I've saved the files "DP_Install_Tool.cmd", "DPINST.exe" and "DPInst.xml".
By the way: Today it worked fine about 10 times.. ..now the error is there again.
I think it's a good idea to implement the "pause", it may eventually help.
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by -.ZacK.-
Pages 1
I've saved the files "DP_Install_Tool.cmd", "DPINST.exe" and "DPInst.xml".
By the way: Today it worked fine about 10 times.. ..now the error is there again.
I think it's a good idea to implement the "pause", it may eventually help.
Soooo... several tries later...
@OverFlow: For a moment I thought, I got it at all..
- The Error-Popup occures, but after I read your post I wasn't hacked off and clicked it away instantly, but I waited a moment. (about 10 seconds)
1. Try = succesful - error occures & "DP_Install_Tool.cmd" is fine
2. Try = unsuccesful - just the error
3. Try = unsuccesful
4. Try = unsuccesful
5. Try = unsuccesful
6. Try = succesful - no error
7. Try = succesful - error occures & "DP_Install_Tool.cmd" is fine
Does the content of the "DP_Install_Tool.cmd" change? If not, I will just save it & re-use it...
Maybe everything is alright tomorrow - who knows
Even on a 2nd workstation without any AV the same error occures.
So, however, the Problem isn't solved at all sadly..
Here's the log: (even if I see nothing that may help)
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.12.4 initialized.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 on X86 CPU.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 803!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 804!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8121!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 901!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 805!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 805!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 806!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack Bluetooth 081028!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack HID 90122!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack Modem 90128!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack Monitor 81227!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack TV 80908!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Detected 3rd Party DriverPack WebCam 81127!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> Could not find settings file"D:\DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.ini".
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [General]\prefLang not specified: default (English) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [General]\wizdButtons not specified: default (yes) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [General]\GUI not specified: default (yes) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [Settings]\DPsMethod not specified: default (2) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [Settings]\finisherMethod not specified: default (GUIRunOnce) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\KTD not specified: default (none) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\QSC not specified: default (yes) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\Nvidia_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <INIT> QuickStream Cache directory not found!
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2009-02-02 17:57:14 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2009-02-02 17:57:17 : <GUI> wnt5_x86-32_StandAloneDrivers is the selected installation platform .
2009-02-02 17:57:17 : <GUI> Changed installation platform from "disc" to "StandAloneDrivers".
2009-02-02 17:57:21 : <GUI> Changed Windows installation files OR export (depending on the installation platform) location to D:\DriverPacks_Standalone.
2009-02-02 17:57:21 : <GUI> wnt5_x86-32_StandAloneDrivers is the selected installation platform .
2009-02-02 17:57:27 : <GUI> Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <SEL> Selected module: wnt5_x86-32_m2 Stand Alone DriverPacks.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <SEL> Selected Location D:\DriverPacks_Standalone\DriverPacks.net.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Copying files necessary for method 2.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Extracted additional files necessary for method 2.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack Chipset to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack CPU to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack LAN to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:29 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack MassStorage to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:30 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack Sound A to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:31 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack Sound B to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:31 : <COPY> Copied DriverPack WLAN to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_Bluetooth_wnt5_x86-32_081028.7z to DP_Bluet.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_HID_wnt5_x86-32_90122.7z to DP_HID_w.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_90128.7z to DP_Modem.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_81227.7z to DP_Monit.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_TV_wnt5_x86-32_80908.7z to DP_TV_wn.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Renamed DriverPack DP_WebCam_wnt5_x86-32_81127.7z to DP_WebCa.7z in \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2009-02-02 17:57:34 : <COPY> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2009-02-02 17:57:37 : <ERR> Unable to add the DP_Install_Tool!
2009-02-02 17:57:38 : <COPY> Slipstream finished in 9 seconds.
2009-02-02 17:57:39 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
- = DriverPacks BASE ini settings used = -
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "StandAloneDrivers"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "D:\DriverPacks_Standalone"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset = "yes"
DP_CPU = "yes"
DP_LAN = "yes"
DP_MassStorage = "yes"
DP_Sound_A = "yes"
DP_Sound_B = "yes"
DP_WLAN = "yes"
DPs_3rd_party = "yes"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "no"
2009-02-02 17:57:39 : <CLNP> Create a DPs_Base.log backup @ D:\DriverPacks\LogFiles\DPs_BASE_09-02-02_17-57.log
2009-02-02 17:57:39 : <CLNP> Program terminated.
Any Ideas?
Tried random really much possible combinations of Packs and QSC on / off - no change at all...
Yes, I want to use SAD now.. ..and now, after 3 or 4 succesful procedures, the error appears to be there again! *grml*
I think that I'll have to take a look, what had changed..
Updated my BitDefender Total Security from Ver.2008 to Ver.2009
Surprisingly all is fine now, but until today I've never had Problems with BD08 and DP.. ..just don't think about it..
Good Morning!
After several times of succesfull slipstreaming I get following error:
<ERR> Unable to add the DP_Install_Tool!
I've already cleared the QSC folder and tried again - no change.
Interestingly the CD seems to work perfect - so why's this error there?
The Update tracker on http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/UpdateTracker.php is alright
But if I try to reach http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks.xml I get the following:
Warning: require(/hsphere/local/home/bashrat/driverpacks.net/includes/inc_vars.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/www/driverpacks.net/DriverPacks.xml on line 3
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/hsphere/local/home/bashrat/driverpacks.net/includes/inc_vars.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /data/www/driverpacks.net/DriverPacks.xml on line 3
It's not essential but it's an issue.
cya, -.ZacK.-
Pages 1
DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by -.ZacK.-
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