(39 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

Fragbert wrote:

IE8 is tricky - the best way is to install ie8 from setupcomplete.cmd and then run the updates after a reboot

Its my present problem solution. But direct integration is preferred.


(39 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

When I integrate IE8 (unpack EXE, get 2 MSU - IE & langpack, unpack MSUs, get 2 CABs from each MSU, integrate IE8 CABs with Vista-Tool, in next session integrate langpack CABs) - after installing Vista (right before user creation) I had "Updates: stage 3 of 3 - 100% complete" for about 15 minutes, then computer restarts & I see this message again. System is in infinite loop.


(39 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

I found problem! When I opened .EXE in HEX-editor, I saw string "C:\Windows\system32\drivers\wimfltr.sys" (in unicode), but my Windows installed in other directory (C:\WIN_XP). Temporary solution - create C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ folder & copy wimfltr.sys into it.


(39 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

Vista-Tool wont work. Win XP SP3 English + RU.MUI + Updates. WAIK - 6001.18000.080118-1840-kb3aikl_en.iso - installed at default location "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK". When I try to start Vista-Tool - message "Windows AIK not installed".