIS, and siginets autoimage should be a good tool for that.
I have no experience with that sad
(right now I don't even have networked computers at home. I've been too busy and found no time to set up new machines for that.)


(13 replies, posted in Hardware)

Welcome to DriverPacks.

Does it start in safe mode in win2000?
Can you post the winnt.sif (without the key) please? (use code tags)
A HWID txt in code tags in a second post would be nice too.

Question, does it also happen when you do XP on the dell latitude 531?
(Do you use DriverPacks 7052? Then please clear QSC when you plan to slipstream another type of OS)
Question, what versions do you use? (a slipstream log can be useful.)
Question, in which order do you prepare the source?

I think we can find a way to post the hash, so you at least see it before you download.

Hi ChiefZeke
this is a testfile
see overflow's post, later

you can use winmerge to compare content against release.
I re-downloaded the driver.
There was something odd in P7, and I removed PB (device should be supported by P7)

I will update avast then.

edit, well, still false on roe.exe

promise card should boot if you select boot from SCSI in boot priority.

I am surprised you want to run XP in a BX440 "powered" mobo.

yes, it is strange.
driverpacks.infojpg.com added a twist to releases, and does not auto update the filename link (which is normally version independant in php.).


what's also so strange is that direct links to "dreamhost server" driverpacks.mirror.thesneaky.com work, but portal links still fail.

Hi Frabert,
JakeLD added these last night.


I hope Bâshrat the Sneaky fixes that issue we have at infojpg.com

There is a direct link in this topic

let's see if a direct link works.

I run avast and had no problem. will update it again.

EDIT, 1, deleted.
yep. after update it triggered on base80417RC, in particular on roe.exe
edit 3
(and on dps_base.exe too.)

Welcome to DriverPacks.
We may have users that did it and they could help, but I don't know and don't have a crystal ball.

But, if you have a spare notebook drive, you could try a slipstreamed XP on that with the benefit of not losing warranty and the recovery options that came with the original hard drive. It's just a thought.


(3 replies, posted in Other)

any good on access scanner will look inside the download.

Some of the testers and helpers are probably also wearing tin "pyramid" hats, so I believe there is no fear. smile

bookmark this.

If you mind me: the main has played awol and the other has been stressed.
I figure we need some chipin rally for a reliable set of mirrors.

a lot of work went fubar

old topics are like old hardware.
support dies and the machine survives.

DriverPacks BASE includes a tool now, and Jeff likes warm snow.

Hi orangecakez
welcome to DriverPacks.
Do not use a download manager.

unfortunately, there have also been server issues, and main mirror sometimes kicks in and then kills you.

jhsands, I cannot say from memory wether this was handled.
if it isn't yet, please put a REQuest topic up

I am going to close this topic. (too long to read, REQs get tagged in a topic about an old pack, and so on..)