Well I found out I could integrate em by selecting the folders within the folder called ROOT. They all integrated fine, now to try and make it a bootable iso again. Im not really sure how yikes

I have a 9 in 1 XP install cd for home/pro/media center for OEM/retail/corporate. I am a technichian so this is a very valuable CD for reinstalling windows on all types of customers computers. Luckily this CD already has SP2 slipstreamed into it however I would also like to get the MASS Storage driver pack working in it so I can install on computers with SATA drives. After some messing with the DP Base program I haven't been able to get it to recomend the 9 in 1 directory as a suitable enviorment. I am attaching some screen captures of the folder of the 9 in 1.

Root of the 9 in 1: The folders labeled XPHO, XPHR, XPMI, XPPC, XPPO, XPPR all have a system32 folder inside them as well as lots of .SY_ files.

The BSCRIPT folder within the 9 in 1:

The folder labeled ROOT within the 9 in 1:
All the folders in here have an i386 folder and basically look like their own windows xp install.

So is there anyway to get the mass storage pack integrated in this? That would be very helpful.