I've continued testing this on a few more computers and haven't run into any issues yet.
I also downloaded the newest AMD HD driver and cab'd it, and it still worked fine. However I don't think NVidia's would work because many of the files are already cab compressed.
I will continue to test and post my results if any issues come up.
This is the latest command line I've used:
FOR /R %%X IN (*.exe, *.ax, *.dll, *.sys, *.dat, *.drv, *.rtf, *.htm, *.html, *.txt, *.xml, *.man, *.lrc, *.ico, *.inx, *.iss, *.mst, *.mui, *.nvi, *.tvp, *.oem, *.nvu, *.pop, *.pnf, *.resources, *.rfx, *.rom, *.s3, *.strings, *.svc, *.tip, *.uda, *.vxd, *.msi, *.wav, *.wmv, *.wma, *.mpg, *.avi, *.bmp, *.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.tif, *.xsd, *.bin, *.cfg, *.config, *.cpl, *.cur, *.cpa, *.cva, *.deb, *.def, *.din, *.dir, *.ds, *.forms, *.h, *.hdr, *.hgp, *.icm, *.js, *.lib, *.lng, *.sf2, *.sfb, *.sfm, *.syn, *.tag) DO CD /D "%%~dpX"& MAKECAB /V2 "%%X"& DEL /F /Q "%%X"& ECHO %%~dpX%%X>>"%~dp0makecab.log"