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Helmi wrote:OverFlow wrote:@helmi
Maybe we could get all these together in a topic?
Unfortunately, I cannot merge threads/posts on this forum (not supported by software).
You can create a HOWTO, though, and I'd be glad to stick it 
(or maybe Bâshrat the Sneaky can do something with his Admin powers...)
Nope, I can't merge topics either.
If you already want to work on this, Helmi & OverFlow, I could give you both accounts already at the new site (which is unfinished, but the handbooks part IS finished). Just mail me or reply here if you want to.
You would need some sort of "index" to make this possible. But it's definitely possible - I've thought about this already myself, but haven't had the time to work on this.
What does "IDK" mean, Helmi?
And... you're absolutely right Helmi. A .ini is only necessary when there are exceptions, and in case of DP WLAN, there aren't any.
You may want to post your log files 
mr_smartepants wrote:Awesome! Thanks Boss!
Just point me in the right direction...wind me up...and let me go!
I made you an account
You (should) have got mail!
Thanks for this great post
Just FYI, the handbooks part is READY, so in case you'd already like to "port" your tutorial there, just reply to this post and I"ll make you an account there 
Well it's definitely during KTD, because the Finisher's window clearly says "Applying KTD...". And I can assure you that I haven't changed *anything* to the Driver Signing Policy Disabler for about... half a year or something.
I think it's supported. But it's on the website, so help yourself 
Hm I agree that 7-zip's testing functionality might be a good thing to support. But the problem with 7z.exe is that you'd have to read its OUTPUT, which works, but is ugly as h*ll. It'd be better to interface the .dll file, but I haven't done such a thing yet.
Not making any promises. I want to get the new website online first. (This one feels sooooooo primitive now, compared to the new one
AFAIK, this works just fine. And since you're the only one reporting it, I suppose your download got corrupted... Just bad luck, I guess. Currently no file consistency checks are being performed, that would avoid this problem. But that's not a high priority, as this only happens rarely.
You see that small window at the left bottom? That's the Driver Signing Policy Disabler I wrote. It *should* be pretty much universal, but apparently it doesn't work properly for you. Unfortunately, I wrote it as universal as I could possibly do: by looking at the properties of the Window (i.e. the order of buttons, text, etc.), and not by looking at the text itself. So... I won't be able to help you. Sorry.
And yes, there are some unsigned drivers included in the DriverPacks - because there are no signed equivalents for them. And it's better to support a device with an unsigned driver than not supporting it at all, right?
A suggestion: You could write a script that automatically presses the "ignore" button, but that doesn't look at the window's characteristics - it's less universal so it won't go in the BASE - but it would solve *your* problem.
The DriverPacks BASE does *not* remove any native drivers. It does override some of the default mass storage drivers, but that's it.
Before jumping to possible conclusions, please post your DPsFnshr.log, which should sit in %SystemRoot%.
Helmi wrote:Yes, AFAIK, there's nothing that should stop you from it.
The change regarding the INI is only for the Finisher, when it has to apply exceptings (ie installing the controll panels).
If you only want the drivers just as if you right-clicked on an INF and installed, the 3PDPs should still work as before.
scrooloose wrote:I noticed that you still haven't fixed presetup.cmd......... I bet you tried this but gave up because %CDROM% had a space at the end. Make sure there's no space between ":" and "&" and it will work, and save you 3 nanoseconds (the WPI guys need to do this because it will save me having to click OK a few dozen times)
Footnote: it's gonna save about 3 nanoseconds so is it worth it?
Footnote2: Someone please tell the guys who publish WPI that this is the way it's done, not 24 lines e.g.:
If exist c:\blah set CRDOM=C:\
if exist d:\blah set CDROM=D:\
Footnote3: WPI gives me 4 popups that I have to click OK button for..... 'cos I have a front-panel device with 4 USB camera card readers.
Bashrat - The perfectionist in me is offended a bit because you aren't using this code (maybe you didn't know), but it ain't important during preinstall..... on the other hand, WPI is Post-install and so they should learn and improve [NOW], because it does cause popups.
[BTW - thanks for the latest driver packs - I spent 2 days making sure my various builds work with it and found ZERO errors. Kudos to you, and don't be offended by my attitude - I just want the code to be abso-fkn-lutely perfect, and NOW is not too soon
I'm not sure I can follow what you're saying... Please post "before" and "after" lines 
ricktendo64 wrote:I only need the base not all the driverpacks. Can somebody upload it to a file sharing site?
EDIT: nvm I used my browser's download instead of my Download Accelerator and the download works now
Download managers have been blocked for months now, because they virtually without exception do multiple simultaneous requests, which increases the load on the server.
I can assure you that this problem cannot be caused by the DriverPacks BASE, nor by the DriverPacks. It has always been a problem caused by either nLite or UpdatePacks.
ricktendo64 wrote:I was looking like crazy for the NEW entries to translate but I could not find them... Now I know why 
EDIT I cant download the new base 
The server is going through rough times... it can't handle all the traffic
Time for BitTorrent or for more mirrors.
McStarfighter wrote:Oh yes, I haven't read all the posts, SORRY, my Master! 
No, this time it's really I who is sorry 
My bad!
The wrong version got uploaded, a last bugfix and the BartPE functionality were not included in the 7.04 that was online. If you've downloaded the DriverPacks BASE before April 5, 11:00 (that's 11 AM, yes) GMT, please download it again! Sorry for any inconvenience.
So that's why I felt I had fixed this bug before... because I did!
My bad!
The wrong version got uploaded, a last bugfix and the BartPE functionality were not included in the 7.04 that was online. If you've downloaded the DriverPacks BASE before April 5, 11:00 (that's 11 AM, yes) GMT, please download it again! Sorry for any inconvenience.

LittlBUGer wrote:I see this went public today (the BartPE initial implementation). I don't mean to be a stickler about anything, but where's the mention of EVERYONE ELSE who helped with this, especially the year long (or more) work with the UBCD4Win Team, etc.?
You're very right about this, sorry! I had written this post where I *did* mention you guys, but then I accidentally closed the window and lost my unsaved content. I guess I forgot to add it when retyping it. Will fix in a minute.
EDIT: done! 
FIRST nLite, THEN DriverPacks 
Log files are stored in %SystemRoot%.
And boy does this suck or what... after all this testing still some nasty bug... working on it!
skinlayers wrote:Since I use sysprep, I have to decompress the driverpacks to C:\D. Where do I put the decompressed .ini files? Do they belong in the root of C: like DPsFnshr.ini did?
Edited for typos.
They have to be in the same directory as the "D" directory is in (i.e. on the same level).
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