My mistake...
At first, the link that I was talking about was taken from the rc release topic, because it was there that I found about SAD. The link was dead smile
I tryed SAD, but I don't know how to integrate the SAD directory (specially text mode drivers) into windows.
I tryed only the mass storage text mode and it still don't let me to choose regional settings, only the region.
If I cannot make the setup attended, where I can modify and enter the regional and keyboard settings because the unattend.txt is the original...?
Or should I just modify the unnatend.txt?

Solved the Mass Storage TextMode, My mistake again....
About the unattended part... It is possible?

Hello, I encountered the same problem. I understand that this is not an error, and that you do not support attended setups, but please if someone can help me...
I want to be able to select the regional settings and still can insert the drivers (specially the Mass Storage and if it's possible Chipset, CPU and LAN). I could not test your suggestion because the link is dead.
Again, please if someone can help me, please do... smile (for Winxp)