Does anyone know of a way to do this?Scenerio prior to shutting down for imaging the driver packs have been installed and finisher has been run with the sole purpose of putting the inf files in the inf folder and pointers on the devicepath %KTD%\whatever (dopnf) The image is put on another (different) machine and on starting up all new hardware is found and installed courtesy of the driver packs, if needed the Dsblr can be running.Now the new harware is installed time to reboot,reboot but now we would like to process for exceptions easy you can rerun the finisher this works but its slow as it wants to do its write inf/pnf thing is there a way to do this without this happening?? Any help much appreciated
1 2007-12-14 19:13:10
Re: Using driverpacks on a ready built image? (24 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)
2 2007-12-12 20:38:37
Re: Using driverpacks on a ready built image? (24 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)
Ah!Well youve almost created the perfect addition to the syspreppers (Acronis True Image) toolkit. Scenario create the system you want-add all Bâshrat the Sneaky drivers +inf/pnf's using (setupcopyoem.exe) or indeed THE FINISHER to the system uninstall the existing machine specific drivers (or sysprep) shut down and image the system.Recover to different machine on its way up it finds and loads its drivers including some oem###.inf/pnf drivers (Bâshrat the Sneaky) no problem but they just happen to require THE FINISHER no problem reboot with the finisher Required files extracted to root Run the finisher et voila exceptions added but all it needs is a couple of switches to stop it moving/deleting driver files if required and to stop it rewriting inf/pnf files if required ie using devcon hwid's compared against exception ini's to work PURELY as a finisher (exceptions only nothing fancy) dealing only with the exceptions.Hence all the questions.
But by reading them again and again finally I was able to grasp the essential part. What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I wept for joy.
Ho Chi Minh
3 2007-12-12 01:35:23
Re: Using driverpacks on a ready built image? (24 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)
I was going to ask a question about the finisher for use in imaging but after thinking about it would I be correct In assuming that when the finisher is run in KTD PATH:Foo that the inf/pnf files that are created also contain pointers to the .cpl .exe (exception files) that the finisher would have installed in normal mode (but only for the drivers (hardware) that is installed at the time.)i.e so after KTD any hardware, post installed would pick up exceptions if it had any because of the inf/pnf files.Is this true?
After reading many posts on this subject ive decided confusion rules and my summation of what the finisher does is, after installation of drivers finisher looks at the hardware via devcon checks against its exception list (.ini file)for those installed drivers and if there installs the exceptions,cleans up after itself and thats it. On the flip side if you keep the drivers it writes pnf's so if you installed hardware later it would pick up on the exceptions automagically.Is this correct??If so this would answer most my questions.Thanx Anybody!!
p.s If this is wrong it means that I am just as confused as everybody which would then lead me to my question is there any way to apply the finisher post install without it having to re write all the inf\pnf files if they are already there(if youve put them there for imaging)
THE finisher is what it says it is it just adds exceptions to the drivers that require them if they are installed.
One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. or
You always admire what you really don't understand.