I can not find that option in BIOS and not want touch i do not know.
DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1107r1 working! detect drive without changing anything in bios.
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by 001
Pages 1
I can not find that option in BIOS and not want touch i do not know.
DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1107r1 working! detect drive without changing anything in bios.
Still don't work:
aida64: SAMSUNG HD503HI SCSI Disk Device (500 GB, 5400 RPM, SATA-II)
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 10.06 initialized.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 X86 on a X64 CPU.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 1106!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 1005!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 1011!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 10111!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 1011!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 1101!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Mass Storage 1106!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 1105!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 1105!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 1101!
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks for wnt5_x86-32.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> Could not find settings file"D:\DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.ini".
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [General]\prefLang not specified: default (English) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [General]\wizdButtons not specified: default (yes) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [General]\GUI not specified: default (yes) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [Settings]\DPsMethod not specified: default (2) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [Settings]\finisherMethod not specified: default (GUIRunOnce) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\KTD not specified: default (false) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\QSC not specified: default (yes) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\Nvidia_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2011-07-16 10:37:46 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2011-07-16 10:38:01 : <GUI> Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2011-07-16 10:38:11 : <GUI> Changed Windows installation files OR export (depending on the installation platform) location to C:\XPCD.
2011-07-16 10:38:11 : <GUI> Windows XP Professional - OEM SP3 detected.
2011-07-16 10:38:11 : <GUI> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2011-07-16 10:38:39 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2011-07-16 10:38:39 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2011-07-16 10:38:39 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2011-07-16 10:38:41 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2011-07-16 10:38:41 : <PREP> No previous DriverPacks installation found, Prep stage will be skipped
2011-07-16 10:38:41 : <SLIP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2011-07-16 10:38:41 : <SLIP> D:\DriverPacks\QSC\wnt5_x86-32_uni_DP_MassStorage_1106_textmode\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2011-07-16 10:38:42 : <SLIP> Processing Mass Storage files now. This may take a minute.
2011-07-16 10:38:47 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2011-07-16 10:38:47 : <SLIP> txtsetup.sif Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-16 10:38:47 : <SLIP> dosnet.inf Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-16 10:39:00 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2011-07-16 10:39:02 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2011-07-16 10:40:01 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2011-07-16 10:40:01 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:01 : <SLIP> Copying files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:01 : <SLIP> Extracted additional files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> expanded setup.ex_ to setuporg.exe
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> SETUP.EX_ Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> Method 2 setup.ex_ installed
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2011-07-16 10:40:02 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:03 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:03 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Chipset to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:03 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack CPU to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:07 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics A to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:14 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics B to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:17 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics C to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:18 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack LAN to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:18 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Mass Storage to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:23 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound A to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:29 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound B to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack WLAN to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Will not slipstream patches, Service Pack 3 was detected.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> WINNT.SIF Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2011-07-16 10:40:30 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2011-07-16 10:40:31 : <SLIP> DP_Install_Tool was copied successfully
2011-07-16 10:40:31 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 1 minutes and 51 seconds.
2011-07-16 10:40:33 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
- = DriverPacks BASE ini settings used = -
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
2011-07-16 10:40:33 : <CLNP> Create a DPs_Base.log backup @ D:\DriverPacks\LogFiles\DPs_BASE_11-07-16_10-40.log
2011-07-16 10:40:33 : <CLNP> Program terminated.
it's sata 2, I do all the work again and I tell them
just wait...
Well i downloaded a previous version in this case the MassStorage 1011 and now xp installation recognize the disk perfectly
; preferred language
prefLang = "Spanish"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset = "no"
DP_CPU = "no"
DP_Graphics_A = "no"
DP_Graphics_B = "no"
DP_Graphics_C = "no"
DP_LAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage = "yes"
DP_Sound_A = "no"
DP_Sound_B = "no"
DP_WLAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "yes"
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 10.06 initialized.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 X86 on a X64 CPU.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 1106!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 1005!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 1011!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 10111!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 1011!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 1101!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Mass Storage 1011!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 1105!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 1105!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 1101!
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks for wnt5_x86-32.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Detected settings file "D:\DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.ini".
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - OEM SP3 detected.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\Nvidia_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2011-07-15 22:49:03 : <WARN> 3 Language file lng\Spanish.lng invalid: [wnt5_x86-32_disc__GUI]\settings_dps_04 entry does not exist! The English text will be shown instead! Please contact the translator for this language (Spanish), Ricardo Cooper, in the forum to fix this!
2011-07-15 22:49:04 : <GUI> Set the last used language, Spanish, as the GUI language.
2011-07-15 22:49:13 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2011-07-15 22:49:13 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2011-07-15 22:49:13 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2011-07-15 22:49:15 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2011-07-15 22:49:15 : <PREP> \I386\winnt.org was not found, \I386\winnt.sif was not restored.
2011-07-15 22:49:15 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2011-07-15 22:49:15 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2011-07-15 22:49:15 : <PREP> C:\XPCD\I386\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\DPTI2O.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\adpu160m.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\symc8xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\symc810.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\sym_hi.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\perc2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\mraid35x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dac2w2k.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dac960nt.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\ultra.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\ql12160.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Restored \I386\viaide.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3waregsm.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3wDrv100.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3wareDrv.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6210.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6260.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6280.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec68x5.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6880.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:16 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6897.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec67160.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec671x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aar81xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aar1210.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\adpu320.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\a320raid.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cda1000.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ADP3132.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aacsas.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aac.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\amdbusdr.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\amdide.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahcix86.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahci6xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahcix869.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\arcm_x86.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\atiide.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5228.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5281.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5287.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5288.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5289.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cpqcissm.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cpqarry2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cercsr6.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\msasdell.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hpt3xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr174xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hpt374.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptmv.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr26xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptmv6.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr232x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\2310_00.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptiop.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr62x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr64x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\megasr.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\MegaINTL.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor3.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor8.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\raidsrc.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ipsraidn.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nfrd960.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\adp94xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\inic162x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iteraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\jraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\MegaIDE.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\lsi_gen2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\msasxp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\symmpi.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\symmpix.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv61xxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv61xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv614x.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mvsata.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv64xxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv64xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mvxxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv91xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts5.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvrd325.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts6.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts7.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvrd32.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvatabus.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fst376xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ide376xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fasttrak.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fast2xxp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\s150sx8.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fastsx.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\sptrak.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ulsata.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ulsata2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fttxr52P.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\prfsx4xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\FTTXR5_O.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\FtTxR54P.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ql2100.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ql2200.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114r5.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3124r5A.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3124R5A2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C3.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C4.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C5.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp649r.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp680r.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3112Rx47.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114r.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3124r.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ASH1205.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:17 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp680.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3531.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3112.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3124.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B3.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B4.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B5.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID2.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID4.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\siside.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\viamraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VIAPDSK.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VSTXWDC.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VMSCSI.SY_.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
2011-07-15 22:49:18 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2011-07-15 22:49:20 : <PREP> Verified method 2 references don't exist in txtsetup.sif or dosnet.inf.
2011-07-15 22:49:20 : <SLIP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2011-07-15 22:49:20 : <SLIP> D:\DriverPacks\QSC\wnt5_x86-32_uni_DP_MassStorage_1011_textmode\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2011-07-15 22:49:20 : <SLIP> Processing Mass Storage files now. This may take a minute.
2011-07-15 22:49:21 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2011-07-15 22:49:21 : <SLIP> txtsetup.sif Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 22:49:21 : <SLIP> dosnet.inf Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 22:49:34 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2011-07-15 22:49:37 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2011-07-15 22:51:11 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2011-07-15 22:51:11 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:11 : <SLIP> Copying files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:12 : <SLIP> Extracted additional files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:12 : <SLIP> expanded setup.ex_ to setuporg.exe
2011-07-15 22:51:12 : <SLIP> SETUP.EX_ Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Method 2 setup.ex_ installed
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Mass Storage to \OEM.
2011-07-15 22:51:13 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Will not slipstream patches, Service Pack 3 was detected.
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Will not slipstream KB888111 because no Sound DriverPack is being slipstreamed
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Will not slipstream KB883667 because no Graphics DriverPack is being slipstreamed
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> WINNT.SIF Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2011-07-15 22:51:14 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2011-07-15 22:51:15 : <SLIP> DP_Install_Tool was copied successfully
2011-07-15 22:51:15 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 2 minutes and 1 seconds.
2011-07-15 22:51:15 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
- = DriverPacks BASE ini settings used = -
; preferred language
prefLang = "Spanish"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset = "no"
DP_CPU = "no"
DP_Graphics_A = "no"
DP_Graphics_B = "no"
DP_Graphics_C = "no"
DP_LAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage = "yes"
DP_Sound_A = "no"
DP_Sound_B = "no"
DP_WLAN = "no"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "yes"
2011-07-15 22:51:15 : <CLNP> Create a DPs_Base.log backup @ D:\DriverPacks\LogFiles\DPs_BASE_11-07-15_22-51.log
2011-07-15 22:51:15 : <CLNP> Program terminated.
Oh! sorry my friend, first post edited! thank you!
Hello all! y have the last masstorage pack and when install XP SP3 (up to date) installation don't detect my SAMSUNG HD503HI (465 GB, IDE)
DriverPacks BASE 10.06 and DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1106
; preferred language
prefLang = "Spanish"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 10.06 initialized.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 X86 on a X64 CPU.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 1106!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 1005!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 1011!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 10111!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 1011!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 1101!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Mass Storage 1106!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 1105!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 1105!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 1101!
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks for wnt5_x86-32.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Detected settings file "D:\DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.ini".
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - OEM SP3 detected.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\Nvidia_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2011-07-15 20:47:41 : <WARN> 3 Language file lng\Spanish.lng invalid: [wnt5_x86-32_disc__GUI]\settings_dps_04 entry does not exist! The English text will be shown instead! Please contact the translator for this language (Spanish), Ricardo Cooper, in the forum to fix this!
2011-07-15 20:47:42 : <GUI> Set the last used language, Spanish, as the GUI language.
2011-07-15 20:47:48 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2011-07-15 20:47:48 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2011-07-15 20:47:48 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPacks.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleting old method 2 related files.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin\DevPath.exe.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin\7-zip32.dll.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.7z.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin\un7zip.exe.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\DP_Install_Tool.cmd.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\DPINST.exe.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\DPInst.xml.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM\bin
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Deleted \OEM
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2011-07-15 20:47:54 : <PREP> C:\XPCD\I386\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\DPTI2O.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\adpu160m.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\symc8xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\symc810.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\sym_hi.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\perc2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\mraid35x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dac2w2k.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dac960nt.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\ultra.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\ql12160.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Restored \I386\viaide.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3waregsm.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3wDrv100.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3wareDrv.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6210.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6260.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6280.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:55 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec68x5.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6880.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec6897.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec67160.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aec671x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aar81xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aar1210.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\adpu320.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\a320raid.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cda1000.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ADP3132.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aacsas.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\aac.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\amdbusdr.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\amdide.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahcix86.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahci6xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ahcix869.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\arcm_x86.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\asahxp32.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\atiide.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5228.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5281.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5287.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5288.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\m5289.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cpqcissm.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cpqarry2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\cercsr6.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\msasdell.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hpt3xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr174xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hpt374.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptmv.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr26xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptmv6.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr232x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\2310_00.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\hptiop.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr62x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\rr64x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\megasr.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\MegaINTL.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor3.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\raidsrc.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor8.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iastor9.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ipsraidn.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nfrd960.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\adp94xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\inic162x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\iteraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\jraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\MegaIDE.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\lsi_gen2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\msasxp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\symmpi.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\symmpix.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv61xxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv61xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv614x.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mvsata.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv64xxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv64xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mvxxmm.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\mv91xx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvatabus.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts6.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts6r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts7.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvgts7r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\nvrd327r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fst376xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ide376xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fasttrak.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fast2xxp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\s150sx8.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fastsx.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\sptrak.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ulsata.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ulsata2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\fttxr52P.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\prfsx4xp.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\FTTXR5_O.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\FtTxR54P.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ql2100.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ql2200.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114r5.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3124r5A.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3124R5A2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C3.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C4.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3132R5C5.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp649r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp680r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\3112Rx47.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:56 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3124r.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\ASH1205.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\pnp680.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3531.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3112.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3114.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\si3124.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B3.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B4.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SI3132B5.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID2.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\SISRAID4.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\siside.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\viamraid.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VIAPDSK.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VSTXWDC.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\VMSCSI.SY_.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Deleted \I386\presetup.cmd.
2011-07-15 20:47:57 : <PREP> Restored original setup: method 2 was used previously.
2011-07-15 20:47:59 : <PREP> Verified method 2 references don't exist in txtsetup.sif or dosnet.inf.
2011-07-15 20:47:59 : <PREP> Cleaned up \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt.
2011-07-15 20:47:59 : <SLIP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2011-07-15 20:47:59 : <SLIP> D:\DriverPacks\QSC\wnt5_x86-32_uni_DP_MassStorage_1106_textmode\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2011-07-15 20:47:59 : <SLIP> Processing Mass Storage files now. This may take a minute.
2011-07-15 20:48:03 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2011-07-15 20:48:03 : <SLIP> txtsetup.sif Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 20:48:03 : <SLIP> dosnet.inf Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 20:48:14 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2011-07-15 20:48:18 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2011-07-15 20:49:37 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2011-07-15 20:49:37 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2011-07-15 20:49:37 : <SLIP> Copying files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-15 20:49:38 : <SLIP> Extracted additional files necessary for method 2.
2011-07-15 20:49:38 : <SLIP> expanded setup.ex_ to setuporg.exe
2011-07-15 20:49:38 : <SLIP> SETUP.EX_ Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Method 2 setup.ex_ installed
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Chipset to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:39 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack CPU to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:44 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics A to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:53 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics B to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:58 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics C to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:58 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack LAN to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:49:59 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Mass Storage to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:50:05 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound A to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:50:10 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound B to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:50:11 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack WLAN to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:50:11 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2011-07-15 20:50:11 : <SLIP> Will not slipstream patches, Service Pack 3 was detected.
2011-07-15 20:50:11 : <SLIP> WINNT.SIF Backed-up Successfully
2011-07-15 20:50:13 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2011-07-15 20:50:13 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2011-07-15 20:50:13 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2011-07-15 20:50:13 : <SLIP> DP_Install_Tool was copied successfully
2011-07-15 20:50:13 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 2 minutes and 24 seconds.
2011-07-15 20:50:14 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
- = DriverPacks BASE ini settings used = -
; preferred language
prefLang = "Spanish"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "C:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
2011-07-15 20:50:14 : <CLNP> Create a DPs_Base.log backup @ D:\DriverPacks\LogFiles\DPs_BASE_11-07-15_20-50.log
2011-07-15 20:50:14 : <CLNP> Program terminated.
PCI Devices
PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9490&SUBSYS_E100174B&REV_00\4&1A9C9F1A&0&0008: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AA38&SUBSYS_AA38174B&REV_00\4&1A9C9F1A&0&0108: Controlador de bus de Microsoft UAA para High Definition Audio
PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_01\4&345CAFAF&0&00E4: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8185&SUBSYS_822510EC&REV_20\4&1ADD88A5&0&10F0: Realtek RTL8185 54M Wireless LAN Network Adapter
PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2368&SUBSYS_B0001458&REV_00\4&24C54F4F&0&00E3: JMB36X Standard Dual Channel PCIE IDE Controller
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_92\3&13C0B0C5&0&F0: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2918&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&F8: Intel(R) ICH9 LPC Interface Controller - 2918
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2921&SUBSYS_B0021458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&FA: Intel(R) ICH9 Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2921
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&SUBSYS_B0021458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&FD: Intel(R) ICH9 Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2930&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&FB: Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2934&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&E8: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2935&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&E9: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2936&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&EA: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2937&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&D0: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2938&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&D1: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2939&SUBSYS_50041458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&D2: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293A&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&EF: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293C&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&D7: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293E&SUBSYS_A0021458&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&D8: Controlador de bus de Microsoft UAA para High Definition Audio
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2940&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&E0: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2946&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&E3: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 4 - 2946
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2948&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&E4: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 5 - 2948
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&00: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35/P31 Express Chipset Processor to I/O Controller - 29C0
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&13C0B0C5&0&08: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35/P31 Express Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 29C1
24 matching device(s) found.
USB Devices
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&26397AB7&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&2D364FD6&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&30B58B36&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&70ACE42&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&99F0121&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB\4&BD04752&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&269B1DF4&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\ROOT_HUB20\4&88AB043&0 : Concentrador raíz USB
USB\VID_058F&PID_6377\920321111113 : Dispositivo de almacenamiento masivo USB
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_USB_CF_READER&REV_1.01\920321111113&1: Generic USB CF Reader USB Device
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_USB_MS_READER&REV_1.03\920321111113&3: Generic USB MS Reader USB Device
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_USB_SD_READER&REV_1.00\920321111113&0: Generic USB SD Reader USB Device
USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_USB_SM_READER&REV_1.02\920321111113&2: Generic USB SM Reader USB Device
13 matching device(s) found.
Input Devices
No matching devices found.
ACPI Devices
ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&0 : Botón de característica fija ACPI
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_15\_0 : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_15\_1 : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_15\_2 : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_15\_3 : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
ACPI\INT0800\2&DABA3FF&0 : Dispositivo concentrador de firmware Intel(R) 82802
ACPI\PNP0000\4&12CED765&0 : Controladora de interrupciones programable
ACPI\PNP0100\4&12CED765&0 : Cronómetro del sistema
ACPI\PNP0103\4&12CED765&0 : High Precision Event Timer
ACPI\PNP0200\4&12CED765&0 : Controladora de acceso directo a memoria
ACPI\PNP0303\4&12CED765&0 : Teclado estándar de 101/102 teclas o Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
ACPI\PNP0400\4&12CED765&0 : Puerto de impresora (LPT1)
ACPI\PNP0501\1 : Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1)
ACPI\PNP0700\4&12CED765&0 : Controlador estándar de disquetes
ACPI\PNP0800\4&12CED765&0 : Altavoz del sistema
ACPI\PNP0A03\1 : Bus PCI
ACPI\PNP0A06\3&473F1A46&0 : Bus de ES extendido
ACPI\PNP0B00\4&12CED765&0 : Sistema CMOS/reloj en tiempo real
ACPI\PNP0C01\2&DABA3FF&0 : Tarjeta de sistema
ACPI\PNP0C02\1 : Recursos de la placa base
ACPI\PNP0C02\2 : Recursos de la placa base
ACPI\PNP0C02\4 : Recursos de la placa base
ACPI\PNP0C04\4&12CED765&0 : Procesador de datos numéricos
ACPI\PNP0C0C\2&DABA3FF&0 : Botón de energía ACPI
ACPI\PNP0F13\4&12CED765&0 : Mouse compatible PS/2
ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0 : Sistema Microsoft compatible con ACPI
ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 : Equipo multiprocesador ACPI
27 matching device(s) found.
HDA Audio
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1001\5&D849B98&0&0001: ATI High Definition Audio Device
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0888&SUBSYS_1458A002&REV_1000\4&808A433&0&0201: Realtek High Definition Audio
2 matching device(s) found.
RAID Devices
Name: JMB36X Standard Dual Channel PCIE IDE Controller
Hardware ID's:
Compatible ID's:
Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2921
Hardware ID's:
Compatible ID's:
Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926
Hardware ID's:
Compatible ID's:
3 matching device(s) found.
Problem fixed, i use flashget and file downloaded complete but with IE, firefox don't work.
yes my too
bad size: 48,1 MB compressed
amm link don't work
New versión release!
file not found
file not found
Please check new drivers in oficial site for RTL 8185 Wireless
http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downlo … loads=true
can disable uac ( user account control ) with this?
I can integrate IE8 on Vista with this?
I prefere official Link ^^
I now but in the oficial page is
not included this driver.... i don't now why
Pages 1
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