(8 replies, posted in Other)

No problem.  Thanks for letting me know so quickly.



(8 replies, posted in Other)

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

3. I'm working on that smile wink I'm in touch with the folks of 911cd.net to make it happen. You can expect it somewhere in the next two weeks.

Hi Bashrat,
  Any word on your driver update system for the driverpacks?



(8 replies, posted in Other)

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

1. There's a guide on how to do that, somewhere.
2. There's a plugin (not created by me) that can do this, but not completely I think.

I'll look for the guide and plugin, thanks.

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

3. I'm working on that smile wink I'm in touch with the folks of 911cd.net to make it happen. You can expect it somewhere in the next two weeks.

And I'll also keep an eye out for your system.  Thanks!



(8 replies, posted in Other)

Is there a way to use the Driver Packs with BartPE?  I've looked through the forums, but can't find anything (which may be a deficiency on my part.)