(41 replies, posted in Other)

or could you use the nighlites? http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … nightlies/ ?


(41 replies, posted in Other)

I have the mass storage and beta of the base pack here - i ca provide a temp download site, but according to this site i'm not allowed to redistribute... so I'll only put it up if it's ok with Bâshrat the Sneaky. I don't mind hosting a temp mirror.


(10 replies, posted in Other)

his anti leeching page is based on a check of the HTTP referer value - if it isn't set to a predefined page (another URL of this site) then the browser is redirected to the antileech page. if it IS the correct page, the download proceeds.

a simple PHP snippet could be:

if($_SERVER["referer"] != "http://www.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=2519"){
  header("location: /leechers.php");
  //code to send file to client.


(41 replies, posted in Other)

just FYI: was showing your sie to a friend, and telling him about this small unfortunate problem when all of a sudden it worked!

I got the mass storage driver, saved and ready, but when i went back to get the base pack and LAN package they all failed again.

I hope the SP3 testing version works well enough to try  in the meantime.


(41 replies, posted in Other)

Hi! - I get the same message "503 temporaily unavailable" - in my attempts i tried FF(as well as iceweasel from a linux machine), MSIE, Opera and lynx - is there schedules downtime or is the antileech system acting up?

I got what what looked like an ascii dump of a file right after adding the sites to "trusted sites" in MSIE, and then the anti leech message, though i am not blocking referers. Anyone got a suggestion?