Oh, it's very kind of you that you show such an interes to this topic... I want to use the unique inf file and a way to point to sys and other files (inside of inf or not...) to use with apps like ShadowProtect or Acronis Universal Restore without knowing apriori what kind of chipset === mass storage does have the motherboard, because when those apps load the inf to parse by themselves and make the selection based on vendor id's etc... I need to correctly identify and install mass storage drivers.
   I don't want to use any automated way to install apps AFTER the installation of OS but rather to clone the image on a pilot system and restore on a new system and at the final of cloning, all apps and os would be ready to go.

Ok, it seems so, but I was aware of these ... but nevertheless I need this approach... any practical idea how to do this ?

Hello, after I search through driverpacks forums a lot... I didn't manage to find an answer to following situation:

1. Get all the mass storage drivers, from all subdirectories like "\D\M\3" ... IN A SINGLE DIRECTORY and
2. Get all the inf files from the same subdirectories "\D\M\3" ... in a single inf file, in the same directory like the before.

Why is that? Because I need to read only one inf file and localize the right sys and cat files in the same directory when the mass storage driver detection will occur.