Re: v1209 Pack issue with IASTOR and FST376XP
would you be interested in testing a proposed fix candles?
MemTest86+ Video Memory Stress Test D-P-C Driver Latency Tester (Win7-max)

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would you be interested in testing a proposed fix candles?
would you be interested in testing a proposed fix candles?
Sorry for the very late reply - yes, I would very much like to test it! I will send you a PM and can go from there.
I had given up hope, thank you for the offer!
I haven't really offered anything, nor am i really in any position to do so.
The moderators & admins here are the ones with the clout to make you a member of the Testing Team.
Nor have "I" fixed anything; that is Damnation's fix.
I tried some other ideas, yet none of them "panned-out".
In addition, i was likely incorrect about certificates with 1024bit signatures, IIRC it was 512bit certificates that are now invalid (along with many of my assumptions).
Also, i aim to look further into that Promise PDC20378 RAID controller driver mentioned three months ago.
candles wrote:"Yep, that is my wonderings too... Commenting out the MegaINTL line and it then suddenly works suggests to me that it is a conflict... But I am not an expert in these matters by a long shot!"
It's not used for both. One ends in "CC_104" while the other ends in SUBSYS_xxxxxxxx. Totally different.
None of your HWID's match the [L] section entries anyway so I'm not sure why that's a problem."Quoted from Post#10, … 397#p49397
Neither am i.
Is this a bug in DP_BASE? (originally asked here by candles)
Last edited by TechDud (2013-01-16 20:17:17)
Perhaps the "CC_0104" entries in the .Inf's are incorrect.
The file DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1301b1\D\M\P\PBFSTTX2K.inf has had it's WHQL status invalidated in order to add that part of the HWID.
Wait, that's not it. I'm incorrect again.
That install from your first post should have read
"610486 Mb Disk 0 at Id 0 on bus 0 on fst376xp [MBR]"
FST376XP.SY_ exists in my DP-integrated source, so the executable is available .
For that controller, the pre-existing driver should have done the job.
Another thought is that your attempts with the Promise controller were early in diagnosis.
If you've replaced your CMOS battery with something powerful enough to light a "white" LED, as a DC current test, you should be better prepared for success. Prepare yourself for unimpressive speeds, as the FastTrak's capacity is limited by the PCI bus to 110MB/s or so even in RAID, after overhead.
Last edited by TechDud (2013-01-16 21:05:51)
I apologize for not contacting you sooner.
try Chipset/MassStorage Release Candidates
here --> … 724#p50724
confirmed good on ASUS P4P800 ICH5R disc install.
Thank you for your patience.
Last edited by TechDud (2013-01-31 20:04:46)
I apologize for not contacting you sooner.
try Chipset/MassStorage Release Candidates
here --> … 724#p50724confirmed good on ASUS P4P800 ICH5R disc install.
Thank you for your patience.
TechDud - I am so sorry, I didn't see your post and for some reason I didn't get a notification email.
I will endeavour to catchup and test any packs you have put together - for one reason or another I haven't visited this site for a while, but I am surprised to see no real driver pack updates since 12.09... I am sure there is a reason and will read it soon.
EDIT: Looks like this post has the latest (DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1310251.7z); … 312#p54312 - Am I correct?
Last edited by candles (2013-12-18 05:58:52)
Hello again! For the moment, yes you are correct.
There are many other updated packs for NT5, in addition.
I recommend using that MassStorage pack with DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1311161.7z and the "3rd-party" DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_1310141.7z at a minimum.
This combination should work for all NT5 32 bit Operating Systems.
Last edited by TechDud (2014-01-11 08:25:28)
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