Hi USficcient,

the changelog says that all silicon IDE mode sections load after the raid mode sections.
I cannot find out what most motherboard models use for BIOS default setting and we already know some silicon drivers "for wrong mode" take the load when they should not.
Silicon sections are in three blocks, softraid aka RAID5, RAID, and standard "base" IDEmode.

It is easy to remove the sections you do not need, and it also easy to move the section you need below the sections you don't use.
Even if we only had two modes in, we'd still see issues when the load order is wrong..
(and people would request the one we dropped.)

sad Previous release assumed RAID was the most common, and then we had reports about standard IDE not working.. so now we have IDE loading last. sad

We mention this in a FAQ topic now.
http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 499#p18499


(41 replies, posted in Other)

I don't know when exactly the download link for LAN 804 started working, but yesterday I sent a mail to Jean-Philippe.

I got reply after midnight 1.44 (belgium is GMT+1)
He must have recieved this after bussiness hours.. and took action.

so, I don't know who fixed the download.
(our files now have three sources, but Jean-Philippe changed his main page.).

But, it started working and it probably started working as soon as Jean-Philippe fixed his links.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

hmmmn, if we can do this in chips it is perfect, because chipset has to be installed to make intel ahci work.

@ adam,_W
U helped us help you, and made me think about things I never looked at before.

(an aside...IT specialists usually never explain. They fix. I am not an IT specialist. I know maybe 5 percent of what overflow knows about this great project. BUT, I have seen Jeff post the "extra mile" when I did not expect he would. I thank him for sticking to his principles and thank the people whom explain "truthfully", and not hide the mistakes they made. I once told Jeff I use the noobie principle. Hey, that's how I learned it. And how we all learn. I come from scratch, I should be able to explain this to a real noob. We assume our users are not noobs, but I will often find myself in "learning" mode when I read specialised IT guru's methods.)

We all learn. always.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

chipset once had exceptions
the console installer with an exception on "super generic" 8086&CC_0106 ?

unpruned, that means a list (excell) before we started searching for and looking at ways for filtering out conflicts.
When THAT does not have the specific, and 812 others showed up when we search for generic, YOU had better show us a link to the driver that works.

you can help us help you.
You may want to read the tutorials, they can help you understand pitfalls.
(these tuts do not explain where the logs are found..  duh)

unpruned had ZERO mathes for PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2445&SUBSYS_010E1028

and 812 for PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2445

I need the link to YOUR driver what works.


We do have to filter the collection and fix issues with conflicting drivers, and sound A and B have new testpacks with fixes.
A low level technician will know permutations, and without going in detail about the fixing I believe these testpacks remove hundreds of possible conflicts by fixing two files (one in A; one in B). Sound A and Sound B were long ago unified, and DriverPacks had to split them for bandwidth... after that members requested support which was added to sound B, and still later sound B was found to contain 'drivers that should work but didn't' and sound A and B had to be made to work together again.
This is what makes DriverPacks special.
YOU help us by telling us what you need, and what you used.
We help you by letting you test the packs.
here are the latest testpacks.
two files fixed, a couple hundred permutations for mismatch removed.



I have uploaded it to pandora and edited overflow's NEWS post with a link to it.
the edit there says >

EDIT JAAK; we again have issues on LAN 804 download. You can get it from (link pulled)


(2 replies, posted in Other)

That LAN 804 has some good fixes, so I edited overflows post in news with this

EDIT JAAK; we again have issues on LAN 804 download. You can get it from JAAK DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_804.7z


(41 replies, posted in Other)

I have uploaded it to pandora, and edited OverFlows NEWS topic with this line

EDIT JAAK; we again have issues on LAN 804 download. You can get it from (link killed)


(74 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

The RAM drive size can be set.
it is, of course, obvious that you should not specify larger than what is there. smile

I used vistabootpro a few times (in vista x32 machines in which XP was loaded after vista.) but have not heard proof it can do vista x64 and vista x32 dualboot.
I will buy me a good testbed for that. I am no longer restricted to one machine of my own anyway..
I have to grin now.. Bigbrit? I have a few testplanks with "crap" feature, and crap helps find issues.

Vista unattended is new to me, and I have seen nothing yet that looks like a simple "how to" for noobies.
(the few "simple" guides I see on the web were wrong in some detail, or were about a detail only..)

@ alex, Thanks.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

I would like to get an exception written for intel 7.08.1017 ahci hwids so that when the ahci mode is used that it will install what is also needed very early on, before first reboot.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

7zip is a great free tool. There is a small tool called createurSFX for making installers with 7z..
DriverPacks are not perfect in sysprep point of view (still a lot of same filenames, same service names) but a good deal of conflicting hardware ID was "judiciously" pruned so it has become easier to use DriverPacks.
LD? La Douce..

@ overflow
mentioning chipset did some good.
adam_w did not use it and it was part of the problem, so we all learned by my "noobie" comment.

hehe, I learned something too here.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

@ cdob,
I have no ICH 8 testplank mounted. sad

@ adam_w
We all learn by not giving up, eh?

sound 804a have a minor fix in a driver.
In sound A, an "all generic" inf is seen to cause grief time and time again, and its extention got renamed. (the driver has a dozen or so specific inf files..)
In sound B, one of the sigmatel had generic hwids competing with other models.

the testpack linked to above has three small changes I hope will solve hundreds of generic permutation issues..

also, For what it is worth.
vista sp1 will not download to systems using specific versions of some drivers.
They list sigmatel, realtek ac97, and so on. (specific versions. Mind you)

The chinese txt reads as: 80417rc Kb888111 patch could not be loaded, uaa sound card can not be installed automatically.

WELCOME to driverpacks.
I sent an email to you in which I explained we use English.
Many people here are NOT english. We use it because it is a well known language. smile

the error you report could be solved if you use a newer DriverPacks testpack.
http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 736#p19736


(41 replies, posted in Other)

it worked.. now it don't.

What I saw a few seconds ago is like "work in progress'

Bâshrat the Sneaky said he will get the mirror issues sorted.


(41 replies, posted in Other)


latest testpack here
http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 734#p19734

further refinements in files found here.
http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 734#p19734

I can just as well have them testted.

link removed DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_804b

link removed DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_804a


(7 replies, posted in Dutch)

OH, met methode 1, eerst 2000 er op gezet..
de XP schijf laden, en 2000 upgrade laten starten gaf geen probleem.

daarna met zelfde schijfje overnieuw, (eerst 2000 er opnieuw op (herpartitioneren/snel formateren).)
dan die XP upgrade laten booten, en die deed ook een upgrade.
(beginschermen als je 2000 XP setup laat starten en wanneer je van XP schijf boot zijn enighzins anders, maar dat is normaal.)

In het kort, met methode 1 kan je 2000 upgraden (txtmode loopt als je van schijf boot, en de $OEM$ folder heeft ook die drivers.. smile
Althans, hier werkte dat.

ik ga nu niet nof ff gauw methode 2 over een 2000 proberen gooien. (dat probeer ik ooit nog wel eens.)

(de txtmode drivers zitten in een methode 1 geslipte XP alsof ze van M$ zelf waren.. en de setup executable is origineel. Da was waarom ik onmiddellijk aan methode 1 dacht.)
Dat is gewoon een andere keuze voor slipstream.
Setup zelf loopt ongeveer even lang.


(41 replies, posted in Other)

LAN804 works now


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


the readme does not anything about dot.net?

Do take note of chapter2 / section 5

*  Installation Readme for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager.
1.  The system must contain an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo or
    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Extreme or Intel(R) Pentium(R) Processor
    or Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor and one of the following
    Intel products:

    - Intel(R) 82801IR/IO I/O Controller Hub (ICH9R)
    - Intel(R) 82801HEM I/O Controller Hub (ICH8ME)
    - Intel(R) 82801HBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH8M)
    - Intel(R) 82801HR/HH/HO I/O Controller Hub (ICH8R)
    - Intel(R) 631xESB/632xESB I/O Controller Hub (631xESB/632xESB)
    - Intel(R) 82801GHM I/O Controller Hub (ICH7MR)
    - Intel(R) 82801GBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH7M)
    - Intel(R) 82801GR I/O Controller Hub (ICH7R)
    - Intel(R) 82801GH I/O Controller Hub (ICH7DH)

2.  The system must be running on one of the following
    operating systems:
    - Microsoft* Vista*
    - Microsoft* Vista* x64 Edition (NOTE 1)    
    - Microsoft* Windows* XP Home Edition
    - Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional
    - Microsoft* Windows* XP x64 Edition (NOTE 1)
    - Microsoft* Windows* 2000 Advanced Server
    - Microsoft* Windows* Server 2003
    - Microsoft* Windows* Server 2003, 
      Web x64 Edition (NOTE 1)
    - Microsoft* Windows* Server 2003, 
      Standard x64 Edition (NOTE 1)
    - Microsoft* Windows* Server 2003, 
      Enterprise x64 Edition (NOTE 1)
    - Microsoft* Windows* Media Center Edition

NOTE 1: If the system is running Windows* 64-bit version, 
        the Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager driver supporting 
        64-bit should be used.

3.  The following operating systems are not supported:

    Any version of the following Microsoft operating systems:
    - MS-DOS
    - Windows 3.1
    - Windows NT 3.51
    - Windows 95
    - Windows 98
    - Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
    - Windows NT 4.0
    - Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
    - Windows 2000 Professional

    Any version of the following operating systems:
    - Linux
    - UNIX
    - BeOS
    - MacOS
    - OS/2

4.  The system should contain at least the minimum system 
    memory required by the operating system.

5.  The 'Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility'
    must be installed prior to installing the 
    Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager.

an interesting thing is this in chapter 7

7.2 Use one of the following command examples to extract the 
    driver files from the different package types:
      c:\iata_cd.exe -a -a -pc:\<path>
      c:\iata_enu.exe -a -a -pc:\<path>
      c:\setup.exe -a -pc:\<path>
When the command is run, the installation process begins;    
simply click through the dialogs as prompted. This will not install the driver, it will only extract the driver files to  <path>. 
After the extraction is completed, the driver files can be found in <path>\Driver.
7.3b Systems Configured for AHCI Mode:
Note: The same procedure can be used for systems using 
      the 'Intel(R) 82801IR/IO SATA AHCI Controller',
      'Intel(R) 82801HEM SATA AHCI Controller',
      'Intel(R) 82801HBM SATA AHCI Controller',      
      'Intel(R) 82801HR/HH/HO SATA AHCI Controller',
      'Intel(R) 631xESB/632xESB SATA AHCI Controller',
      'Intel(R) 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller',
      and 'Intel(R) 82801GH SATA AHCI Controller'.
      Simply replace the text within the quotation  marks.
    // Insert the lines below into the UNATTEND.TXT file
    "Intel(R) 82801IR/IO SATA AHCI Controller" = OEM

you'll have to find the readme of the chipset INF installer to make it load before ahci install.