Can't dowload the TV pack 'coz the link is dead.
1 2007-08-20 02:33:36
Re: [REL] [x86, 32 bit] DriverPack TV (7.08.05) (4 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
2 2007-06-23 07:07:34
Re: [SOLVED] KWorld TV878 card not recognized (4 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Downloaded the TV pack and it worked. Thank you.
3 2007-06-19 08:40:41
Topic: [SOLVED] KWorld TV878 card not recognized (4 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
I'm using the ALL the latest driverpacks, and everything installed beautifly - exept my KWorld TV878 card. I was going to post em here in attachment but it doesn't seem to be possible so I can only point in the right directio with a link,
Hope it makes it into the next version. Thank you !!!!