Re: LAN x86
Good job! Thanks.
I'll verify these and upload to the main server.

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Good job! Thanks.
I'll verify these and upload to the main server.
Updated to 11.04
I have updated the x86 LAN DriverPack. The changelog and Mediafire download link are below.
20 Apr 2011
- JMicron\2 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (Win7) from DriverVer=03/10/2011, to DriverVer=04/11/2011,
- Intel\1 10 Gigabit PCIe Network Adapters from DriverVer = 01/26/2011, : 01/14/2011, (16.1) to DriverVer=01/26/2011, : 03/04/2011, (16.2)
- Intel\2 PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapters from DriverVer = 02/10/2011, (16.1) to DriverVer = 02/10/2011, (16.2)
- Intel\3 PRO 10/100 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapters from DriverVer= 10/01/2009, (16.1) to DriverVer= 10/01/2009, (16.2)
- Intel\4 5000 Series Chipsets Integrated Device from DriverVer=11/16/2009, (16.1) to DriverVer=DriverVer=11/16/2009, (16.2)
- Intel\4 QuickData Technology device from DriverVer=11/16/2009, (16.1) to DriverVer=11/16/2009, (16.2)
- Intel\5 Advanced Network Services Transport from DriverVer = 01/05/2011, (16.1) to DriverVer=03/21/2011, (16.2)
- Intel\5 FCoE Driver from DriverVer = 01/12/2011, (16.1) to DriverVer=03/18/2011, (16.2)
- Intel\5 Advanced Network Services Virtual Adapter from DriverVer=01/05/2011, (16.1) to DriverVer=03/21/2011, (16.2)
- Atheros\4\Vista_32 AR81xx Series PCI-E Ethernet Controller from DriverVer = 09/27/2010, to DriverVer=03/22/2011,
- Atheros\4\Win7_32 AR81xx Series PCI-E Ethernet Controller from DriverVer = 09/27/2010, to DriverVer=03/22/2011,
Last edited by Echo_Platoon (2011-04-21 04:10:02)
Nice. I'm currently updating the tracker for the 11.04.1 update I uploaded 2 days ago!
I guess I'll rename these 11.04.2.
Great job! Thank you.
Are the 'known errors' still valid for the new pack? I see the driver has been updated, just wondering, though.
Known errors:
x86\L\VIA\2\* Setup .inf errors during DISM integration.
Nice. I'm currently updating the tracker for the 11.04.1 update I uploaded 2 days ago!
I guess I'll rename these 11.04.2.
Great job! Thank you.
You're welcome. I'm glad I could contribute. I update both packs because I build WinPE 3.0 for my work and like having the latest official LAN drivers in my WinPE 3.0 builds, so I figure why not help out DriverPacks by updating and releasing an updated Vista/7 LAN Driverpack for both x86 and x64.
Last edited by Echo_Platoon (2011-04-28 13:27:04)
Are the latest x86 and x64 LAN DriverPacks I made going to be released or were bugs found in them?
Sorry, I've been swamped. I'll get these on the tracker right away.
Thanks for reminding me.
Using 11042 I still have the ifp60x32.sys cX98 error mentioned earlier. Tested in VirtualBox. Sorry
I'm updating this pack now, but that file is going to cause problems in Vista/Win7 because it's meant for Server 2k8.
Using 11042 I still have the ifp60x32.sys cX98 error mentioned earlier. Tested in VirtualBox. Sorry
What I normally do to avoid errors like that using the DriverPack is after downloading the pack, I delete all drivers not related to the OS that I plan on using the pack on. For example, when I make Windows PE 3.0/3.1 builds, I delete all drivers that aren't Windows 7 drivers, since Windows PE 3.0/3.1 is based off of Windows 7, unless the Vista driver is the only driver available for that network card.
Updated to 11.09.
I integrated the drivers again into a fresh Vista SP0 (AIO) image and I get the same error. I am trying to integrate all the drivers provided in the download section for Vista x86.
The message is :
Windows Boot Manager
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:
blah blah etc etc...File: ifp60x32.sys
Status: 0xc0000098
Info: Windows failed to load because a required file is missing, or corrupt.
------------So I wonder if maybe another driver is at fault, like a MassStorage driver or something that's not letting it access the OS during the install. I'm trying to install this OS in a virtual machine using VMware Player. It also fails if I burn to CD and try on a real computer.
I've used this same process when I had downloaded drivers from November 2010 and integrated drivers using Vista-Tool v1.0.
I'm trying to use version 1112 this time, and I'm getting the same error as I did more than a year ago. I thought this bug was fixed? Suppose I'll have to delete those 6 files that I deleted last time. Maybe that will help again. Makin lots'o coasters.
Files:, ifcoemp.inf,, ifcoepr.inf,, ifcoevb.inf
Sorry about that.
DriverPack LAN is next on my list to update with the new folder structure (split by OS) which should make it easier to delete all driver files not required for an OS integration.
Those errors should be fixed in the upcoming DriverPack LAN 12.04. I've moved the ifcoemp.inf, ifcoepr.inf, ifcoevb.inf (and other files) to the \Server\ folder. Delete the \Server\ folder on all OS except server 2k8 or 2k8r2.
I have built an universal image for windows 7 and used driverpacks on it.
the image works fins on some of our hardwars but it will crash on the others.
i noticed it's because of the misuse of the drivers.
I need to know how I can update or replace the old drives with good ones in driverpacks.
Can some one please tell me how I can do this or I have to do something else.
I really need to get this done since my reputation is on the line.
I hope you understand.
Please be more specific with image-building method, crash details & post some "HWID tool" outputs. Identifying the DriverPack or DriverPacks used would be helpful, too. You might be best served by removing all LAN drivers, except those you need, perhaps if your time constrains are that tight.
PS: have you considered donating to DriverPacks?
Last edited by TechDud (2012-04-26 08:53:20)
I note that mr_smartepants has a new version of DP_LAN_wnt6 that separates drivers by OS.
Smashing! Take a bow, mr_smartepants! … /lan/12.04
Last edited by TechDud (2012-04-26 15:17:17)
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