actualy in my case i use a bart cd that i trie to maintain as universal as possible
i have the driver packs as a base but not all the hardware in supported in the packs
so i have a hudge growing folder of drivers that grows when ever some thing is not supported
but this folder is not catching up (being cleand up) as it is difficult to do so
resulting in also making it difficult to submit missing driver.
so with a tool like that it would make it easy to identify what drivers are missing in the pack and post them

smal question a bit out of topic but ...
is there some kind of standard place where to request driver additions like a form or any kind of thing like that?
or do we just need to post in the forum ?

your tool is awsom but there is to much information to manualy process ...

a very usefull feature would be to be able to point to two locations
one would be the driver pack like storrage driver or network
and the second one would be a personal driver folder

then the result would output 2 logs
-A one with the drivers included in the pack
-B the other one with the drivers not included that need to be packed in a custom pack / to be submited so they can be added to the the pack

-C eventualy the output could be split more granular (in more files) like one for the drivers included in both location but newer version in the folder etc.

in a perfect world the tool would actualy sort the driver files in the personal folder split the files up (-A / -B / -C) the same way as the log files
comment out duplicat or diver included in the pack leving only (-B )the one that nead to be submited or custom packed.