Thanks. That got it rolling for me. You should include that in your documentation. Most routers block bittorrent traffic and that has to be manually set up as a port forward. I'm sure others will question it.
2 2014-12-04 03:53:07
Re: Snappy Driver Installer (50 replies, posted in Software)
First post on this forum or about this topic. Not sure if it needs it's own topic. If so my apologies for the hijack.
I have SPI version 02 R142. It is prompting me to update driverpacks. 15 of them and the index. When I try and do so, nothing happens. The logs imply that this is done via bittorrent? If that is so it is likely that my router will be blocking that.
What ports do I need to open on my router to get this to properly update. I can't find any information that discusses that.
With thanks,
Nathan Williams
N-Line Computers