Helmi wrote:

You must run BASE, do as usual to slipstream your packs.
Then, before you create the ISO and/or burn to a disc, you need to replace the files in the OEM folder.

I do that, but DriverPacks Selector not runing on T39 - all driverpacks extrackting without choise

(ssory my bad english)

P.S. OK - I have solved this problem (has forgotten to change the file presetup.cmd in file I386 folder).  But now after choice driver and unpackings gives the error: Cannot finde file c:\DSPdsblr.exe
What can I do ?

P.P.S. wink And this problem I have solved! Error in file presetup.cmd:

REM |   Copying/decompressing the files to finish the installation.            |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\x86.7z
::COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%\

Must be:

REM |   Copying/decompressing the files to finish the installation.            |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\x86.7z %SystemDrive%\
::COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%\

Many thanks Kal, jaws1975, Helmi !!! SPASIBO !