How do we add these Mass Storage drivers to boot.wim?
This will make sure that Vista Setup will detect any SATA/RAID Hard Disk during installation.
1 2009-08-06 00:35:51
Re: MassStorage x86 (55 replies, posted in Vista / 7 DriverPack Mass Storage)
2 2008-08-04 12:04:34
Re: [Add-on] Select desired DriverPacks during M2 install or after install (52 replies, posted in Software)
Can you add this feature to your program?
Is should display the name of the driverpack instead of displaying the filename.
It is very difficult to remember which filename stands for which driverpack.
3 2008-08-03 23:44:50
Re: [Add-on] Select desired DriverPacks during M2 install or after install (52 replies, posted in Software)
When I run driverupdater with the presetup switch it does not detect any driverpacks.
But when I run it normally it detects them.
I am on a x86 machine.
Please help.
4 2008-08-01 18:17:57
Topic: Dpinst.exe (1 replies, posted in Software)
Does dpinst.exe update old drivers or only installs drivers for devices which do not have any drivers?
For example NVidia graphics card,Windows XP by default installs a basic driver.Now if we run dpinst(post installation) will the new driver for nvidia graphics be installed?
In this scenario we are not installing XP , presetup.cmd does not come into play.
We are using Dp_Install_Tool.cmd to only install drivers on a computer which is already running windows XP.