OK, Thanks!
1 2007-11-20 10:39:59
Re: How can DriverPacks support PXE install windowsxp??? (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
2 2007-11-20 10:39:22
Topic: How can DriverPacks support PXE install windowsxp??? (1 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)
recently,I study PXE install windowsXP by Linux Server,But through PXE install winxp,must be copy /i386 to appointed directory?DriverPacks Can't integration /i386 directory?SO Driverpasks can't user by PXE, Can you to solve this problem??I'm from China,English is too low,sorry!
3 2007-11-20 01:53:08
Topic: How can DriverPacks support PXE install windowsxp??? (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
recently,I study PXE install windowsXP by Linux Server,But through PXE install winxp,must be copy /i386 to appointed directory?DriverPacks Can't integration /i386 directory?SO Driverpasks can't user by PXE, Can you to solve this problem??I'm from China,English is too low,sorry!