Hi. I aplogize if Im not write this post to propper forum.

I got a big pain with try to install xp from LAN

This is situation,  I got working bootable CD with inplement (use Nlite) sata drivers and is work few years, of course I got backup .ISO

So I get this .ISO and unpack with winrar to shared folder C:/serva_root\WIA_RIS on my other computer, then get program Serva NON-supporter from vercot.com and set like say tutorial on site, run serva.

On my computer I start wmplayer, set all like must be and start virtual machine, all work perfect until stop and show error on picture


I try put LAN drivers to installation with infparser method, with Nlite, and with DriverPacks BASE and allways get the same error.

I try few diferent software for PXE but all based on TFTP servers, and is the same error, or stop after long period after please vait note. I try to install on my computer and again same error.

Thank you for informations and sorry for may bad english.