Hey everyone,

i found something to identify the hardware typ (notebook/desktop).
Don't know if this can be implemented "easily" into the script.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … s.85).aspx

In a vbs script it looks like this:

' Get the SMBIOS asset tag from the Win32_SystemEnclosure class

Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_SystemEnclosure")
bIsLaptop = false
bIsDesktop = false
bIsServer = false
For each objInstance in objResults

        If objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 12 or objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 21 then
                ' Ignore docking stations

                If not IsNull(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag) then
                        sAssetTag = Trim(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag)
                End if
                Select Case objInstance.ChassisTypes(0)
                Case "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "18", "21"
                        bIsLaptop = true
                Case "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "15", "16"
                        bIsDesktop = true
                Case "23"
                        bIsServer = true
                Case Else
                        ' Do nothing
                End Select

        End if


For a Desktop it would only select the DriverPacks:

  • Audio

  • Chipset

  • Graphics A&B

  • LAN

  • MassStorage

  • Misc

and for a Laptop all DriverPacks without the Graphics A&B.

TechDud wrote:

...look for the presence of a battery to detect a portable, perhaps? hmm

I had the same idea, but did not found any command to check that.

mr_smartepants wrote:

Hmm.  It's possible.  I'd have to do some testing.
Maybe I'll put it on my "to do" list.

Would be great wink

mr_smartepants wrote:

I don't know how you'd do your second option.  How would the script know what machine it's running on?  I'm not going to have it scan HWIDs and match a table of known laptops.  That would take longer than to copy the files over! smile

Ok i thougt there is an registry entrie or something like this.

We use small script with identifiy the hardware typ.

FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A IN ('WMIC csproduct GET Name /VALUE ^| FIND /I "Name="') DO SET HWType=%%A
ECHO Computer model: "%HWType%"

With the identified typ e.g. HPCompaq8000EliteSFFPC the related driver installation will be started.

	call s:\Driver\Win7\%HWType%\32\8000E.bat

Sure this can not be used in your script, the hardware list will be too long.

But perhaps i can change your script for my needs.

Where can i configure that the script only extract the DP's X Y & Z and not all placed in the related folders ?
(Then i can create one for laptops and one for desktops)

Thanks in advance & Happy Easter holidays!

first, thanks mr_smartepants for the great script.
I think it will help me a lot in the next months deploying win7 to several different hardware configurations.

I miss only one "feature" (or perhaps i did not found it yet):

It is possible to install the drivers directly (method 1) from a network source ? (without copying it first to the systemdrive) ?
My hope is that it will be a little bi faster and save some bandwith.

And how can i procced if i will add drivers (OEM specific) manually (method 1&2)?


In option that the script check if the client is a laptop/desktop would be nice too.
So some packages does not need to coped (e.g. Desktop need to Mobile Graphics, WLAN, Touchpad / Laptop need no Graphics A/B) -> More bandwidth too save big_smile